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1、1Unit 9 Breakfast一、教学内容:牛津小学英语 4B Unit 9 Breakfast A Read and say二、教学目标:1、能听懂,会说,会读 breakfast、cupboard、then.2、能听懂,会说,会读、会拼写 Wheres?Its Where are?TheyreTheres no 3、能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语 Whats for breakfast?Have some juice then.三、教学重点:1、能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写句型Where are the/ my?Theyre on / in / near Theres no on / i

2、n / near四、教学难点:正确使用 Where are the/ my?Theyre on / in / near 句型。五、课前准备:单词图片、教学课件、录音机和磁带。六、教学过程:Step 1: Review1 Free talk.2Say a story “Snow White and Seven dwarfs” (音乐伴奏)Look at the pictures and listen to the teacher.Snow White likes flower.白雪公主喜欢花。She likes animals, too. She is so kind.她也喜欢动物。她非常善良。

3、She finds a little house, knocks at the door.她发现一个小房子,敲了敲门。No one answers, so she comes into the house.没有人应答,所以她就走进屋子。2She finds the house is untidy. 她发现这个屋子不干净。Step2: Presentation and practice1. 教师出示堆满碗碟刀叉的图片T:This is their table.你觉得这个餐桌整洁吗?Ss: No!T: Whats on the table?S: Theres a hamburger、a glass

4、、some chocolate. There are some biscuits, some sweets and some hotdogs.2继续说故事she cleans the house, puts away the things.她打扫屋子,把东西收起来。Now she is tired and sleepy, so she goes to bed.现在她又累又困,所以她睡觉了。Seven dwarfs come home,they find the house is clean. But they cant find the food.七个小矮人回家了,他们发现屋子很干净。但是他们

5、找不到食物了。3.七个小矮人找东西T:猜一猜,七个小矮人在找什么?T: 猜猜他们在找什么?Teach: Where is the hamburger?Where is the milk?Where are the biscuits?Learning tips: 找东西时,单数和不可数名词用 Wheres the?复数用Where are the?T: They are in the cupboard.Teach: cupboard4.故事:Look, they singing and dancing happily.看,他们在开心地唱歌跳舞。T: Lets play games.Game1:

6、Guessing!3出示图片,用所给句型猜猜物品在哪里?Wheres the? Its/ Where are the? They areGame2: Magic eyes刘谦把餐桌上的食物变没了Teach: Theres no in/ on/ nearLearning tips: 没有某样东西时,我们可以说 Theres no in/ on/ near5.故事:The next morning, Snow White cooks breakfast for Seven dwarfs.第二天早晨,白雪公主为七个小矮人做早餐。Teach: Breakfast Whats for breakfast

7、?猜猜他们早餐吃什么?S1: Milk and hamburgers. S2: Noodles. T: Bread, pies and milk.T: S1, whats your breakfast?S1: T: Do you know whats for Helens breakfast?Step3: part A Read and say1. ExerciseTask1: Look and judge 看图判断正误。(1)Helen want to have lunch. F(2) The glass is on the table. F(3) The orange judge is i

8、n the fridge. T(4) Helen eats eggs in the morning. TTask2: Read and answer 看动画找问题Helen 提出了几个问题,请快速阅读课文,找出问句,并用直线划下来。学生读问句Task3. Read and answer 在文中找到问题的答案,用波浪线划下来。Question1: Wheres my glass?Answer: Its in the cupboard.Question2: Where are the eggs?4Answer: Theyre on the table.Question3: Wheres the m

9、ilk?Answer: Its in the fridge.(导出句子Mum ,theres no milk in the fridge. Have some juice then. Theres a carton of orange juice in the fridge.T:Whats for Helens breakfast at last?Ss: Orange juice, bread and eggs.Task4. Watch and complete 看课文动画,回忆课文内容,完成填空。Its time to have breakfast. The _ and bread are

10、on the _. Theres some juice in the _. Theres no _ in it. The _ is in the cupboard. 2. Read(1) 跟老师读。(2)齐读课文。(3)分角色表演课文。Step4: Consolidation1. Show time周末 Helen 和妈妈准备去郊游,出发前对话H: Mum, Shall we go to ?M: Good idea!H: Whats for lunch?M: H: Where is/ are ?M: Its/ Theyre on/ in H: Theres no M: Have somethe

11、n.H: Ok, lets go!2. Summarya. 不知道某样(些)东西在哪里应该问:5Wheres ? 或者 Where are?b. 没有某样东西了应该说:Theres noc. 问别人早饭吃什么应该说:Whats for breakfast?3. 情感目标Have breakfast everyday. Its good for your health.每天吃早饭有益健康。Step 5 Homework1.用本节课所学交际用语调查同学家人的早饭情况。2.跟着录音读课文。板书设计:Unit 9 BreakfastWhats for breakfast?Wheres? Its in/ on/ nearWhere are? They are in/ on/ nearTheres no in/ on/ near6


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