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1、,. 选词配图 cake, card, party, present, music 答案:1. party 2. music 3. cake,. 句型展示 1. 让我们送给他一张生日卡片吧。 Lets _ _ a birthday card. 2. 我们经常为他的生日做蛋糕。 We often _ a cake _ his birthday. 答案:1. send him 2. make; for,3. 他从不玩电脑游戏。 He _ _ computer games. 4. 托尼总是喜欢聚会。 Tony _ _ parties. 答案:3. never plays 4. always like

2、s,Lets send him a birthday card. 让我们送给他一张贺卡吧。 (1)本句是以lets开头的祈使句,表示征求意见或提供建议,意为“让我们”,后接动词原形,构成let sb. do sth. (2)send sb. sth. 意为“送给/ 寄给某人某物” (1)Lets have a party, _ ? (改为反意疑问句) (2)We usually send him a card. (改为同义句) We usually send _ _ _ _ .,【点拨】(1)shall we (2)a card to him (1) Lets. . . 句型的反意疑问句常用s

3、hall we; Let us. . . 句型的反意疑问句常用will you。 (2)send sb. sth. = send sth. to sb. , 有类似用法的词还有give (给), show (展示,出示) 等。 当sth. 为代词宾格it/ them时,只能用send sth. to sb.,We often make a cake for his birthday. 我们常常为他的生日做蛋糕。 make是动词,其后接名词。意为“制作,制造”,常用于句式make sb. sth. =make sth. for sb. 意为“为某人做某事”,类似的词有buy, cook等。注意它

4、们与send, give等词的区别:,Mum often makes me _ (eat) more fruit and vegetables. 【点拨】eat。make sb. do sth. 为固定用法,意为“使某人做某事”,make后跟省略to的动词不定式。类似的动词还有let, have等。,. 选词并用其正确形式填空(5分钟,10分) play, live, get, not go, it 1. My sister _ in Taian. 2. We like _ computer games. 3. My friend _ to school today. 4. I have go

5、t a cat. _ name is Mimi. 5. He goes to the library and _ two books. 答案:1. lives 2. playing 3. doesnt go 4. Its 5. gets,. 完成句子(5分钟,10分) 1. 星期天晚上他们经常举办聚会。 They often _ _ _ on Sunday evenings. 2. 我们常给云南的孩子们寄书。 We often _ some books _ the children in Yunnan. 答案:1. have a party 2. send; to,3. 在她生日那天她从父母那

6、里得到了一台新电脑。 She _ a new computer _ her parents on her birthday. 4. 你会做蛋糕吗? Can you _ _ _ ? 答案:3. gets; from 4. make a cake,句型展示 1. 大明的叔叔喜欢看书,他看很多书和杂志。 Damings uncle _ _ and he reads _ _ books and magazines. 2. 她从来不去电影院。 She _ _ to the cinema. 答案:1. likes reading; lots of 2. never goes,3. 她弹钢琴并喜欢唱歌。 S

7、he _ _ _ and _ singing. 4. 她通常买她最喜欢的歌手的唱片。 She usually _ CDs _ her favourite singers. 5. 他们最喜爱的衣服是牛仔裤和T恤衫。 Their favourite clothes _ jeans and T-shirts. 答案:3. plays the piano; likes 4. buys; by 5. are,图片、短语连一连 1. A. a pair of trainers 2. B. a box of chocolates 3. C. a novel,4. D. a concert ticket 5.

8、 E. a silk shirt 答案:15. BCAED,Damings uncle likes reading and he reads lots of books and magazines. lots of= a lot of “许多;大量”。既可以修饰可数名词的复数形式,也可以修饰不可数名词。,(1)There is lots of water here. (改为同义句) There is _ water here. (2)I have lots of books. (改为同义句) I have _ books. 【点拨】(1)much (2)many a lot of 后接不可数名

9、词时,相当于much; 后接可数名词复数形式时,相当于many。,1. a pair of jeans 一条牛仔裤 a pair of意为“一对(双,条,副)”,用于由两部分组成或成双成对的东西。后接可数名词复数形式。,用is/are完成句子 (1)That pair of glasses _ Toms. (2)These two pairs of trainers _ new. 【点拨】(1)is (2)are 如果a pair of短语作主语时,句子的谓语动词一般用单数形式;如果是two / three / some pairs of短语作主语,句子的谓语动词用复数形式;即与pair的数保

10、持一致。,2. She likes clothes and she usually wears silk shirts. 她喜欢衣服,并且经常穿丝绸衬衫。 (1)clothes n. 衣服,指身上穿的各种服装,包括上衣、裤子、内衣等;是复数名词,不能直接与数词连用;作主语时,谓语动词用复数。 (2)wear意为“穿、戴”,其后接衣服,鞋帽,眼镜等名词。,用put on, wear填空。 (1)Please _ your clothes. (2)He _ a pair of glasses. 【点拨】(1)put on (2)wears put on和wear都有“穿,戴”之意。put on表示

11、动作,wear表示状态。,. 从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空(5分钟,10分) it, different, be, on, silk 1. We can learn English _ television. 2. I have got a dog. _ name is Gougou. 答案:1. on 2. Its,3. There are many _ between Tom and David. 4. Do you like the _ shirt? 5. This pair of trainers _ my fathers. 答案:3. differences 4. silk

12、 5. is,. 单项选择(5分钟,10分) ( )1. I buy a new bike _ Jim. A. to B. for C. with D. about ( )2. He often reads novels _ he never goes to the cinema. A. and B. but C. so D. for ( )3. They never _ to work in the factory on Sunday. A. goes B. go C. gos D. to go,( )4. I like the song _ S. H. E. . They are my f

13、avourite singers. A. to B. on C. by D. about ( )5. Daming _ to music in his bedroom. A. always listen B. always listens C. listen always D. always listening,. 从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空(5分钟,10分) watch, like, be, send, cloth,do 1. Lets _ a CD to Mary at her birthday party. 2. There are lots of _ in Lindas r

14、oom. 答案:1. send 2. clothes,3. _ you _ playing basketball? 4. Where _ your sports shoes? They are under the bed. 5. His aunt often _ TV at home. 答案:3. Do; like 4. are 5. watches,. 单项选择(5分钟,10分) ( )1. Tan Jing is my favourite singer. I often buy CDs _ her. Sometimes I listen to her music _ TV. A. by; on B. from; in C. by ; by D. on; on ( )2. My sister _ doing her homework. She _ doing the housework. A. dont like; like B. doesnt like; likes C. dont like; likes D. doesnt like; like,( )3. He is a football fan (迷). He _ football in the afternoon. A. never


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