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1、网考英语语法汇总,刘冬萍,名词,By Hmily,College English Test,3,名词的分类,抽象名词 education 物质名词 water rice 集合名词 family police people 个体名词(大于等于2时出现复数的变化)books, buses,dishes,benches,boxes,radios,potatoes,leaves,knives,cities,sheep,By Hmily,College English Test,4,名词的几个要点,名词的数:个体名词的复数变化 名词的性:purse - wallet boy - girl bride -

2、 bridegroom 名词的格:Toms book Bank of China,By Hmily,College English Test,6,不定冠词,名词开头的第一个音标是元音时前面使用不定冠词 an an hour 名词开头的第一个音标是辅音时前面使用不定冠词 a a university,By Hmily,College English Test,7,定冠词,专有名词之前 the Great Wall 世界上独一无二的事物之前 the sun 形容词的最高级之前 the best 序数词之前 the third 特指 on the desk 上文提到过的事物后文再次提到 I have

3、 a book, the book is green。,代词,By Hmily,College English Test,9,指示代词 2) hundred, thousand, million用于数目时不用复数。,By Hmily,College English Test,15,3) dozen(12),score(20)与hundred, thousand等词用法相同 e.g.: 123,456,789 a hundred and twenty-three million four hundred and fifty-six thousand seven hundred and eight

4、y-nine 40 two score 4) 用作粗略表示,仅为大概数目时,以上词可用复数。 hundreds of thousands of scores of dozens of,By Hmily,College English Test,16,2、序数词 first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth t

5、wenty-first thirty-second hundredth 注意: 序数词之前一般要用定冠词,By Hmily,College English Test,17,3、习惯用法: 1)年份读写年份时,先读前两位,再读后两位,如: 1995 nineteen ninety-five 1807 eighteen and (or “0”) seven 2000 two thousand 1800 eighteen hundred “公元前” B.C. “公元” A.D. 2) 日期日期一般要用序数词表示,英美写法有所不同 美国: 8/21/95 August 21, 1995 August

6、21st, 1995 英国: 21/8/95 21 August, 1995 21st August, 1995,By Hmily,College English Test,18,3) 时刻:下面表达中,后者更为常用 英国用法:7:00 seven oclock/ seven a.m. (p.m.) 8:15 a quarter past eight/ eight fifteen 9:45 a quarter to ten/ nine forty-five 4:30 half past four/ four thirty 美国用法中用after替代past 7:00 还可表示为seven hu

7、ndred hours,By Hmily,College English Test,19,4) 加, 减, 乘,除 224 Two plus two equal (s) four. 10-3=7 Ten minus three is seven. 9x6=54 Nine times (multiplied by) six is fifty- four. 20/4=5 Twenty divided by four is five. 5) 电话号码: 每一个数字单个读出,不用十位数,0读作oh, (美国常读作zero, 或nought)。如果相同的数字成双出现,可读作double x. 84222

8、77 eight four two two two seven seven 8422277 eight four two double two double seven Ext 3147 Extension three one four seven,By Hmily,College English Test,20,小数 小数点前的数字按基数词读, 小数点后的数字则须一一读出 11.25 eleven point two five 3.728 three point seven two eight 0.56 zero point five six 123.009 a hundred and tw

9、enty-three point zero zero night 4. 百分数 百分号读作 per cent 5% five per cent 0.5% zero point five per cent 300% three hundred per cent,动词的16种时态小节,By Hmily,College English Test,22,时态概述 英语共有16种时态,其中基本时态为五种,分别是一般现在时,现在进行时,一般将来时,一般过去时和现在完成时。 英语的时态有三个时间的基本概念,即现在,过去和将来。同时,英语的时态有三个基本的“体”,分别是一般,进行和完成。英语的其他时态都是由以

10、上概念交织构成的。 首先,我们从英语的五种基本时态讲起。侧重三部分:,By Hmily,College English Test,23,A. 表示:,一般现在时(1)普遍真理(2)事物所处的一般状态 (3)经常习惯性的动作 Tom writes a letter at home every week. 现在进行时(1) 此刻正在进行的动作 (2)当前这一阶段正在进行的动作 Tom is writing a letter at home now. 一般将来时 表示将要发生的动作和情况 Tom will write a letter at home tomorrow. 一般过去时 过去某时发生的动

11、作和情况 Tom wrote a letter at home yesterday. 现在完成时 从过去某一时刻开始的动作到现在的结果 Tom has written a letter at home for an hour.,By Hmily,College English Test,24,B.形式: 一般现在时动词原形(第三人称单数) 助动词为do (does) Does Tom write a letter every day? 现在进行时be doing 助动词为be Is Tom writing a letter now? 一般将来时will/shall +动词原形 助动词为will

12、/shall Will Tom write a letter tomorrow? 一般过去时动词过去式 助动词为did Did Tom write a letter yesterday? 现在完成时-动词的过去分词 助动词为have (has) Has Tom written a letter for an hour?,By Hmily,College English Test,25,C.标志性时间状语 一般现在时:every ,often, usually, sometimes 现在进行时:now, at the moment, at present, Look, Listen 一般将来时:

13、tomorrow ,next , in+ 一段时间,soon, the day after tomorrow 一般过去时:yesterday ,last , 一段时间+ago, the day before yesterday 现在完成时: already, yet, ever, never, for+一段时间, since+时间点, just,By Hmily,College English Test,26,十六种时态列表以write为例,在16种时态中形式,By Hmily,College English Test,27,4.句型转换(否定及疑问句) Tom wrote a letter

14、at home yesterday. 否定句:在系动词、情态动词、助动词之后加not Tom didnt write a letter at home yesterday. 一般疑问句:将系动词、情态动词、助动词提前 Did Tom write a letter at home yesterday? 特殊疑问句:1)对主语提问直接用特殊疑问词替换 Who wrote a letter at home yesterday? 2)一般特殊疑问词+一般疑问句,去掉被问部分 Where did Tom write a letter yesterday? 3)对谓语部分提问特殊疑问词+一般疑问句,并用的

15、 相应形式替换被问部分 What did Tom do at home yesterday?,By Hmily,College English Test,28,5、特殊疑问词小结 (1)对主语提问:who,whose+名词,which+名词 (2)对时间状语提问:when(对泛泛的时间提问), how long(对一段时间提问),what time(具体几点) (3)其他:how(对方式提问),how soon(多久), how old(多大),how often(频率提问), where(地点) how many+可数名词(多少),how much+不可数名词, why(对原因提问),what(对事物提问) 注意:He visited Beijing three or four times a


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