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1、2016年浙江省高考猜题密卷第六模拟英语一、单项选择:共20题1You look sleepy and tired. You didnt sleep well last night?I have caught a cold for a few days.A.No trouble at all.B.You got it.C.Dont worry.D.Mind your own business.【答案】B【解析】你看起来很困乏、很疲倦,昨晚没睡好吗?你说对了,我感冒几天了。根据答语后半句可知,You got it你说对了符合语境。 2How much time do you spend in f

2、ront ofscreen each day playing video games, surfingInternet or watching TV?A.the; 不填B.a; theC.a; 不填D.不填; the【答案】B【解析】句意:你每天花多少时间在屏幕前玩电子游戏、上网或看电视?第一空,screen为可数名词,且在此表泛指,故前面加不定冠词;第二空,surf the Internet上网是固定搭配,故用定冠词。 3When I got into the office, I found Mr. Greenin his work, without noticing my arrival.

3、A.buriedB.buryingC.to buryD.to be buried【答案】A【解析】句意:当我走进办公室时,我发现格林先生正埋头工作,没有注意到我的到来。be buried in是固定短语,表示埋头于,忙于,此处是考查过去分词作宾补的用法。 4Professor Qianat a news conference,It is profits that drive many food producers to do illegal things.A.discoveredB.exploredC.observedD.imagined【答案】C【解析】句意:正是利益驱动着许多食品厂家去做违

4、法的事情,钱教授在一个新闻发布会上评论说。discover发现;explore探索;observe评论;imagine想象。 5Mr. Bean looks from the menu to all his money withuntil he finds something that he can afford.A.satisfactionB.curiosityC.preferenceD.concern【答案】D【解析】句意:憨豆先生忧心忡忡地看看菜单又看看自己所有的钱,直到他找到一些自己可以买得起的东西。根据语境可知,concern担忧符合语境。 6Personally, it was h

5、is laziness rather than his intelligence thatthe failure.A.resulted fromB.led toC.made up forD.gave in to【答案】B【解析】句意:我个人认为,是他的懒惰而不是智力导致了失败。根据句意应选择lead to导致。result from由引起,make up for弥补,give in to屈服于,向让步。 7Id like to give this gift tofinds out the solution to this complicated problem.A.whomeverB.whom

6、C.whoeverD.who【答案】C【解析】句意:我愿意将这份礼物送给任何找到这个难题的解决办法的人。whoever相当于anyone who,在此引导宾语从句,且在从句中作主语。 8The girl looks so happy. Sheabout the result of her performance.A.should have knownB.would have knownC.could have knownD.must have known【答案】D【解析】句意:那个女孩看起来很高兴。她一定知道了表演的结果。根据The girl looks so happy可推断出她肯定知道了表

7、演的结果,表示对过去的肯定推测应使用must have done。 9When I was in high school, Dad retired anda food stand on the street near my school.A.took upB.set upC.brought upD.picked up【答案】B【解析】句意:我上高中时,爸爸退休了,在我学校附近的街上摆了一个食品摊。当表示建立,搭建时,应使用set up。take up从事;bring up提出;pick up拾起,学会。 10is often the case, a small child will feel

8、unhappy and cry a lot the first time he or she goes to kindergarten.A.AsB.WhichC.ThatD.What【答案】A【解析】句意:情况总是这样,一个小孩第一次上幼儿园时总会不高兴并会大哭不止。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句,当从句位于句首时,必须使用as引导。 11All the students think the new English teacher is warm and, so they make friends with her soon.A.accessibleB.availab

9、leC.convenientD.responsible【答案】A【解析】句意:所有学生都认为新英语老师既热心又平易近人,所以他们很快就与她成为朋友了。根据句意应选择accessible表示平易近人的,好相处的。available可得到的,有空的;convenient方便的;responsible负责任的。 12In that poor family, a baby boy came into this world. But, he didnt come with a cry, which was a big problem.A.abruptlyB.unfortunatelyC.innocent

10、lyD.differently【答案】B【解析】句意:在那个贫穷的家庭里,一个小男孩出生了。但不幸的是,他并没有带着啼哭声来到这个世上,这是一个重大问题。根据句意及句中的But可知,应选择unfortunately。 13Besides his own work, the class master does everything he can do for the class, hoping his efforts will not bein the end.A.in forceB.in effectC.in needD.in vain【答案】D【解析】句意:除了本职工作外,那位班主任为这个班

11、级做了他能做的所有的事情,他希望他的努力最终不会白费。in vain徒劳,白费力气,符合句意。 14As a great scientist, little joy can equalof being awarded the Nobel Prize.A.thatB.thisC.itD.one【答案】A【解析】句意:作为一个伟大的科学家,任何喜悦都赶不上获得诺贝尔奖。空处指代获得诺贝尔奖的喜悦,与前面的joy相比是同类不同物,应使用that代替。 15When you have finished the book, be sure to place itit used to be.A.which

12、B.whereC.thatD.how【答案】B【解析】句意:当你读完这本书时,一定把它放到它原来的位置上。分析句子结构可知,空处引导地点状语从句,且在句中作地点状语,应选择where。 16The firefighter devoted everything including his own life to his cause after he_in the army for more than ten years.A.servedB.has servedC.had servedD.has been serving【答案】C【解析】句意:这名消防队员在部队里服役十多年,为了他的事业贡献了自己

13、的一切包括自己的生命。serve是发生在devoted之前的动作,在此表示过去的过去,应使用过去完成时。 17I have said so much but in brief theres only one thing I want to stress, everybody should be punctual tomorrow.A.that isB.believe it or notC.to tell the truthD.for example【答案】A【解析】句意:我说了这么多,但简言之我仅想强调一点,那就是明天大家必须得准时。分析句子结构可知,空处是对前面的具体说明,应使用that i

14、s那就是说,亦即。 18When I was a young child, I liked lying on the grass in the back yard of my house_the starry sky, imagining what was in heaven.A.beyondB.beneathC.acrossD.around【答案】B【解析】句意:当我是个小孩子的时候,我喜欢躺在我家后院的草地上,在星空下想象着天堂上有些什么。beneath在下面,符合语境。 19The deadline of the scientific design competition is drawing near, so the monitor_us to accelerate our pace.A.persuadedB.allowedC.urgedD.threatened【答案】C【解析】句意:科学设计竞赛的截止日期就要到了,所以班长催促我们加快进度。urge催促符合句意。 20I want to be a great writer like Mo Yan one day!You can make it as long as you make efforts.A.Far from enough.B.Its


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