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1、牛津英语高二上册Unit 3,金山英语 Alicia Pan 潘晓霞,Contents,Key words,Key expressions,Key sentences,Grammar,4,1,2,3,Key words,n. elementary, fashion, fur, pressure, resistance, sight v. adopt, affect, afford, appreciate, complain, illustrate, link, promote, reduce, ruin adj. academic, extinct, fashionable,Key expre

2、ssions,a piece of, be keen on, be linked to, bring along, close down,go against, go out of style, peer pressure, public school, school uniform, search for,Key sentences,To illustrate my talk, I have brought along five objects. I think the more you spend the better the quality. However, Im not as kee

3、n on fashion as my brother Gray. Was it worth a trip to London to buy these?,Grammar,restrictive and non-restrictive relative clause (限制性和非限制性定语从句) non-restrictive clauses that use which to refer to the whole clause.(非限制性定语从句用which只带整个句子) non-restrictive relative clauses with one of whom, some of wh

4、ich, etc.(带有one of whom, some of which等的非限制性定语从句),Key words in detail,fashion n. popular style at a given time or place 流行的式样,时尚 e.g. Fashions in art and literature are changing constantly. (2)singmanner of way of doing sth. e.g. He walks in a peculiar fashion. 【常用搭配】 be in/ come into fashion 正时兴,正流

5、行 be in/ follow the fashion赶时髦,随大流 be/go out of fashion 过时,Key words in detail,2. fashionable adj. in a style or design which is popular at that time; in fashion 流行的式样,时尚 e.g. It is fashionable to go to travel in Europe. This dress is in such a good style that it will be fashionable for many years.

6、fashionable ladies 3. illustrate v. explain or make sth. clear by examples, diagrams, pictures, etc. 说明,阐明某事 e.g. Nothing illustrated his selfishness more clearly than his behaviour to his wife.,Key words in detail,(2)supply sth. with pictures, diagrams, etc.给画插图,配上插图 e.g. The writer used many pictu

7、res in Oxford English to illustrate the content of the book better. 【常用搭配】illustrate sth. with sth. / by doing sth. 用某事/做某事去阐明某事 e.g. He illustrated his point with/ by relating to his own experience. 他联系自己的经历来阐明他的观点。 【派生】 illustration n. 解释,说明,插图 illustrator n. 为书制作插图的人 illustrative adj. 解释性的,说明性的 4

8、. object n. (1) solid thing that can be seen or touched 可看到和触摸的实物;物体 e.g. There were several objects on the floor of the room.,Key words in detail,(2) person or thing to which sth is done or some feeling or thought is directed 对象,客体(行为、感觉或思想所及的人或物) e.g. This church is the main object of his interest

9、. (3) thing aimed at; intention, purpose目标,意向,目的 e.g. His object in life is to earn as much money as possible. 【知识扩展】object v. say that one is not in favor (of sb./sth.); protest 不赞成,反对,抗议 object to sth./sb. 5. blouse n. a garment like a shirt, worn by women 女衬衫 e.g. She was wearing a shirt and blou

10、se.,Key words in detail,6. afford v. have enough time or money to do sth. or to buy sth. (often used with can, could and be able to)有足够的时间做某事,买得起(经常与can, could, be able to连用) e.g. I cant afford (to buy) the car. (2)be able to do sth. without risk to oneself承担得起 e.g. I mustnt annoy my boss because I

11、cant afford to lose my job. 7. sight n. a famous place often visited by tourists名胜,观光地 e.g. Come and see the sights of London. (2) thing (to be) seen, or worth seeing, esp sth remarkable 景物;景象;尤指奇观,壮观 e.g. The sunset is a beautiful sight.,Key words in detail,(3)ability to see视力 e.g. Birds have bette

12、r sight than dogs. (4) action of seeing sb./sth看见 e.g. I cant bear the sight of blood. (5) range within which sb. can see or sth can be seen视野 Never let him out of your sight for a moment. 【常用搭配】 (1) at the first sight 乍一看 At the first sight, the problem is easy to solve. (2) at the sight of 看到His f

13、ace lit up at the sight of his lovely daughter. (3)in/within sight可以看见There was not a single student within sight. (4)out of sight 看不见 Out of sight, out of mind.,Key words in detail,8. appreciate v. (1) to understand the value of sth.欣赏,鉴赏 e.g. It is nice to sit on the beach appreciating the beautif

14、ul sunset. (2) to be thankful or grateful for 感激 e.g. I really appreciate your timely help. 【派生】appreciation n. 鉴定,欣赏,感激 9. ruin v. cause the destruction of sth./sb.毁坏,毁灭 e.g. The storm ruined the crops. 【派生】ruin n. 毁灭;废墟 e.g. an ancient temple which has fallen into ruin The earthquake left the whol

15、e town in ruins,Key words in detail,10. affect v. to influence影响;作用 e.g. The climate affected his health. (2) (of disease) attack (sb./sth.), infect(指疾病)侵袭某人或某物;感染 e.g. Cancer had affected his lungs. 【比较】effect n. 效果 have effect on 对有影响 take effect 生效 in effect事实上,简直是 11. extinct adj. (1)(esp. of a

16、type of animal, etc.) no longer in existence(尤指某种动物等)不再存在的;绝种的;灭绝的 e.g. The woolen elephant has been extinct for a long time. (2) (of a volcano) no longer active (指火山)不再活跃的;熄灭的 e.g. an extinct volcano,Key words in detail,12.elementary adj. (1)of or in the beginning stages (of a course of study)(一门课程的)入门阶段,初级的 e.g. elementary education, elementary class (2) dealing with the simplest facts, basic基础的,基本的 e.g. elementary mathematics 13. reduce v. reduce sb./sth. (from sth)to make sth.



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