新视野大学英语2 Time-Conscious Americans

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《新视野大学英语2 Time-Conscious Americans》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新视野大学英语2 Time-Conscious Americans(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Time-Conscious Americans,Unit 1 Section A,Contents,Warming-up Activities,Thinking,Listening,Suggestion,Discussing,Situation 1: Dr. Tom McDivern from NY is practicing medicine in a rural area in Saudi Arabia. His opening day was booked fully a week ago. But half an hour passed, neither of his first t

2、wo patients arrived.,Why?,Why?,Why?,Warming-up Activities,Thinking,Americans tend to be _.,To the Arabians, _ _ is acceptable.,punctual,half an hour,or 40 minutes late,Warming-up Activities,Thinking,Situation 2: On your way home, it occurred to you that your American friend Mary had invited you to v

3、isit her when you were free. Then you dropped in on her house.,But when you knocked at the door ,Warming-up Activities,Thinking,In China, its OK to visit friends without calling ahead of time. While in the U.S., its impolite to do so.,Mary felt surprised. Why?,Oh my Goddess.,Warming-up Activities,Th

4、inking,What is the polite way in the U.S.?,Calling ahead of time.,Warming-up Activities,Thinking,Before 7:00, to help her to prepare. B. 510 late, not to be the first guest. C. After 8:00, Im the VIP. D. 510 earlier, its a polite way to show my respect for her.,Situation 3: Your American friend invi

5、ted you to her party tonight at 7:30. When are you supposed to get there? Why?,Warming-up Activities,Thinking,In the U.S., people tend to be _.,In China, close friends tend to arrive _, but acquaintances tend to arrive _.,510 late (B),before 7:00 (A),510 earlier (D),Warming-up Activities,Thinking,Wh

6、at leads to these differences?,THIS MAY BE DUE TO CULTURAL DIFFERENCES,Monochronic Time is a commodity. It is necessary to use time wisely and not waste it. Efficiency is very important resulting in a sense of urgency in many matters. Time is the given and people are the variable.,Polychronic Time i

7、s limitless. Time is not quantifiable. There is always more time, and people are never too busy. Time is the servant and tool of people and is adjusted to suit the needs of people.,Warming-up Activities,Thinking,Time is the _ in all places, but peoples relationship with time is _ from country to cou

8、ntry. In the _, time is real, precious resource, and every minute _. People here are always in a rush and under _. There are no short conversations or small _ with strangers because people think it is _. Does this sound like your country? If it does not and if you dont think you _ such a place you w

9、ould most _ be unhappy in the United States where doing things quickly is _ as a skill.,same,different,United States,counts,pressure,exchanges,a waste of time,would like,likely,seen,Warming-up Activities,Listening,1. greetings 2. thinking 3. expressing ideas 4. educating 5. parenting,6. responding t

10、o compliments & praise ,Cultural differences exist in the ways of ,Warming-up Activities,Discussing,Learning a foreign language well means more than mastering the pronunciation, grammar and expressions. It also means learning its culture.,Warming-up Activities,Suggestion,Reading Comprehension,Fast r

11、eading,Main idea,Detailed reading,Oral report,Reading Comprehension,A. Americans start talking business quickly because they normally know others by professional assessment. B. Americans treat time as a precious resource and want every minute to count. C. In the U.S., a final agreement will be signe

12、d in teleconferences. D. Americans manufacture labor-saving devices to save time. E. Finishing a job successfully means being skillful and competent to solve a problem. F. Americans impress foreigners with their great focus on time. G. Time and labor are two elements that Americans save carefully. H

13、. It is polite to work quickly in American, while it may be impolite for some foreigners. I. Hurry in daytime meals and in a store is common in America. J. New arrivals in America do not get used to have a business call without opening exchanges.,Par. 4,Par. 2,Par. 6,Par. 5,Par. 8,Par. 3,Par. 1,Par.

14、 8,Par. 3,Par. 4,Fast reading,Reading Comprehension,Main idea,Please read the text and try to find the topic sentences of some paragraphs or sum up the main ideas of the other paragraphs.,Reading Comprehension,Main idea,This text is an _ writing in that the writer tells us how American treat _ as a

15、precious resource. They hold that it is a sign of skillfulness or being _ to solve a problem, or fulfill a job successfully, with _. However, people of different cultures believe that it is impolite to work too _ and that assignments are, consequently, given added weight by the _ of time.,expository,time,competent,speed,quickly,passage,Reading Comprehension,Detailed reading,Please read the text and answer the questions on page 7.,Reading Comprehension,Oral report,How do you understand “Once the sands have run out of a persons hourglass, they cannot be replaced”? 2. D



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