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1、上海版牛津英语2BM1教案精品文档Teaching Plan of Oxford English 2BModule1 Unit1 What can you see?单元分析一、教材地位 在过去的英语学习中,学生已经能听说并运用What colour is it? Its What can you see? I can see a/an, What do you hear? I hear / What do you see? I see 进行简单问答,也已学了一些表示颜色的单词:red, yellow, blue, green, bag, van, bicycle等,学生能听说white, bl

2、ack, orange, purple, brown等词。在本单元里,将学习以下主要内容:单词:white, purple, pink, orange, brown, black, 句型:What colour are they? They areWhat can you see? I can see通过本单元学习,学生能用4-5句话介绍自己看到的二者以上的东西,并说说它们的颜色。二、学习目标:1. 能听、说、认读“white, purple, pink, orange, brown, black”。2 能运用句型“What colour are ?”提问,并能根据实际情况回答问题,认读句型。

3、3 能认读句型“They are ”,描述事物并认读句型。4. 能有节奏,有感情地表演儿歌,做出相应的动作。三、情感目标:帮助学生认识五彩缤纷的大自然。四教时分配Period 1: 整合Look and learn与Listen and enjoy,,复习red, blue, yellow, green, 学习并运用What can you see? I can see 和What colour is it? Its 来问答, 学习词汇purple, white, black, pink, brown.Period 2: 整合Look and say与Say and act,以学习 What

4、colour are they? They are为主,进行对话训练. 补充What colour are the ? Theyre 的句型。Period 3: 学习Listen and enjoy中的歌曲,学习play a game中字母发音的儿歌。Period 1. Contents: 1. Words: purple,pink,brown, black2. Structures: What colour is it? Its What can you see? I can see They are 3. Language Function: Using adjectives to ide

5、ntify coloursUsing Wh-question to find out the colour of object. Difficult point: brown & black的部分发音不同和句型what colour 及What do you see? & What can you see?的问答。. Culture: 教育学生热爱美好的生活和大自然。. Teaching aids: Multi-meadia Player. Procedure:学习目标导学方法教后反思能进入英语学习的状态并回忆起学过的颜色和相关句型。1. Pre-task Preparation1) Play

6、 a guessing gameWhat colour is it?2) Say a chant of coloursRed, red, its red._,_, its _.3) Look and say:What colour is it? Its 能听、说、拼读purple, 了解含义,正确运用。能听、说、拼读pink, 了解含义,正确运用。能听、说、拼读brown, 了解含义,正确运用。能听、说、拼读black, 了解含义,正确运用。2. While-task Procedure1) Word: purpleA. Elicitation:Invite Micky to magicB.

7、Spelling & SoundC. Phrase: a purple_D. Sentences: Purple, purple, they are purple.E. Talk:Have a dialogue with Micky on the farm.Look at the farm.Its big and nice.What can you see? What colour is it?2) Word: pinkA. Elicit by the flower on the farmB. Spelling & SoundC. Sentence: Pink, pink, its pink.

8、 I see a _. Its pink. Pink, pink,they are pink.3) Word: brownA. Elicitation by a brown house What can you see? (I can see a house.) What colour is it? Its brown. How cool!B. SoundC. Little chant: Brown, brown, its brown.D. Dialogue Micky: There are some brown animals in the zoo? What can you see in

9、the zoo?A: What can you see?B: I can see _.A: What colour is it?B: Its brown.A & B: Brown, brown, they are brown.4) Word: blackA. Elicitate by the pandaPlay a guessing game.Is it _( colour)?Yes, its _. /No, its _.B. Phrases: A black _A black and white _C. chantBlack, black, I see a _. Its black.Blac

10、k, black, they are black.能根据情景用主要句型和颜色类单词进行简单对话。能用若干句话描述所见事物。教育学生热爱生活,热爱学习。3. Post-task Activities1)Say and act:Micky: Hello! B: Hi! Look at the farm.Micky: Its big and nice. What can you see? B: I can see Micky: What colour is it?B: Its 2) Act out Micky to retell the passage.Hello, Im Micky. Look a

11、t the farm. Its big and nice. I can see a house. Its brown and black. Its cool. I see a duck. Its yellow and lovely. I can see 3)Learn more: Colourful Colourful farm, colourful life, I love you.We should love our life. We should word hard.2)HomeworkA. Listen and read P2P5B. Recite P2Period 2. Conten

12、ts: 1. Words: purple,pink,brown, black2. Structures: What colour is it? Its What colour are they? They are What can you see? I can see + 复数名词 3. Language Function: Using adjectives to identify colours fluently.Using Wh-questions to find out the colours of objects. Difficult point:句型what colour are t

13、hey? What can you see?的问答。. Culture: 教育学生热爱美好的生活和大自然。. Teaching aids: Multi-media Player. Procedure:学习目标导学方法教后反思能进入英语学习的状态并回忆起旧知1. Pre-task Preparation1) Enjoy a chant:2) Revision:What can you see? I can see What colour is it? Its .2. While-task Procedure1) Sentence: What can you see? I can see +复数A

14、. Elicitation:B. Spelling & SoundC. Some chants.What, what, what can you see?I can see _.(different kinds of things)D. Talk: Have a dialogue on the farm.2) Sentences: What colour are they? They are A. Elicitation: according to the dialogue.B. Sounds and tonesC. chantD. Ask and answer. What colour are they? They are E. Dialogue: What can you see? I can see What colour are they? They are


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