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1、U1 Body language1. With the development of science and technology, _ is much easier than before. (communicate)2. Who will make a _ at the class meeting? (speak)3. He drove too fast and the car was out of _when he was going around the corner. (control)4. Inside _ is the most important for a person. (

2、beautiful)5. My parents got an _ from one of my cousins to his party. (invite)6. Take care not to be _ to the customers. (polite)7. She is very ill but she looks as _ and happy as ever. (cheer)8. Are you _ now? You look a little tired. (health)9. We all shouted _ (cheer) when we saw the firework in

3、the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. 10. Can you give me some _ (advise)?11. Mr White is one of the mans _ (employee)12. My mother looks _ (happen). Look! She is cooking _(happy)13. I dont think speech is the only method of _(communicate)14. Thanks for your _ (invite)15. The boy likes to do

4、 homework while _ (listen) to music. 16. _ (stare) at others is impolite. 17. -How do you study English ? - By _ (ask) teachers for help. 18. I think the way we say something is _ (important) than the thing we say. 19. _ (speak) is the way of communication. 20. Swan Lake is one of _ (famous) ballets

5、. 21. -_ you even_ (be) to Paris ? -Yes, I have. 22. Your clothes are too dirty. They need _ (wash)23. The coat _ (cost) me 2 yuan last week. 1 communication 2 speech 3 control 4 beauty 5 invitation 6 impolite 7 cheerful 8 healthy 9 cheerfully 10 advice 11 employees 12 happy, happily 13 communicatio

6、n 14 invitation 15 listening 16 Staring 17 asking 18 more important 19 speech 20 the most famous 21 Have, been 22 washing 23 costU2 Care for hair1. Short hairstyles usually suit round faces. They make the face look _. (long)2. This film is not _ for kids under 18. (suit)3. The students showed great

7、interest in the scientific experiment and they took an _ part in it. (activity)4. They were all _ when they saw the beautiful scenery in the valley. (amaze)5. He tried to please his little sister by making faces, but she didnt seem _(please)6. Before _ in your exercises, you need to check them caref

8、ully. (hand)7. A _ mistake cost the company millions of dollars. (care)8. Would you mind _ some room for the old lady? (make )9. This professor is a famous _ in making spaceship. (science)10. Its hard to avoid _ him as it is such a small village. (meet)11. The children are _ (interest) in the book.

9、12. This is an _ (excite ) film. 13. Listening to music makes me _ (relax)14. How _ (amaze) the film is!15. Im _ (surprise) at the news. 16. Would you mind _ (open) the window?17. My brother studies English by _ (listen) to the tape. 18. I promised _ (buy) a present for my daughter. 19. I enjoy _ (t

10、ake) photos, but I dont like having my photos _ (take). 20. I think it difficult _ (finish) the work in 2 days. 1. longer 2 suitable 3 active 4 amazed 5 pleased 6 hand 7 careless 8 making 9 scientist 10 meeting 11. interested 12. exciting 13 relaxed 14 amazing 15 surprised 16 openning 17 listening 1

11、8 to buy 19 taking taken 20 to finish U3 Places of interest1. _ in Guilin is also great fun. (cycle)2. The _ that is in charge of all the travel agencies in China is CNTA. (organize)3. An _ girl, slim and beautiful, caught his eye at the party. (attract)4. Mary suggested _ the umbrella with me when

12、it started to rain. (share)5. Shenzhen is also an attraction for _. (tour)6. What _ of cell phone do you prefer, Nokia or Motorola? (make)7. They want to know more about _ in China. (travel)8. Would you please give me an _ of it? (introduce)9. The parcel was returned to the sender because the addres

13、s was _. (correct)10. _too much fast food is bad for your health. (eat)11. We arrived at the small village _ (final). 12. The Great Wall is a good place _ (visit). 13. The busier my father is, the _ (happy) he is. 14. _ (walk) to the museum took a long time. 15. Dont worry. We ll do what we can _ (h

14、elp) you. 16. The sick woman needs _ (look) after. 17. Are you better than him at _ (swim)18. Smoking _ ( not allow) in the bus. 19. Would you mind my _ (talk) here?20. When did you get your room _ (paint)1. cycling 2 organization 3 attractive 4 sharing 5 tourists 6 make 7 travelling 8 introduction 9 incorrect 10 Eating 11. Finally 12 to visit 13 happier 14 walking 15 to help 16 looking 17 swimming 18 isnt allowed 19 talking 20 painted U4 What



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