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1、Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?,新目标英语 七年级(下册),介休五中 阴元红,Analysis of the Teaching Material Analysis of the Students Teaching and Learning Method Teaching Procedures Blackboard Design,Contents,Analysis of the Teaching Material,2.,Status and Function,ThislessonisfromthesecondbookofGO FORITforGr

2、ade7.It is mainly about asking for and giving directions onthestreet. Studentswillbecertainlyinterestedinit becauseitisclosedtotheirdailylife. Itisthefirstperiodofthisunit.It focuses on the new words and language structures, so it lays the foundation for the further learning.,Teachingaimsanddemands,

3、These aims are established according to the new syllabus. Ill present them from three aspects.,Teaching Keys and Difficulties,Students of grade seven have learned English for a period of time. They have learnt about “Whereis.?Itson/in/under.”before. And they can use the structures when they practice

4、askingand givingdirectionsinthislesson. And they have accumulated some words and some structures. TheyhaveshowedgreatinterestinEnglish. Thistopicisclosedtothedailylife,sotheywillbeinterestedinitasusual.,Analysis of the Students,Teaching Methods :,I will adopt different teaching methods according to

5、different teaching materials.,Learning Methods :,Iwilldesignsomeactivities tohelpSsto develop theirlearningstrategies.,Teaching Procedure,guidestudents toreviewwhatwe havelearned before “Wherearemybooks? Whereareyourpens.”. Thereisa.Istherea?,Toreviewthe prepositionstheyhavelearned,To lead to the ne

6、w lesson.,Show some pictures of the places learn the new words.,The vivid pictures can draw students attention and to arouse Ss learning interest, and help them to learn the new words .,a,e,i,c,b,h,g,d,Pairwork,Make your own dialogue by using the places in 1a.,For example: A: Is there a bank near he

7、re? B: Yes, there is. Its on the Center Street.,Encourage Ss to speak English as much as possible. Learn by speaking. To train students spoken English.,Ask 3 students to stand in front of class to show the different positions.,Encourage Ss to use English in real situation.,presenttheprepositionsofpl

8、aceswithsome pictures. letstudents talkabout thedifferentplaces using thesewords.,To learn the usage of prepositions of place.,Play the tape and then let Ss complete 2b. Ask and answer questions about the places in 2b. -where is the park? - The park is across from the bank.,To consolidate the prepos

9、itions of place. To train their both listening and speaking skills.,Firstly,askSstoaskandanswerquestionsabout theplacesin1aonpage43. eg. -Whereisthepostoffice? -Thepostofficeisacrossfrom thehotel. Then,Illaskstudentstomake theirownconversations.,Practice the main structures of asking for and pointin

10、g the way. To train their spoken English. Learn to communicate politely.,step 8 summay,Ask students to read the grammar focus. And then Ill let students do some exercises,To checkiftheyhave gottheknowledge.,Draw a map from your home to school, and introduce it briefly, then write it down.,Review the

11、 point that have learnt ,meanwhile it pave the way for the next class,Unit8Isthereapostofficenearhere?,-Istherea_nearhere? -Yes,thereis.Itson_Street.,thepostoffice thebank therestaurant? thepayphone thehotel,Whereis,acrossfrom infrontof nextto behind betweenthehoteland,Its,thepark.,Blackbord design,Thanks for listening,


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