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1、酒店服务英语课程单元教学设计第1章Project-3-Check-in)精品文档酒店服务英语课程单元教学设计Project 3 Check-in一、基本信息 (basic information)1. 本次课项目(the units project): checking in2. 核心能力目标(core capability objectives): Make students be able to help guests check in with the reservation at the front desk using proper English.Make students be

2、able to help walk in guests check in at the front desk using proper English.3. 知识目标(knowledge objectives):Make students master some words and phrases related to checking in procedures.Make students master some useful patterns of checking in procedures, as well as the expressions of up-sale skills of

3、 selling the hotel rooms.4. 情感目标(affective objectives): Help student to be more confident and positive in study and work.5. 素质目标(Quality objectives): Train students ability of communication and cooperation. Make students more qualified and professional in their field through learning and practice.6.

4、 能力训练任务(Capability training task):Check in for the guest with reservation.Check in for the walk in guests.7. 教学场地(teaching site):Training room8物品准备(teaching materials):Related teaching staff and PPT9. 授课说明(teaching introduction):This course aims to improve students practical abilities in receiving g

5、uests and offering related help to guests to check in through imitating and practicing. Teacher plays a role of guiding and organizing the activities on class to train the professional operation ability of students. There are various teaching methods applied in the class to make this teaching proces

6、s more effective.二、能力训练设计(capability training design) Step 1: Warming-up(3 minus)学生前台列队,师生英语致意问候,教师检查仪容仪表。目的:培养学生良好的职业意识和习惯。2.学生共同回答入住的流程和相应的句子和表达方式;提问关键步骤的名称。目的:检查上次课学生能力,提高学生注意力和应变力,为本次课任务做铺垫。Step 2: Leading-in the project(2 minus)教师布置本节课任务:Scene: The guest Mark King and his wife from Canada come

7、to the SJZ hotel to have a long trip. Suppose you are the receptionist at the front desk. Please help them check in.(情境:来自加拿大的Mark 和他的妻子来到石家庄酒店。假设你是前厅的接待员,请为他们办理入住手续。)Step 3:Students trying to work out a dialogue by themselves (8 minus)老师让学生分组试做本对话,然后挑出两名同学当前台接待员和外宾进行对话,让其他同学仔细听发现问题和不足。目的:通过学生的试做过程让

8、其联系实际工作经验,丰富英语表达能力,体现了建构主义学习观。Step 4: Teachers demonstrating and explaining(10 minus)1. 引导学生讨论归纳为客人办理入住的程序。2. 教师模拟前台接待员为客人办理入住的全过程,与外宾展开对话。3. 学生认真听、认真观察。4. 讲解关键句子,使学生掌握多种表达方式。(外宾配合演示情景) 问候客人 Good morning , Sir. Welcome to our hotel.询问顾客姓名 May I know your name?询问顾客是否有预定 Do you have a reservation?让顾客签

9、名 Please sign your name here. 向顾客递交房卡 Here is your key card, receipt and the registration form.表达祝愿 Hope you will have a good stay.Step 5: Students mocking practice in groups with the teachers guide (5minus)目的:体会角色,进一步巩固入住服务的程序,训练张口能力和应变能力。任务一:练习掌握关键句子学生两人一组,互换角色进行会话练习,掌握关键句子。任务二:程序训练利用真实场景,分角色与外宾模拟

10、对话,教师巡回点拨、指导;教师根据发现的问题集中讲解,学生再对话练习。Step 6: Class demonstration and feedback control(10 minus)目的:学生体验成果,进一步发现问题,明确努力方向。分别请几位学生到前台,外教扮演客人模拟进店办理入住手续;师生共同观察;师生共同点评,指出存在问题,尤其是表情、眼神、动作等具体细节语表达方式,力争使学生会用规范的服务,并注意语气的运用,进一明确目标。Homework(5 minus)同学课后继续练习办理入住手续的对话,熟练掌握入住程序和关键语句。自行补充关于入住服务的其它相关内容,如(团体入住等)。 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


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