湖南省长沙县实验中学2013届高三英语二轮复习 书面表达复习重点话题指导专题19 文学艺术话题指导(教师版).doc

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1、湖南省长沙县实验中学2013届高三英语二轮复习 书面表达复习重点话题指导专题19 文学艺术话题指导实例指导1-Internet VS Literature 请根据以上表格的内容,写一篇短文,包括以下内容:1. 调查时间、调查问题以及调查对象;2. 不同的意见所占的比例及其理由;3. 你自己的看法。要求:1. 词数120-150;2. 不要逐字翻译。网络会促进文学发展观点的有210人,即占总调查人数的70%,而持相反观点的则占30%;持前一种观点的学生们和后者都有他们自己的观点。通过这样对写作任务给出的信息的整理分析,我们在写作时就会有一个清晰的思路,而且不容易遗漏要点。通过对信息的总结,我们可

2、以避免对照材料逐字翻译的毛病,并使文章更加简洁。3. 在讲明了调查的相关信息之后,一定不要遗漏发表自己的看法这一部分,如果只单纯介绍调查报告的相关信息而不发表自己的看法,这篇文章就是不完整的,就不符合写作任务的要求了。在发表自己的观点时,你可以选择支持前一种观点,也可以选择支持后一种观点,也可以做一个总结,说两种观点都有一定的道理,应该发扬网络的优点来促进文学的发展,并注意采取一定的措施来防止网络可能对文学造成坏的冲击。这几种观点都是可以的,但是不要一会支持前者,一会支持后者,到最后都没有说明自己的观点。初稿:这篇文章的条理较清晰,包含了调查的相关信息和自己的观点,基本涵盖了写作任务要求包含的

3、各个方面。语言也比较简洁、清晰,成功地将写作任务给出的材料信息进行总结并用自己的话表述出来了,并未对材料逐字翻译,这些都是这篇文章的优点所在。但是这篇文章还是存在不妥的地方:1. 遗漏了部分信息。首先,写作任务中要求文章包含调查对象,而在介绍调查对象时,文章遗漏了高三年级这部分信息,只是模糊地说明300名学生。再者,文章在给出支持或反对的理由的时候,并没有涵盖表格中给出的所有内容。2. 发表自己的观点的部分前后不统一,自相矛盾。前半句话说In my opinion, the former opinion is right,说明作者支持第一种观点,然而后半句却讲的是网络有消极影响,这样就造成了自

4、己观点的前后矛盾。3. 结尾部分有点偏离主题,本写作任务并未涉及到是否应该鼓励人们去读经典名著的问题。成稿:Last week, the English Learning Club in our school made a survey among all the 300 Senior 3 students in our school on what influence the Internet has on literature. The results are as follows:Students who believe that the Internet has a positive

5、influence make up about 70% of all the students interviewed. In their opinion, the Internet allows common people to take part in the creation of literature, making literature-creating a more popular phenomenon. Moreover, the Internet makes it easy for a good work to be known to the public. However,

6、the other students have a different opinion. They argue that the Internet provides only fast food literature and not all the works on the Internet are good reading materials. In my opinion, they both are partly right. The Internet is a coin with two sides when it comes to literature. We should make

7、use of the positive side to promote the development of literature and try to avoid the bad influence it may bring at the same time. It is we people who can decide what influence it may have on literature.Powerful sentences:1. Internet, the media giant, has both a positive influence and a negative in

8、fluence on literature.2. Literature is food for peoples spirits. It is hard for people to live a colorful and happy life without it.3. Classic literature works are the fruits of great minds. They are the treasure of all human beings.实例指导2-art festival你们学校在学期末举办了一次艺术节(art festival)。请按下列要点写一篇120词左右的文章

9、:你们班要在星期五下午聚会以庆祝艺术节。先是音乐、舞蹈活动。接下来是各种比赛。5点钟以后是最激动人心的节目烹饪比赛。虽然艺术节结束了,但你们仍意犹未尽。写作指导初稿:Our school held an art festival at the end of the term. On Friday afternoon, our class had a party to celebrate the festival. First we had music and dance. My friend Mary sang a pop song. And some others gave us dance

10、s. All these made us very happy. Then we had some competitions. The most exciting program is the cooking competition after 5 pm. Each group had to make some special dishes. At once students became cooks; they are very happy, though most of them cook by themselves for the first time. At seven oclock

11、all dishes were ready. Oh, they taste delicious, we all said happily. At last we have to finish our party.成稿:Our school held an art festival at the end of the term. On Friday afternoon, our class had a party to celebrate the festival. First we had music and dancing. My friend Mary sang a pop song. S

12、ome others danced for us. We were all very happy. Then we had one competition after another. Before we knew it, it was five oclock. The most exciting program began: the cooking competition. Each group had to make some special dishes. The students had turned into cooks, though they couldnt tell salt

13、from sugar the day before. At last we had to finish our party. When we said goodbye to each other, we had the same feeling in our hearts: We want to have more wonderful times at school.Powerful Phrases:(叙述事情经过)first / at the beginningnextat the same time / meanwhile then half an hour later / after a

14、 while / after that after they finished .later on finally / in the end / at last实例指导3-Keen on Films 写作任务:现在同学们越来越钟情于外国动作大片,而对国产有关爱国教育的影片不感兴趣,校报英语角专栏针对此现象向同学们征稿,请同学们谈谈对这一现象的看法及理由。征文词数在140左右。写作指导4. 文章的末尾我们应进行简短的总结来突出我们的论点。初稿:Nowadays a number of students are fans of foreign films. They like these film

15、s because these films are exciting and interesting. But they ignore the patriotic films produced in China. They feel bored and sleepy when they watch the patriotic films. I think this view is wrong. Although foreign films are exciting and interesting, we cannot deny that some Chinese films are also

16、good. They also can bring us happiness and joy. And the important thing is that the patriotic films can teach us a lot. Some domestic films praise honesty, goodness and encourage our love for the nation. In this way, they are very good instruction for us. Not watching these films is totally wrong.I think we should not


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