江苏省宜兴市屺亭中学七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities词汇默写 牛津版

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江苏省宜兴市屺亭中学七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities词汇默写 牛津版_第1页
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1、1Unit 7 Abilities 词汇默写 姓名_ 班级_ 1.信不信由你 believe it or not ! 相信你自己 believe in yourself 2.当心!一辆公交车正朝着我们开过来。 Look out ! A bus is coming towards us .当心,留神,小心 look out =be careful=take care 留神刀!否则他们会伤到你。Be careful with knives ,or they will hurt you .3.在公交车上给人让座是有礼貌的。Its polite to give a seat to someone on

2、 the bus .=Giving a seat to someone on the bus is polite. 4.本周末我打算去参观老年公寓(敬老院:a home for the elderly ) Im going to visit an old peoples home this weekend .5.对于每一个人来说把公园清理干净是重要的。Its important for everyone to clean up the park .6.我们能为贫困地区的孩子们做些什么? What can we do for the children in poor areas ?看那个骑自行车

3、的小男孩 look at the little boy on a bike 看到一只穿外套的白兔经过 see a white rabbit in a coat passing by 7.贫困地区的人最需要钱 People in poor areas need money most .8.送某人某物 send sth to sb/send sb sth 送某人去某地 send sb to sw 派人去请.send for sb 我通常在我朋友生日前给他们寄明信片。I usually send postcards to my friends before their birthdays .我生日那

4、天,我父母常常送我一些礼物。My parents often send me presents on my birthday. Jim 病了,我们不得不送他去医院。Jim is ill. We have to send him to hospital .9.一些家庭甚至没钱买笔和本子。Some families arent even able to pay for pens and notebooks .能 做某事 be able to do something 六岁的时候你会游泳吗? Were you able to swim at the age of six ?10.他为那台新电脑付了

5、4680 元。He paid 4680 yuan for the new computer .每天早上骑自行车上学花费我 20 分钟。It takes me 20 minutes to ride to school every morning .这辆新车值多少钱? How much does the new car cost ?11.我们能够为他们募集一些钱来买这些东西。We can raise some money for them to buy these things .12.一个多么勇敢的年轻人啊!(2)What a brave young man ! =How brave the y

6、oung man is !13.把邻居从火里救出来他够勇敢。He was brave enough to save his neighbour from a fire .他还不到上学的年龄。He is too young to go to school .=He isnt old enough to go to school .14.不要让你的孩子独自一个人在家里。Dont let your child be at home alone .15.突然他听到有 人在叫。Suddenly , he heard someone shouting .当我经过教室的时候,我看到有人在哭。I saw so

7、meone crying when I passed the 2classroom.早晨我经常听到鸟儿在唱歌。I often hear birds sing in the morning .16.我们正在寻找一个八岁的男孩。We are looking for an eight-year-old boy .我家附近有一条 100 米宽的河流。Theres a 100-metre-wide river near my home .17.小男孩病的很重。The little boy was badly ill .这个男的受了重伤,第二天,他甚至更加严重了。The man was badly hur

8、t , and the next day , he was even worse .18.下课后,他迅速地朝操场跑去。He quickly ran to the playground after class. 看!这个婴儿正朝他母亲爬过去。Look! The baby is climbing towards to his mother.19.稍后,消防警察来了,把火灭了。Later some firemen came and put out the fire .20.我没有时间和你玩电脑游戏。I had no time to play computer games with you .21.不

9、要粗心,我们必须小心地做每一件事情。Dont be careless, we must do everything carefully .小心!小汽车可能会撞到你。Be careful , the car may hit you .我们必须吃健康的食物,小心我们的健康。We must eat healthy food and be careful with our health .22.他用湿的毛毯灭了火,帮助孙太太出来。He put out the fire with a wet blanket and helped Mrs Sun out .23.在那时你害怕吗? Were you afr

10、aid at that moment ?此刻他正在教室里弹钢琴呢。He is playing the piano in the classroom at the moment .24.我们必须要阻止他看太多的电视。We must stop him from watching too much TV25.首先我听到有人喊救命。First , I heard someone crying for help.26.你做了一些事情来保护你自己了吗?Did you do anything to protect yourself ?他想返回家取钥匙。He wanted to go back home to

11、 get the key .27.火灾后你呆在医院里多长时间? How long did you stay in hospital after the fire ?28.看!这 家工厂着火了。 Look ! The factory is on fire .29.让你的头发远离火。 Keep your hair away from fire .我们必须要让孩子们远离网吧。We must keep the children away from the net bar .我们应该远离香烟保持健康。We should keep away from smoke and keep healthy .30.

12、不要把热的东西放在垃圾箱里。Dont put anything hot into the rubbish bin .你的电脑有故障码? Is there anything wrong with your computer ?31.南山是一个取乐的好地方。 South Hill is a good place to have fun . 他发现了一个造纸的新方法。He found a new way to make paper .32.这是多么好的消息啊! What good news it is ! =How good the news is ! 33.顺便说一下,你能带上你的相机吗?By t

13、he way , can you take your camera with you ?用这种方法你能轻易发现答案。You can find the answer easily in this way .顺便说一下,你能在回家的路上为我买一张报纸吗?By the way , can you buy a newspaper for me on your way home ?34.这学期他没有尽最大的努力。She doesnt do her best this term .我们应该尽我们最大的努力学好我们的功课。3We should try our best to learn our lesson

14、s well .35.我六岁时开始拉小提琴。I started to play the violin at the age of six .在中国,小孩子 7 岁上学。In china , children go to school at the age of seven . 36.我们盼望收到你的来信。We look forward to hearing from you .我常常收到我父母的来信。I often hear from my parents .37.我们应该在我们的功课上努力学习。We should word hard on our subjects .38.你需要在英语上做的

15、更好。You need to do better in English.39.我想要推荐 Daniel 获得今年的新星奖。I would like to recommend Daniel for this years Young Star Award .我想推荐 Lucy 做我们的班长。Id like to recommend Lucy to be our monitor .40.我经常参加像为需要帮助的孩子们收集衣服和书的活动。I often take part in activities like collecting clothes and books for children in need . 41.一个五岁的男孩迷路了。A five-year-old boy lost his way .



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