七年级英语Unit 9 Come and meet the family(来见见我的家人吧)人教版+朗文知识精讲.doc

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1、用心 爱心 专心 七年级英语七年级英语 Unit 9 Come and meet the family(来见见我的家人吧)(来见见我的家人吧) 人教版人教版+ +朗文朗文 【同步教育信息同步教育信息】 一. 本周教学内容: Unit 9 Come and meet the family(来见见我的家人吧) 1. 语音: pamt ah teakmeanei a oxbusbbb pjeeictureppp dgooownddd tboatmeett 2. 词汇: family,grandmother,grandma,grandfather,grandpa,dad,wife,husband,da

2、ughter,son ,parent,parents,big,England,aunt,uncle,afternoon,do,How do you do ? seat,have a seat,like,look like,doctor,worker,family tree,hat,guess 3. 语法: (1)祈使句 (2)名词所有格 4. 交际用语: Go and see I think its Nice to meet / see you . How are you ? How do you do ? Good afternoon . Please come in . Please ha

3、ve a seat . Hello , Mimi ! You look like Lucys hat . 二. 教学重难点: 1. 掌握单数名词的所有格形式。 2. 掌握祈使句的用法。 三. 课文内容分析: 1. Come and meet the family . come and meet来见见,and 连接两个并列的动词 come 和 meet。 family作为一个整体,“家庭”,后面谓语动词用单数形式;作为家庭成员,应 理解为复数,后面的谓语动词用复数形式。 eg . My family are very well . Jim Green has a big family . 2.

4、辨析 family,home,house family“家”“家庭”“家人”,着重指家庭,家庭成员或家中人口。 home“家”,指同家人共同生活居住的地方,特别强调家里的氛围和环境,不一 定含有建筑的意思,是一个带感情色彩的词。 house“住宅”“房子”指居住的房屋,建筑物。 3. family tree 家庭关系图(家谱) 4. 名词所有格表示“的” (1)有生命的名词所有格形式 单数名词所有格在词尾直接加“s” 复数名词的所有格只在词尾加“” 不规则名词复数的所有格在词尾加“s” 用心 爱心 专心 表示两个或几个人共同所有的名词所有格在最后一个名词词尾加“s” 表示两个或几个人各自所有的

5、名词所有格在每个名词后面分别都加“s” (2)动物和无生命事物的所有格 动物和无生命事物的所有格一般不在词尾加“s”,而用介词“of”表示,放在被修 饰名词的后面,表示所有关系。 eg . a map of China 5. Jim Green has a big family . has 是 have 的第三人称单数形式,表示“有”a big family一个大家庭 6. go to the same school 上同一所学校 7. Go and see 去看看 8. 辨析 look 和 see 这两个词都表示“看”,区别是: look强调“看”的动作,不强调“看”的结果,如果要表达“看某

6、人/物”,需要 在后面加介词 at,再加宾语。 see指“看”的结果,指“看到、看见” 9. OK,Dad . I think its Li Lei . 句中的 it 是指敲门人,当不知道敲门人是谁时,常用 it 代替。 10. 祈使句 祈使句用来表示请求、命令、要求、建议或叮嘱,祈使句用降调读,为使语气委婉, 常在句末或句首加 please,please 在句尾时其前用逗号,祈使句的否定形式是在动词的前面 加 Dont。 11. Please have a seat . have a seat 意为“就座”,同义词组为“take a seat”“sit down”。 12. You look

7、 like Lucys hat . look like看起来像 like 作介词时,是“像”的意思。 be like像 eg . She is like her father. = She looks like her father . 13. His wife is a worker . wife 的对应词是 husband。 14. She goes to No. 1 Middle School . 她到第一中学去上学。 goes 是 go 的第三人称单数形式,以 o 结尾的动词变第三人称单数时在词尾加 es。 15. Can you guess ? 你能猜出来吗? 16. 语音知识 pb

8、td这四个辅音是爆破音,p和b是一对,t和d是一对。 辅音分为清辅音和浊辅音,清辅音发音时声带不振动,浊辅音发音时声带不振动。 p和t是清辅音,b和d是浊辅音 【模拟试题模拟试题】 一. 语音: ( )1. A. gradeB. nameC. sameD. family ( )2. A. husbandB. uncleC. studentD. mum ( )3. A. wifeB. childrenC. childD. like 用心 爱心 专心 ( )4. A. doctorB. sonC. comeD. mother ( )5. A. afternoonB. goodC. lookD. b

9、ook 二. 用所给词的适当形式填空: 1. These coats are the (twins). 2. Li Lei , (come)and (meet)my family . 3. Lucy is (Jim)sister . 4. The computers are the (teachers). 5. Is the old woman (she)grandma ? 6. This room is (Lucy and Lily). 7. Han Mei is my (friend)daughter . 8. (Kate)cat looks like Lilys hat . 9. The

10、se books are the (children). 10. My (father)brother is a doctor . 三. 完成句子: 1. Lily and Lucy (看上去一样). 2. They (值日)today . 3. Please sit down (在那边). 4. (他们的名字叫)Wang Ping and Wang Lin . 5. Our English teacher isnt (在学校). 6. toilet ?(洗手间在哪儿) 7. Are we (在同一组里吗)? 8. Please (把你们的大衣放在这儿). 四. 单项选择: ( )1. Are

11、 the twins new ? . A. Yes , she is B. Yes , they arent C. No , they are D. Yes , they are ( )2. Are Lucy and Lily look ? A. a same B. the same C. an same D. same ( )3. Tom and Jim are new . Please look after . A. student himB. students them C. student them D. students their ( )4. Where is my coat ?

12、. A. Its over thereB. Hes over there C. Shes over thereD. Theyre over there ( )5. The twins are . Theyre the same class . A. America inB. American girl on C. Americans atD. Americans in ( )6. Are in Class 4 , Grade 6 ? A. Kate and youB. you and Kate C. Kate but youD. you or Kate ( )7. “ ? ” “ Theyre

13、 English cars . ” A. Are these English carsB. Who are they 用心 爱心 专心 C. What are those over thereD. Where are they ( )8. “ on duty ? ” “ . ” A. Whats Yes , I amB. Whos Jim is C. Wheres JimsD. How is Jim ( )9. “ Can I see your licence ? ” “ . ” A. Yes , you areB. Yes , you dont C. Thats all rightD. OK

14、 . Here you are ( )10. Lucy is new . Please . A. look at herB. look after her C. look on herD. look her after 五. 看图完成对话: A:Hello , Li Lei . B:Hello , Jim . How(1) you ? A:(2) . Thank you . And you ? B:Im fine , too . A:(3) in , please . This(4) , please . B:OK . Is this(5) room ? A:Yes . Sit(6) , pl

15、ease .(7) a cup of tea . B:Thank you . A:Youre(8) . 六. 根据短文内容及所给的首字母完成单词,使句意完整。 Ann and Zhang Ling are good friends . Theyre now in No. 8 Middle School in Nanjing . Zhang Lings a Chinese girl . Shes twelve . Shes in Class Six , Grade One . Shes No. 2 in Row Four . Her English teachers Mrs Brown . Ann is an American girl . Shes twelve , too . Shes in Class Six , Grade One , too . She sits in Row Four . Her Chinese teacher is Mr Zhu . They think their teachers are good teachers . Who am I ?


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