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1、1五年级英语期末考试试卷班级_ 姓名_学号_得分_听力部分。25%A、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。6%( )1. A. desk mate B. classmate C. schoolmate ( )2. A. what B. water C. want ( )3. A. quick B. quiet C. quickly ( )4. A. turn left B. turn right C. turn on ( )5. A. write stories B. write a letter C. write an E-mail ( )6. A. like watching TV B. lik

2、e catching insects C. like watching antsB、 听句子,选出正确的应答。10%( )1. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I dont . C. Sorry, I cant. ( )2. A. Im from the USA. B. Im a worker. C. I can speak English. ( )3. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes , he do C. Yes, he does.( ) 4. A. I like sports. B. Id like some apples. C. No. I dont like it

3、.( ) 5. A. Yes , I do. B. I speak Chinese. C. No, I do .C、 根据所听内容,填入所缺单词。9%Jim is my . He is from the .He in China now. His mother is from . So Jim can and Japanese. His father likes . He English in a primary school.笔试部分 75%2一、判断划线部分读音是否相同,相同写“S” ,不同写“T” 。5%1 touch shoulder ( ) 2 park arm ( ) 3 Sund

4、ay today ( ) 4 move from ( ) 5 jump run ( )二、英汉互译 10%1. 忙碌的一天 6 surf the Internet 2. 喜欢游泳 7 watch cartoons 3. 在周六下午 8 clean the library 4. 谈谈兴趣爱好 9 Theyre on duty today. 5. 十点一刻 10 Dont catch insects. 三、按要求写单词 10%city(复数)_ right(反义词)_ family(复数)_ here(同音词)_ tooth(复数)_ Ive(完全形式)_ Nancy(所有格)_ catch(现在

5、分词)_ hot(反义词)_ go(第三人称单数)_四、连词成句 10%(注意标点符号)1. often she does homework her seven at.2. from Mike Chinese me learns .3. does she what like doing ?4. a Mr White school teaches primary English in.5. cant Nancy French Japanese and speak.五、选择题 10%3( ) 1. I like in the playground.A. run B runing C. runnin

6、g( ) 2. Helen can nice food.A. cook B. cooking C cooks( ) 3. Sam play football well?A. Do B. Is C. Does( ) 4. Mike swimming now?A. Is B Does C. Do( ) 5. Mrs White to go shopping.A. want B. wants C. like( ) 6. Its time rest.A. to B. for C. has ( ) 7. Miss Li is telling an interesting story.A. we B. o

7、ur C. us( ) 8. Where they from?A. is B. am C. are ( ) 9.David his teeth and his face every morning.A. brush wash B. brushes washes C. brushes washes( ) 10.There are many in the park.A. butterfly B. butterflies C.butterflys六、按要求填空 10%1、Its half past ten .(就划线部分提问)_ _ is it ?2、Tom comes from the USA.

8、(就划线部分提问)_ _ from the USA ?3、Its time to have breakfast. (改为同义句)Its time _ _ .4、Im taking some medicine.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ taking _ medicine ?No, I am _ .4七、阅读理解,根据短文内容选择正确答案 10%Mary is very busy everyday. She gets up at six fifteen in the morning and eats her breakfast at a quarter to seven. She hurries

9、to school and has four classes in the morning. She has a rest half past twelve. She has two classes in the afternoon. She sometimes helps good friend with English after school. Then she comes home at six oclock. She has no time for TV. She does her homework at seven thirty and goes to bed at half pa

10、st nine.( ) 1、What time does Mary get up?A、A quarter past six. B、A quarter to six.C、 A quarter past seven. D、A quarter to seven.( ) 2、What does Mary do at twelve thirty?A、She hurries to school. B、She has classes.C、 She comes home. D、She has a rest.( ) 3、Does Mary have classes in the afternoon?A、No,

11、she doesnt. B、Yes, she does.C、 Yes, she has one. D、Yes, she is.( ) 4、What does she do after school?A、She helps her friend with her Chinese. B、She comes home.C、 She watches TV at home. D、 She helps her friend with her English.( ) 5、What time does Mary go to bed ?A、Nine oclock. B、Nine fifteen.C、 A qua

12、rter past nine. D、Nine thirty.八、翻译题 10%1 你们的数学老师是怎样度周末的?your Maths teacher his ?2 我们经常在体育课上跟体育老师做运动。We usually exercise our PE teacher PE .53.双脚并拢,上下跳跃。_ your together, jump up and down.五年级听力稿A、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。 6%(读一遍)1. deskmate 2. want 3. quiet 4 turn right 5. like watching antsB、听句子,选出正确的应答。10%(读三遍)1. Can you put the egg on the finger?2. Where are you from?3. Does Tom run fast?4. What do you like?5. Do you speak Chinese?C、 据所听内容,填入所缺单词。9(读三遍)Jim is my new


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