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1、济南题型六阅读理解(一)(2016济南学考)AMr. Robert had a son named Ben, a threeyearold boy. The little boy had been asking for a pet dog for two months, but his father kept saying, “Impossible. A dog will kill our rabbits. No way. ” Ben was disappointed. One evening, when Mrs. Robert was cooking potatoes in the kitc

2、hen, Ben cried, “Dad always says no. Ill never have a dog in a million years. ” She looked at his face. How could she let him down again? An idea came to her to change her husbands mind. “Dear, I know a way to get you a dog,” she said. She handed Ben a potato and told him to keep the potato until it

3、 turned into a little dog. How cool Ben thought it was! The next morning, Mr. Robert looked out of the window. Guess what? He saw Ben taking a potato for a walk. “Thats crazy,” Mr. Robert said to his wife. “Youre right. Your boy cant get a dog. He finally has a potato as a pet. He sleeps with it, ta

4、lks with it and even showers with it,” she said. “Even cooking potatoes makes him cry. ”Mr. Robert felt worried a lot and made a decision. He brought back a cute little dog that night. Everyone was happy. Mr. Robert thought he saved his son. Ben was sure that his mother had magic. Everything seemed

5、perfect until one evening Ben asked, “Mom, can I have a pet horse?” She looked at him and said, “Well, first you have to take a watermelon. . . ”1. Ben kept asking for for two months. A. a pet rabbit B. a pet chickenC. a pet dog D. a pet horse2. Bens father said “Impossible” because a dog would . A.

6、 run around B. hurt BenC. be noisy D. kill their rabbits3. Mrs. Robert told Ben to keep because it would turn into a dog. A. a potato B. a tomatoC. a watermelon D. a banana4. Mr. Robert brought back a little dog because . A. his friend gave it to himB. he was worriedC. his wife bought the dogD. he l

7、iked the dog5. What did Ben think of his mother? A. She was lazy. B. She didnt love him. C. She had magic. D. She was very strict. BThere are many reasons why I encourage people to travel, and I know that the experience will make one a better person. I remember when I was traveling that I began to k

8、now the world better. The world is not just about me, my small town and home. Although you will meet different people from all over the world, you will realize that people are similar in their dreams, hopes and feelings. Enjoy exploring the different cultures, and you will also find that people are

9、different in some of the things they do and how they live. Once you understand their ways, it need not be strange or scary. Often we read stories about other cultures in books. Only when we visit their areas, do we find that those stories are sometimes wrong. One thing you may find out is that there

10、 are problems all over the world. We cannot just get money to send to these areas and hope that will work them out. The world should get involved(干预) and help wherever there are problems. People everywhere should be given a chance. It is so easy to ignore(忽视) this if one does not travel and explore.

11、 One can look around and see that so many people have many challenges worse than ours. One can realize that sometimes our biggest problems are not that big after all. On your journey you will meet lots of new friends. Talking to strangers and finding about their lives is a great way to spend your ti

12、me. You will certainly be more confident after having to cope with problems and make many decisions along the way. When you travel, you have to be on your own in some situations. You will surprise yourself by how well you can do that. All your special experiences could make an interesting book to re

13、ad. It would be filled with all your adventures and special memories. Traveling around and seeing so much happening in the world around us is a wonderful experience. If we could all just travel a little more and share our experiences, we would all be better people and the world would be a better pla

14、ce. 6. From Paragraph 2, we can learn that . A. people around the world are the same in their hopesB. books always tell us wrong stories about culturesC. traveling can help us better understand the worldD. people in different places have strange living habits7. According to Paragraph 3, we can help

15、the areas in need by . A. sending them money B. offering them chancesC. looking around D. giving them challenges8. The expression “cope with” in Paragraph 4 most probably means “ ”. A. solve B. avoid C. meet D. cover9. Which of the following would be the best title of the passage? A. People in the World Are FamilyB. Traveling Helps One Make More FriendsC. People in the World Share One DreamD. Traveling Makes One a Better Person10. Whats the writers purpose of writing the passage? A. To share his travel experiences with other people. B. To encourage more people to


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