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1、used-to-do和be-used-to-doing区分练习题精品文档B. 动词填空:1. Youll soon get used to _(live) in the country.2. I never used to _(eat) cakes, but I eat a lot now.3. Im not used to _(treat) like this.4. When I was younger I was used to _(walk) long distances.5. I used to _(go) swimming on Saturdays.6. Didnt she use

2、to _(live) in Germany?D. 中考链接( )1. There _ a lot of red-crowned cranes in this area.A.was used to B.was used to be C.used to D.used to be( )2. She used to _ with her parents, but now she is used to _ with her classmates at school. (泰州)A. live; living; live; living; live( )3.

3、 He used to _ in a small village, but now he has been used to _ in the big city. (镇江)A. live; living; live;living; live( )4. Mrs Green _ go to hospital, but now she is in good health.A. has to B.need to C.used to D.ought to1. My cousin is used to _(study) with his new friend

4、s in Australia. (南京)2. My mother is used to _(get) up early to cook breakfast for us. (一模)3. Mr Bush is used to _(get) up early in the morning. (一模)4. Jim has lived in Australia for two years. He is used to _(驾驶) on the left.相关拓展(初中学生了解即可,不要求运用)used to 正式的否定形式为usednt 疑问形式为used提前。I usednt to like her

5、. 我未曾喜欢过她。Used you to go there? 您过去可常去那里?There used to be a cinema here, usednt there?但在口语中或不拘谨的书面语中其否定及疑问形式均与did连用。I didnt use to like her.Did you use to go there?There used to be a cinema here, didnt there?参考答案:B.1. living 2. eat 3. being treated(该题为动名词的被动形式,初中不作要求) 4. walking 5. go 6. liveD.1. D

6、2. A 3. A 4. C1. studying 2. getting 3. getting 4. drivingraise 有提高、增加的意思 rise只是位置上的增高 例如sun就要用rise而不是raise,而salary就要用raise raise还有另一个意思是表扬 rise也有另一个意思就是起义raise和rise作为动词最根本的区别是,rise是不及物动词,而raise是及物动词。如, to raise salaries 提高工资 The sun rises. 太阳升起 这两个词除了提高、升高、抬起等意思外都各自还有其它的用法。例如 raise 招募:to raise an army 养育、栽培:to raise a family 提出(一个问题):to raise a question等等 rise: 起床、站起来:to rise from table (餐毕)起立离桌 发源于:The river Rhine rises in Switzerland 此外rise还有晋升;顶嘴等意思,收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


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