unit12 汉译英中从句的使用教学文案

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1、Unit 12汉译英中从句的使用,lecture 12,汉译英中从句的使用,英语复合句由主句和从句构成,从句包括形容词从句(adjective clause)、名词从句(noun clause)和副词从句(adverbial clause)。 从句的使用是提高汉英水平的突破口。 再有,是否使用英语复合句来翻译,主要取决于原文的内在含义,而不是其外在形式。,使用形容词从句进行汉译英是,最基本的用法是对应汉语“的”的结构, 如“母亲给她买的生日礼物” (the birthday present her mother bought her), “我童年时代生活的小村庄” (the small vil

2、lage where I spent my childhood), “刚才和你说话的小女孩” (the girl who was talking with you just now), “他彻夜难眠的原因” (the reason why he lies awake all night,但是,这种汉英大体对应的情况只会出现于英语形容词从句修饰名词的时候。如果英语形容词从句修饰代词、短语或句子,汉语往往要换用其它结构。 E.g. He laughs the best who laughs the last (谁笑在最后,谁笑得最美); She said she was in a traffic

3、jam, which was quite possible. (她说路上堵车了,这倒有可能) ; He tried to persuade his wife, which was in vain. (他试图说服妻子,但徒劳无益);,只有摆脱汉语形式的束缚,把握其各个部分含义的内在联系,才能在译文中充分发挥形容词从句的表达力。,形容词从句,1.对此我确实无能为力。 1)I have no power to change it. 2). I can really do nothing about it. 3)There is really nothing I can do about it. 4)

4、 It is really beyond my power to do anything about this.,2.我们的忍耐是有限度的。 Our tolerance is not unlimited. Our toleration has a limit. There is a limit to what we will tolerate. There is only so much we will put up with.,3 她不喜欢他那样盯着她看。 She doesnt like him to stare at her like that. She doesnt like the w

5、ay he stares at her.,4. 他滔滔不绝地将一些我根本不感兴趣的话题。 He kept talking about subjects in which I had not the slightest interest. He rattled away about things I had no interest in at all. He talked nonstop about things that did not interest me in the least. Talk on and on about something.,5. 我想换个工作单位,在那里可以一切从新

6、开始。 I want to change my job so that I can start everything anew. I want to find another job where I can start all over again. I want to change to another work unit where I can make a fresh start. I want to find a new job where I can start afresh.,6. 从第一次见到他,我就知道这个人不易相处。 From the first time I set my

7、eyes on him, I knew he was a difficult man to get along with. From the time I first saw him, I knew he was not easy to get along with. From the moment I laid eyes on him, I knew he was not a man one could get along with easily.,7. 总有一天他要为其所作所为付出代价。 Someday he will pay the price for what he has done.

8、 The day will come when he has to reap what he has sown.,8. 人际关系复杂是我不喜欢在那儿工作的原因之一。 Complicated interpersonal relationship was one of the reasons I didnt like working there. One of the reasons I disliked working there was the complicated relationship among the staff. Intricate interpersonal relations

9、hip was one of the things I didnt like about working there.,9.不管遇到什么样的困难,我们都有信心战胜它们。 Whatever (adverbial clause) difficulties we may encounter, we have (the) confidence to overcome them. We have (the) confidence to overcome all difficulties that may arise. We are confident to surmount all difficulti

10、es that may come our way.,10.饮食中如果不含有人体健康和成长所需的营养成分,就会导致营养不良。 If a diet does not contain enough nutrients needed for human health and growth, malnutrition will result. When a diet does not contain the nourishment the body needs for health and growth, it will lead to malnutrition. Any diet that fails

11、 to provide nutrients needed for health and growth can lead to malnutrition.,11. 他连着三天上班迟到,结果丢了工作。 He was late for work for three successive days, so he lost his job. He got fired after being late for work for three days running. He was late for work three days in a row, which finally cost him his j

12、ob.,12. 不管父母怎么说,她依旧我行我素. She kept doing things her way no matter what her parents said. For all that her parents said, she carried on just like before. Nothing her parents said could make her change her ways.,13. 他竟然这样恩将仇报,我们对此感到震惊。 We are shocked that he should repay kindness with such ingratitude.

13、 We are dismayed at the way he returned evil for good.,14.他在上层有一些关系,正因为如此才官运亨通。 He has some upper-level connections, which accounts for his rapid promotion. He has some high-level connections, which is why he has been receiving such rapid promotions. It is his high-level connections that have enable

14、d him to enjoy a successful official career. Thanks to his high-level connections, he has enjoyed rapid advancement in his career.,15.对于那些溺爱孩子,对孩子百依百顺的家长,她颇不以为然。 She is very critical of parents who spoil their children by satisfying their every whim. She disapproves of the practice of those parents

15、who pamper their children and comply with all their whims.,副词从句,副词从句在整个句子中起状语作用,一般划分为九种:时间、地点、方式、比较、原因、结果、目的、让步和条件。每种从句都有相应的引导连词,这些连词可以是单字或者词组。在很多情况下,从汉语复句中使用的关联词,很容易找出对应得英语关联词,已构成副词从句。,e.g. 只要他一进屋,她就不说话了。 She fell silent whenever he came into the room. 你一旦了解它们的处境,就会改变看法。 Once you know their plight,

16、 you will change your opinion. 但汉英在表达形式上有差别。 孩子们现在应该做作业,却在玩儿电子游戏。 The children are playing video games when they should be doing their homework.,1.在我最需要你的时候,却哪儿都找不到你。 When I needed you the most, I could not find you anywhere. You are nowhere to be found when I need you most.,2. 我觉得最好别当老板心情恶劣时向他要求加薪。 I think youd better not ask the boss for a pay rise when he is in a bad mood. I dont think you should ask the boss for a pay increase when he is in a bad mood. I dont think it a g


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