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1、Unit 8教学目标知识与能力 Consolidate learning Section A过程与方法 Doing exercises情感态度与价值观 To help each other and care for others .重点难点1. The usage of can,cought,may,might,must,should and would.2. The understanding of the expressions and the usage of them.课型 New lesson教学手段 media教学过程师生活动个案部分Step 1 Lead in 1. Have a

2、 dictation of the new words and phrases in the last lesson .2. Review the phrases we learned and make new sentences with the phrases.Step 2 Grammar Focus 1.Ask different students to read the sentences .Write them on the blackboard . 2.Ask the students to go to the front to circle the model verbs and

3、 find the usage of the model verbs. 3.Make sentences with can,could,may,might,must, Should and would. (1)It cant be Mr Li.He has gone to Nanjing already. (2)They cant know the answer .Let me explain it to them.教学过程 (3)Anything could happen if you dont obey the rules. (4)My sister may not be in the r

4、oom at the moment. (5)You must be a doctor, arent you?Step 3 Choose the best way 1.Learn the new word and phrase : laboratory , in the Laboratory 2.Help students understand the request of 4a and finish doing it. 3.Check the answers.Step 4 Reading and writing Point out the simple conversation in the box.Let a pair of students read it to the class.Then get them work in pairsStep5 Homework: Finish the exercise book “Development of English Ability”. 板书设计教学反思2


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