洪中九年级英语第九单元练习题 .pdf

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1、九年级英语第九单元练习题(9) - 命题人:齐忠禄2013.11.20 一、词汇 1.Julie Thompson is the (invent) of battery-operated slippers. 2.There are some green (leaf) on the tree. 3.This trip was very (please). Everyone had a good time. 4.I think the soup tastes quite (salt). 5. A glass is used for (drink) water. 6. What is the mos

2、t (use) invention in the world? 7. Do you know the (heat) ice cream scoop? 8. The cars (make) in Shanghai in 2002. 9. We (tell) not to play computer games on weekdays. 10. The young man was seen (get) on a bus just now. 二、单项选择:(满分 15 分) 1. This kind of bicycles _ in the shop near our school. A. sell

3、s B. sell C. has sold D. is sold 2. He is often made _ for twelve hours a day by the boss. A. work B.working C. to work D. to be working 3. Could you please tell me whom the radio _ by? A. invents B. invented C. is invent ed D. was invented 4. Did the police catch the thief_? A. on the end B. by the

4、 end C. at the end D. in the end 5. The cake _good. I cant wait to eat it. A. feels B. sounds C. becomes D. smells 6. Did you _ him _ upstairs? A. look, go B. notice, go C. notice, to go D. look, going 7. A large number of engineers _ to Africa by our government to help the people there every year.

5、A. have sent B. will send C. are sent D. was sent 8. I wont go to her party unlessmy best friend Jack _. A. will invite B. will be invited C. is invited D. invites 9. I think the telephone is the second _ invention. A. helpful B. more helpful C. most helpful D. the most helpful 10. I have a good fri

6、end _ Michael from the USA. A. calls B.called C. is calling D. is called 11. The police found the lost car _. A. with mistake B. by accident C. by mistake D. in accident 12. The number of teachers in our school _ 60 and a number of them _ male teachers. A. is; are B. are; is C. are; are D. is; is 13

7、. Mum added lots of _ on the food but it still wasnt _. A. salt; enough salt B. salt; salty enoughC. salty; enough salt D. salty; salt enough 13. Tom, you can go out to play football after your homework . A. will finish B. is finished C. was finished D. finished 14. Do you know ? In the 6th century.

8、 A. who is the abacus invented B. when the abacus is invented C. when was the abacus invented D. when the abacus was invented 15. _ the weather report, it will be snowy tomorrow. A. Because ofB. instead ofC. According toD. Hearing 16. _ is believed that Bell invented the first telephone in 1876. A.

9、This B. That C. It D. One 17. If you want some more salt, just _ some _ the dish. A. make; on B. keep; in C. leave; in D. sprinkle; on 18. During this summer vacation, Im going to visit my aunt and live with her for _. A. sometimes B. some times C. some time D. sometime 19. Tina prefers bananas to o

10、ranges. She likes the sweet _. A. taste B. touch C. happiness D. feelings 20. His sister sings well. She has a _ voice. A. please B. pleasure C. pleasant D. pleased 三. 完型填空。 The bicycle is one of the simplest yet most useful inventions in the world. What is most surprising is that it was not _1_ ear

11、lier, although the great inventor Leonardo Da Vinci had drawn pictures for bicycles and also for flying machines and some other things. Those things were not produced_2_ long after he died. A person riding a bicycle uses _3_ energy to make the bicycle move, and there is no pollution at all when you

12、are riding. Even so, in developed _4_ , most people don t travel to work by bicycle. It is not because the bicycles are expensive or people feel_5_ if they ride to work. It s because _6_ cars on the roads becomes larger. It certainly becomes _7_ to ride a bicycle. As a result, more people put their

13、bicycles away and go to work _8_ their cars cars, and in this way, the situation is made more serious ._9_ the best way to make riding sa-fer and more popular is to create paths ( 开设通道 ) only for bicycles, and to make _10_ so difficult and expensive for drivers to take their cars into the city that

14、they will go back to use their bicycles. 1. A.invent B.inventing C.invented D. to invent 2. A.before B. when C. since D. until 3. A.much B. quite a lot of C. very little D. many 4. A.world B. countries C.land D. earth 5. A. lucky B. glad C. sorry D.tired 6. A. the number of B. a number of C. this ki

15、nd of D. all kinds of 7. A. safer B. more dangerous C. much dangerous D. safe 8. A. by B. in C. use D. drive 9. A. Hardly B. May be C. Perhaps D. Nearly 10. A. it B. them C. us D. that 四. 阅读理解 :(满分 30 分) A If you go to a fast food restaurant, you will probably see a lot of teenagers. Today, many tee

16、nagers are overweight, and some of this because of their bad eating habits. Most teenagers love food with a lot of fat, oil, salt, and sugar. People often call this kind of food “junk food”. But bad eating habits go beyond fast food. We find many teenagers eat unhealthily. Some dont have breakfast before the



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