2012年下学期仁寿联谊学校初中七年级半期检英语试卷 .pdf

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1、共 8 页,第页1 2012年下学期仁寿联谊学校初中七年级半期检测 英语试题 (总分 120 分, 120 分钟完卷) 题号听力一二三四五六七八总分 得分 第一部分:听力(共 20 小题,计 20 分,每小题 1分) . 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(5 分) ( )1. A. Where B. What C. How ( )2. A. find B. know C. think ( )3. A. Eric s B. Anna s C. Jack s ( )4. A. Thank B. Look C. Think ( )5. A. first name B. last name C. mi

2、ddle name . 听句子,选择该句的最佳答语。(5 分) ( )6. A. Nice to meet you , too. B. I m fine. C. Thank you. ( )7. A. I m Eric. B. His name is jack. C. Green. ( )8. A. It s under the table. B. He is in the classroom. C. He is fine. ( )9. A. It s 335-7682 B. It s a pen. C. No, it s a case. ( )10. A . Good evening! B.

3、 Nice to meet you. C. Good morning! . 听以下五段对话,选择最佳答案。(5 分) ( )11. What s Mike s father s telephone number? A. It s 520-6524. B. It s 320-6527. C. It s526-8529. ( )12. What s Bob s last name? A. Green. B. White . C. Smith. ( )13. What color is Bill s model plane? A. It s yellow. B. It s white. C. It

4、s blue. ( )14. Where is the boy s clock? A. On the table. B. On the bed. C. Under the table. ( )15.Who is the man(男人 ) in the photo? A. Frank s father. B. Frank s brother. C. Frank s uncle. IV. 听短文 , 选择最佳答案。 (5 分) ( )16. Who is English? A. Jim B. Jenny. C. Nick. ( )17. What is Jim s sister s name? A

5、. Jane B. Jenny. C. Nick. ( )18. Who has a brother? A. Jim B. Nick. C. Jenny. ( )19. How many people are in the photo? A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. ( )20. What is Nick s last name? A. Han B. Smith C. Green. 第二部分:笔试部分(共八个大题,计100 分) 一、单项选择(本大题共15分,每小题 1 分) ( )1.-What color is your pen? - . A. An orange B. A oran

6、ge C. Orange D. orange ()2. I have eraser . And eraser is in my pencil box. A, a, the B, an, a C, an, the D, an, an ()3. The CDs in the drawer and the notebook under the desk. A. is; is B. is; are C. are; is D. are; are 共 8 页,第页2 ()4.What are those? . A, They are orange trees. B, They are oranges tr

7、ees. C, Those are orange trees. D, Those are oranges trees. ()5.-Let s play football. - . A. Yes, I do B. That sounds good C. Sorry, I play D. No, I don t ()6. My father a computer . A. have B. has C. don t have D. doesn t has ()7. -Your English is very good. -_ A. Yes, it is. B. No, no. C. Thank yo

8、u very much. D, OK ()8. Jim and Tom are my . books are here. A. friend; Their (他们的 ) B. friend; They C. friends; Their D. friends; They ()9. Is that girl a teacher? . A. Yes, he is. B. No, she is. C. No, she isn t. D. Yes, he isn t. ()10. those your keys? Yes, they are. They are . A. Is; my B. Are ;

9、 my C. Are; mine D. Are ; yours ( )11. Eric is an English boy. is friend. A. He; her B. She; he s C. She; his D. He; she s ( ) 12. Here _ two nice photos of my family. A. are B. is C. do D. does ()13.-What s Alan Smith s _ name ? -It s Alan. A. first B. last C . family D, full ()14. Are these books

10、? No, they are . A, his, he s B, yours, my C, his, hers D, Your, my ( )15. _. Is this your pen? A. Sorry B. Hello C. Excuse me D. Hi 二、完形填空:(10 分) Hey, boys and girls! 16 morning. My name 17 Erefat. I 18 12 years old(岁). I have 19 ID card. Its 20 is 3367753. Miss Wang is our Chinese teacher . 21 is

11、very nice. We all like her very much. What s 22 telephone number? Oh, 23 6207654. If( 如果 ) you have some questions, you can call her. She likes 24 very much. Her pen is blue. Her ruler is blue, too. Can you tell me what 25 you like? Red, white or green? ( )16 A. OK B. good C. Nice D. Good ( )17 A. b

12、e B. are C. is D. am ( )18 A. am B. is C. are D. be ( )19 A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )20 A. name B. number C. card D.ID ( )21 A. She B. Her C. Miss D. His ( )22 A. she B. her C. him D. his ( )23 A. it B. its C. it s D. is ( )24 A. white B. green C. red D. blue ( )25 A. color B. ruler C. pen D. orange

13、三、阅读理解(共20 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) 阅读下面A、B、C、 D 四篇短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 三个选项 中选出最佳选项。 共 8 页,第页3 This is Linda s room. It s a nice room. It s very clean(干净的 ). I can see a brown bed. A photo of a boy is on the wall . Can you see a brown desk? Yes, it s in the room, on the left(在左侧 ). A green chair is on the f

14、loor . Some books and blue pens are on the desk. Linda s lamp(灯) is on the desk, too. It s a pink lamp. Where is Linda? Is she in the room? No, she isn t. She is at school. ( )26, Linda s room is . A. not nice B. not clean C. nice and clean D. not clean or ( 或者 ) nice ( )27 , is on the wall. A , A p

15、hoto of a girl B. A photo of a boy C. some pictures D. Two pictures ( )28 , are on the desk. . A. Some books, blue pens and a lamp B. Some books, red pens, a bag and a lamp C. Some green pens, a bag and a lamp D. A bag, a book, a blue pen and a lamp ( )29 ,What s the color of the lamp? It s . A. brown B. blue C. green D. pink ( )30 ,Linda s is (are) NOT in the room. A. schoolbag B. bed and desk C. books and a chair D. pens and lamp 根据以下几则启事,选择填空。 ( ) 31, Who lost a pen? A. Kelsey. B. Bruce. C. Mary. D. Mike ( )32, Mike found . A. a pen B. a math book C. a schoolbag D. a school ID card ( )33,I


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