2008学年北京市海淀区第一学期期末测评 .pdf

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1、2008 学年北京市海淀区第一学期期末测评 九年级英语 第卷(机读卷共 70 分) 听力理解(共18 分)略 语言知识运用(共 30 分) 三、单项填空。 (共 18 分. 每小题 1 分) 15Where are keys? I can t find them. ABme Cmy Dmine 16In China, Spring Festival always comes January or February. Ain Bon Cat Dto 17did you go last summer vacation, Kathy? I went to Harbin. AWhat BWhy CWh

2、en DWhere 18I m hungry, mum. Can I have some ? Abooks Bcakes Cdrinks Dsports 19Bob, it s 7:30. Hurry up, you ll be late for school. Abut Band Cor Dso 20一Have you seen Harry Potter V? Of course, it is one of movies this year. Apopular Bmore popular Cmost popular Dthe most popular 21一How can I get to

3、People s Hospital? 一 Youd better a taxi. It is far from here. Atake Btook Ctaking Dto take 22You ve told Mary the good news, haven t you? No. I ll tell her as soon as she back. Acome B comes C came D will come 23you play tennis? 一 No. But I am good at playing football. ACan BMay CMust DShould 24My t

4、eacher asked me a speech in front of the whole school the next week. Agive Bgave Cto give Dgiving 25My twin sister to music when I got home. A1istens B1istened Cis listening Dwas listening 26My uncle is a computer programmer in IBM. He there for 5 years. Aworks Bworked Cwill work Dhas worked 27Yeste

5、rday we visited an old church. It more than 100 years ago. Abuilt Bis built Cwas built Dhas built 28I enjoy my life here. I have friends, and we meet quite often. Afew Ba few C1ittle Da little 29一What can we do to help the kids in the poor areas? We could signs asking for old books. Aput up Bput on

6、Cput down Dput off 30Dad,I think you should stop . It s bad for your health. Asmoke Bsmoked Csmoking Dto smoke 31一I m flying to Paris tomorrow. ! AThat s all right BThat s a good idea CThank you very much DHave a good trip 32Can you tell me tomorrow evening? Awhen will the party start Bwhen the part

7、y will start Cwhen did the party start Dwhen the party started 四、完形填空。 (共 12 分, 每小题 1 分) 通读下面短文, 掌握其大意 , 然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中, 选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选 项。 Kids in the digital age Sammy Liu, a six-year-old boy from Kowloon, has become a hero recently. One day he used the familys 33 to stop an attempted robbery. Wh

8、ile the thief was busy searching the flat, Sammy went into his bedroom 34 and used his computer to call the police, who 35 five minutes later and caught the thief. These days, it is 36 for children as young as Sammy to be so computer literate. Many children use computers at home or at school and som

9、e 37 even have their own websites. Such websites not only offer students the opportunity to learn new skills but also mean that people all over the world can 38 out more about their school. Some parents think that spending too much time using a computer can be harmful, when really the 39 is true. “

10、Kids should be40 to use computers as early as possible,” said Tony Robertson, a software developer. “ Children learn really fast. Many children 41 much more about technology than their parents. “ In Hong Kong, the “IT 2010 ”project 42 to provide every student with a computer by the year 2010. School

11、s, hospitals, shops and homes will all be interconnected by an island wide network. 43 at home or school, the digital age has certainly opened the 44 to a whole new world of learning. 33Aradio Bcomputer Crecorder Dtelephone 34Aquietly Bslowly Ceasily Dexcitedly 35A1eft Breturned Canswered Darrived 3

12、6Ahard Busual Ccommon Ddangerous 37Aschools Bhomes Cshops Dhospitals 38Agive Bfind Csend Dwork 39Aopposite Bunknown Csame Dnew 40Ainvited Bforced Callowed Dencouraged 41Athink Bremember Cknow Ddiscuss 42Aprepares Bappears Cplans Dstarts 43AWhen BWhere CEither DWhether 44Aheart Bdoor Ceyes Dminds 阅读理

13、解(共 22 分) 五、阅读理解。 (共 22 分, 每小题 2 分) 阅读下面A、B、C 三篇短文 , 从每题所给的四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。 A Last week we asked students to write about their favorite school events in the year. Here are some of their replies. 45What s Jenny s favourite school event? ASchool Olympics. BScience Fair. CSchool Camping. D School Party 4

14、5What s Jenny s favourite school event? ASchool Olympics. BScience Fair. CSchool Camping. DSchool Party. 46Who likes Science Fair best? APaul. BMary. CTony. DJenny. 47Last year Tony went . Aswimming Bdancing Crock-climbing Dhiking B My Daddy on Campus was late on my first day of high school. My next

15、 class, Spanish, scared me. As the second bell rang in the hallway, I ran to the door of the classroom. At the door, a hand reached out and shook mine firmly. I looked up. A man smiled and introduced himself as Profe, which means teacher or professor in Spanish. Right away, his warm smile and welcom

16、ing words eased my fears. I enjoyed his classes a great deal because I learned more than just Spanish. I admit I only speak a little Spanish. But I try to live out the life lessons I learned from Profe every day. “ Everyone is worth your time. ” Profe stood outside his classroom door every day before and after class. During lunch, his room was always filled with students. He would stay after school to listen to and chat with students. He taught me that every person is special. “ Don t


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