新人教 英语 8下 教案--集体备课:Unit 2 P2

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《新人教 英语 8下 教案--集体备课:Unit 2 P2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新人教 英语 8下 教案--集体备课:Unit 2 P2(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课 题Unit2 Ill help clean up the city parks.课 时2教:网:Z#k学目:标语言技能:语言知识语音:语音:正确拼读本节课的新单词,在朗读文本和进行对话时能模仿录音中的语音语调,口语交流时能做到语音、语调基本流畅,自然,正确。词汇:熟练运用:homeless, clean up, cheer up, give out, come up with,语法:初步学会使用Id like toI hope toI couldI volunteer to用法。功能:向别人提供帮助,做公益活动的规则。话题:Ill help clean up the city parks.

2、情感态度通过学习如何组建志愿者组织,更好的理解志愿者的工作,培养助人为乐的精神学习策略交际策略: 资源策略:通过多媒体、录音机等教学辅助工具,丰富自己的学习,进一步运用Id like to . Ill You couldYou need to 表达。文化意识了解如何开展志愿活动,并出谋划策,感受志愿者服务的发展现状及给社会带来的意义。教学重难点教学重点1. 牢记并掌握单词与词组。2. 能运用所学的句型交流。Id like toI hope toI couldI volunteer to教学难点3. 牢记并掌握单词与词组。4. 能运用所学的句型交流。Id like toI hope toI co

3、uldI volunteer to教学方法交际法,创设情境,任务型教学法教学辅助手段课件板书设计Unit2 Ill help clean up the city parks Id like toI hope toI couldI volunteer to教后反思 对所学动词的复现,对学生的学习和记忆很有帮助,课堂上出现的频率多了,用的多了,自然也就记住了。Teaching ProcedureStages/TimingTeacheters activitiesStudents activitiesMethodologyStep 1Revision Step 2Reading 3a Step 3e

4、xercise Step 4Homework 1、Show some pictures and let Ss talk about them in phrases.visit old peoplegive out food at the food bankhelp sick peoplecheer up sick kidsclean up the park2、What else could you do to help people?Id like toI hope toI couldI volunteer toThey volunteer there once a week to help

5、kids lean to write.They volunteer there once a week to help kids lean to read.Read the article and answer the questions below.1. What do Mario and Mary volunteer to do?Mary volunteers at an after-school reading program. And she also works there once a week to help kids learn to read.2. Why do Mario

6、and Mary volunteer to help others?Mario volunteers because he loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor.Mary volunteers because she is a book lover.3. What do they say about volunteering?Mario says that volunteering is a hard work, but he wants to learn more about how to care for animals. He ge

7、ts such a strong feeling of satisfaction when he sees the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners faces.Mary says that volunteering there is a dream come true for her. She can do what she loves to do and helps others at the same time.3c. Use infinitives to complete the sentence below.

8、1. Mario would like _an animal doctor.2. Mario works for an animal hospital because he wants _ about how_ for animals. 3. Mary decided _ for a job at an after-school reading program last year. She still works there now_ kids learn to read.4. Mary has a dream job because she can do what she loves_.4a

9、 Fill in the blanks with phrasal verbs in the box1. I want to_my plan to work in an animal hospital until next summer. Im too busy with my studies this year.2. She hopes to_at least five primary schools to ask if they need volunteers for their after-school programs. 3. Our class is trying to_some id

10、eas to_ sick children because they are often sad.4. We decided to_signs around the school and_notices to tell students about the book sale. We will_ the money from the sale to homeless people.4b Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.Most people today are only worried abou

11、t getting good jobs _ lots of money. In their free time, they think about what_ for fun. However, few people think about what they can do_ others. There are many people who are less lucky than us. Volunteering our time to help these people is a good way _ our free time. For example, we can make plan

12、s_ sick children in the hospital or raise money for homeless people. Some people even stop doing their jobs for a few months to a year_ to another place,like one of the countries in Africa, and help people there4c Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use infinitives.1. Id like to volunteer_.2

13、. At 12:00 a.m., I called my friend_.3. Im very busy but I could help_.4. Summer vacation is coming, and I want_.5. I want to travel alone. My parents told me (not) _. Finish WB2.2 Finish 金榜 SectionA 3a-4c 完成金榜作业SectionB Read 3a for at least 3 times. Pre-view SectionBSs review.Id like toI hope toI couldI volunteer toSs read the article . Ss do the exercises.复习,进一步巩固落实。篇章的阅读提高学生的阅读能力。



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