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1、关于词汇和完型填空的问题,1 如何记忆单词 一定的技巧 词的构成,词根词缀 联想记忆 b. 记忆单词注意事项 注意通过例句记单词 注意单词的发音 搭配和熟词生意,b. 在复习中的重难点安排 完型总分 10分, 占10% 客观题,共20题,历年平均分在3.5分左右,说明: 1 题多,分值小 2 难度大 在复习时: (1)阅读,翻译应花更多的时间。 (2)完型的复习目标是5分:即掌握简单常规题 (3)完型中词汇是重点,词汇和完型课程安排,1 基础课程阶段以词汇为主 -通过完型中重点的400多个单词的讲解和发散覆盖考研词汇中1000多个高频词。 -通过单项单词练习巩固记忆单词 2 词汇完成后,讲解完

2、型的技巧和真题。,Cap帽子头,首 Capital 首都 ,资金 Cap+city: 一个城市中的人数 Capacity (能力) 容量容积 The bread factory is working at full capacity. 15 capacity,(2) abolish a 拿走 + bo剥 :废除, a拿走,离开 away (3) abundant a-拿走,bund-堤岸 ant-蚂蚁 (4) abuse Ab-相反,便坏,离去 Ab+use= 用在坏的方面/用来做坏事=滥用 谩骂 虐待,domestic abuse/the abuse of power 词汇扩展: Usele

3、ss/useful/used/usage Ab-偏离,背离 Abnormal Odd: 奇怪的,基数,几率 Peculiar: 奇怪的,奇特的,(5)access a+双辅音:表示加强动作 Cess=走 access: 走近,入口,接近某物的方法 gain access to /access right 词汇扩展: assure/appoint/arrest associate/attest/accustom/affirm/ assimilate/accustom,好看,(7) accommodate comcommon mod-mode ate-动词 使 符合共同的行为方式 使适应 给 提供

4、住 (9) account Count: V. 计算在内,数/ N. 数目 重要(matter) 看作,For a scholar, taking books cant be counted as stealing. It is not what you said but what you did counts. Count on/count in 词汇扩展 Count : 数目 Account:帐户,叙述,描述,说明 He gave a detailed account of what happened on that night.,account for: 解释,说明, 占 Women w

5、orkforce accounts for 20% of the total employment. take sth. into account: 考虑到 on account of: 因为,由于 on no account: 决不,10. Actual act: 动作,装作,法令, 起作用 词汇扩展 动作:Action/active/activate/transact 作用:react/interact/interaction/ Actual/actually,11. adapt Apt: 适宜的,Ad- 使 Adapt:使适应,修改以适应 Adapt to Adaptable/adapt

6、ive Adjust to Adopt opt:选择 option/optional Adopt: 采纳,收养,(11) addict Dictionary diction:词 dict:说 Addict: 上瘾 Addict (n./v.) to /addiction 词汇扩展: Predict(289)/contradict/indicate(206)/index (index finger) Dictate-dictator-dictation,(13) address: address the problem (14) Adequate Equal:平等,相等 Equa/equ Ad-

7、 使 adequate: 足够的,充足的 (使 达到平均水平,即充足,足够) Problem of adequate food and clothing: 温饱问题 Adequacy/inadequacy,词汇扩展: Equate (认为与相等) equality/equator/equivalent/ (16) Administer Mini=小 er= 人 Minister 大臣,官员,部长,扶助,服侍 Administer: 执行,实施,管理 Minimum(247) Maximum (imax= image maximum),词汇扩展 administration n minute n

8、 一分钟a. 微小的,细微的 minimize v 使缩小到最少 miniature n 小型物;雏形 diminish v 减少;缩小 minor minority n 少数;未成年 minus v 减去 Minuscule:极小的,,(19) Advantage Van:有篷货车 + age: 时代=优势,有利地位 Ad=add 词汇扩展: Vanguard:前卫/先锋,(20) advise vis- 看 wise ad+vis 词汇扩展: Advisory(劝告的,提供咨询的)advisable(明智的,可取得)vision(视力,幻想)visible Visualize/superv

9、ise/revise/review,(21) Affect fect=fact affect :影响 Air pollution affects the weather condition. affect=have effect on Effect: 效果,影响(n);产生/使发生(v) Higher education will effect a great change in your future career. The government effects an environmental friendly policy to affect peoples life, which co

10、mes to good effect.,Come to effect bring into effect/ to no (good/bad) effect to the effect that effective,(22) Alcohol (kohl-coal) Cohol/coal 同源:黑 词汇扩展:alcoholic /alcoholism/spirit (23) Allege Lege:说legendallege :宣称(无凭据)alleged (adj.) (24) Allocation Locallocatallocate(vt) allocation(n.) 分配,拨给 (25)

11、 Ambiguous (adj.) 模糊的,含混的ambiguity (n.) am=是 bi=two (26) amount(n./v.): amount to (共计,发展成) (27) Analyst 词汇扩展: Analyze/se analysis,(30) Arouse (vt.) Rouse(惊起,唤起)+ a 使发生(表动作)=Arouse: 唤起,引起 32 assess (vt) Session(长老会)sess(=sit 坐) assess (坐着评价),评估,评价 Session (会议,会议期间),(34) assist(vt.)辅助,协助 assistassista

12、nt 词汇扩展 company (n.) 陪同accompany (vt.) 陪同companion (n.) 随行人员 flu(n.) 流感flux(n.)流动,变动influx (vi) 大量涌入fluctuate (vi.) 波动affluent (adj.) 富裕的,35 assume(v.)/assumption sume=take Assume(v.) =take on (承担任务,工作) take on (呈现) This city takes on a new appearance. 主观臆断(强调在没有证据下的推测) 假装 Never assume, for it makes

13、 an ASS out of U and ME. 词汇扩展: Presume(v.) 猜测presumption Consume(v.) 消费,消耗consumptionconsumer 消费者,37. attain(vt.) 实现,达到 tain=获得/保持/装 词汇扩展 83 Contain(vt.) 包含,容纳,压抑 38. attempt(v/n.) 尝试,试图做某事 tempt(vt.) 使某人想要干某事,鼓动诱惑某人干temptation (n.) 诱惑,39 authorize(vt.) Authorauthorityauthoritative (adj.) 权威性的author

14、ize 授权,委托 Authorauthentic (adj.) (是原作的) 真迹的,真正的,可靠的 The copy he made of the painting seems as if it was an authentic one. (40) available valuevalvail 有价值 avail(v./n.)有利,有效available (adj.) 可得到的,可用的/可取的联系的 The manager is not available now.,41 aware:意识到的 (感官感受到) awareawareness aware of awareness of 42.

15、 bacterial(adj.) bacteriabacterium 细菌 anti-bacteria 抗生素,(45) bind: v bi=two bind:(把两个绑在一起)捆绑,束缚 bind A to B: 把A和B绑扎在一起 Be bound up with : 与 密切相关 The strength of a countrys economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry.(真题题源) 词汇扩展: Bound: (adj.) (谐音 “绑”) 被限制的,有义务的,

16、(n.) 极限,限度 Music knows no bound. boundary (n.) 分界线,范围,bandage(n./v)(邦迪)绑带/用带子绑扎band 用带子绑/绷带 hussy轻佻的女子+band绑住=husband 47 Calculate(v.) 计算,51cast (vt.) broadcast:广播 broad: 广 cast: 播(播撒,扔) 词汇扩展 forecast 预报 overcast (n.) 遮盖物沮丧,忧郁 (adj.) 多云的,忧郁的 52 cease 停止,54 characterize(vt.) 以为特征,描述特征 Spencer argued that human evolution was characterized by a struggle he called the “survival of



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