佛山顺德江义初级中学七年级英语上册《Module 3 unit 1 There are thirty students in my class》教案 新外研版

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佛山顺德江义初级中学七年级英语上册《Module 3 unit 1 There are thirty students in my class》教案 新外研版_第1页
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《佛山顺德江义初级中学七年级英语上册《Module 3 unit 1 There are thirty students in my class》教案 新外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《佛山顺德江义初级中学七年级英语上册《Module 3 unit 1 There are thirty students in my class》教案 新外研版(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 There are thirty students in my class.Teaching Aims and Demands:1. 知识目标:掌握下列重点单词和词组的意思及用法there, forty-six, computer, map, dictionary, wall, library, picture, television, right, fifteen, sixty, seventeen,eighteen, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, many, how many, any, tree2

2、. 能力目标:能在实际情境中运用句型:there is / there are Can introduce ones classroom.3.情感目标:培养学生热爱学校,热爱自己家园的意识。Teaching main points and difficult points: 1.重点:There is a/ an. There are 2.难点:There is a/ an. There are 的具体用法.Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (or Tape recorder, OHP)Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Leading-in 1. Ss

3、look the pictures and answer the questions.T:What school are you in?S:I am in No. 1 Middle School. T:What class are you in?S:Im in Class Two.T:How many students are there in your class? S:There are 30 students in my class.Step 2 Show the learning aims Step 3 Listen and repeat / some /a:/ are classro

4、om / computer teacher/:/ girl thirtyStep 4 Consolidate new words 1. Learn the word on your own 2. Look and say.The teachers shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible. 3. Find and say.The teacher shows pictures of different numbers, and the students find the r

5、ight numbers.Step 5 Look and sayLook at the pictures and talk about them according to the following words.blackboard, book, classroom, computerdesk, funiture, map, picture, television, wallStep 5 Listening Listen and choose the right pictures.20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty70 seventy

6、80 eighty 90 ninetyStep 6 Pre-reading How many desks can you see? How many students are there in the picture?.Step 7 Listen and read Listen and fill in the blanks. Listen and choose the correct answers3. Listen and tell true or false.There are thirty students in Lindas class.( )There is a map of the

7、 world in Lindas class.( )4.Read the dialogue and fill in the form.ClassNumberof studentsPicturesType of mapLindas class Damings class 3.Listen and repeat the number.4. Match the words with the numbers. 5. Point out the main points in the dialogue.Step 8 Grammar 1. (1).Find the declarative sentences

8、 from 3.(2).Point out the use of the declarative sentences and the negative sentences in “there be”.(3).Do some exercises.2. (1).Find the general interrogative sentences from 3. (2).Point out the rules about how to change into interrogative sentences.Step 9 Work in pair. Write about your classroom.

9、Use numbers.How manyNumbersdesks televisions students blackboards pictures computers 2.Find the differences (我们来找茬)Step 10 Talk about your ideal classroom A:How many are there in your classroom?B:There are A:Is there a B:Yes, there is./No, there isnt.A:Are there ?B:Yes, there are./No, there arent.Step 11 SummaryThere be结构中的be的单复数取决于后面紧跟的名词。There be结构的疑问句是把be提前。Some在否定句和疑问句中要变为any。Step 12 ExercisesStep 13 Homework课后准备一个对话,介绍你理想的.5实 用 文 档


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