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1、School and school life(学校和学校生活),(7A Unit 3,Unit 9,9 Unit 1,Unit 14),话题四,1box(n.) _(复数)箱;盒 2dictionary(n.) _(复数)字典;词典 3help(v. 关爱care for; 自主学习learn by oneself; 积极参加take an active part in; 小组学习group work; 课外活动outofclass activities,【范文】 My Life in the Senior High School My junior high school will be o

2、ver. And Im going to my senior high school in September. I think my senior high school life will be colorful and meaningful. The campus of my senior high school will be peaceful and beautiful. The classroom will be wide and bright. It must be a good place to study. The teachers will be knowledgeable

3、. They will be strict with the students but they care for them,too.I will get along well with my classmates. I will learn by myself and take an active part in group work. And I will try my best to make big progress. I will take part in all kinds of out-of-class activities and keep fit. What a wonder

4、ful senior high school life! I cant wait!,【写作指导】 人称:第一人称和第三人称;时态:一般现在时。 写作思路:先开篇点题同学们相互送礼物;再具体写出每个人的观点;最后写出作者个人观点及做法。,Recently I have found that some classmates are giving graduation gifts to each other. Are we supposed to do this? My friends and I have different views about it. Helen thinks its nec

5、essary to give gifts to friends because friends are important to us and they can remember us forever if we do so. Zhu Jie thinks differently. He says its unnecessary to do this because itll not only waste our parents money,but also get in the way of our schoolwork. As for me,I suggest we give a few gifts to our friends,but the gifts cant be too expensive. At the same time,we should try to help and care about our friends. Remember:a true friendship requires understanding and care.,


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