英语基础模块Book1 Unit 4教案(6.29).pdf

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1、学 海 无 涯 Book1 Unit 4 Welcome to our party! 莆田职业技术学校莆田职业技术学校 徐宁徐宁 Unit 4 Welcome to our party! (第一课时(第一课时 教学设计)教学设计) 一、学情分析一、学情分析 本教案的授课对象为高一年级电子商务专业学生。该班共有 50 名学生,其中女生 42 名,男生 8 名。 该班学生学习习惯较好,班级的学习氛围浓厚。但是由于专业要求和英语的联系不密 切,学生对于英语课程并不特别重视,存在以下问题:掌握的词汇量和句型结构少、听力和 口语表达能力弱、害羞、课堂参与积极性不强、学习动机不强。 针对以上问题,本教案强

2、调集体配合和合作互助的精神,并通过多种途径激发学生的 学习兴趣和参与热情。 形象化的图片教学和有适当紧张度的游戏和表演, 不仅能吸引学生的 注意力,而且能强化教学效果。同时教师在课堂上不断提供适时的语言帮助和鼓励,扫除学 生在学习过程中碰到的障碍, 有助于克服学生的畏缩心理, 使他们积极主动地配合教学活动, 真正成为课堂活动的主体。 二、教材分析二、教材分析 1 1教学内容教学内容 本课时系教材英语 1 (基础模块 高教版)第四单元的第一课时,包括 Lead-in & Listening and speaking 中的 Dialogue A 两部分,具体内容为:关于天气和参加聚会人物身份 的词

3、汇;主人迎接客人、客人恰当回应的对话;在聚会上谈论天气等话题的对话。 这些内容为整个单元的学习活动做语言和知识的准备,也为学生学以致用的语言表达 活动提供了语言铺垫。 2 2教学重点、难点教学重点、难点 教学重点 学生在较为真实的聚会情景中迎接客人及恰当回应,并交流天气等话题。 教学难点 学生了解并运用两项听力策略Inferring and note-taking; 学生找出适合聚会中交流的有趣话题。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 1. 知识目标知识目标 学生能掌握部分关于天气和参加聚会人物身份的词汇,如 party,weather, season, pleasant,snowy,rainy,wi

4、ndy,sunny,cloudy,foggy,host,guest。 学 海 无 涯 学生能掌握迎接客人及恰当回应、在聚会上谈论天气等话题的句型,如: Welcome to our party! This way,please. Whats the weather like in your hometown? Its . 2. 能力目标能力目标 学生能在真实聚会情景中迎接客人并恰当回应。 学生能运用所学语言在恰当场合谈论天气。 3. 情感目标情感目标 引起学生对 party planner 工作的兴趣,并促使他们思考和规划未来可能从事工作。 四、教学步骤四、教学步骤 Step One Lead

5、-in (4 min) 1. What a wonderful birthday party! (2 min) Teacher shows a picture of a birthday party on the screen, then asks, “ Whats it?” “What can you see on the picture?” “Who are they?” “ Which season might it be? How do you know?” (设计意图设计意图: :用图片导入本课话题,有助于教师从一开始就抓住学生的兴趣。在教师的用图片导入本课话题,有助于教师从一开始就

6、抓住学生的兴趣。在教师的 几个提问中,完成了部分天气词汇的复习和新词几个提问中,完成了部分天气词汇的复习和新词 host, guest 的教学。的教学。 ) 2. You can always find time to hold a party! (2 min) Teacher says, “ In fact, birthday is not the only case that we can hold a party. There is Christmas party, garden party, welcome party, and even hen party and stag part

7、y. As party is so popular in modern society, there is even a new job called party planner. It must be very interesting.” During the explanation, teacher shows the pictures about the above kinds of parties on the screen, with the English expression of each item beside each picture: Christmas party, g

8、arden party, welcome party, hen party, stag party, party planner. (设计意图设计意图: :该步骤有助于运用新鲜的内容,使学生继续保持对本课话题的兴趣。如果该步骤有助于运用新鲜的内容,使学生继续保持对本课话题的兴趣。如果 学生对屏幕上呈现的词汇不够熟悉,教师可以解释并领读三遍或更多的次数。学生对屏幕上呈现的词汇不够熟悉,教师可以解释并领读三遍或更多的次数。 ) 学 海 无 涯 Step Two Vocabulary teaching (10 min) 1. Which is the hot season for birthday

9、party? (1 min) Teacher says, “I want to make a survey about the hot season for birthday party in our class. How many students were born in spring, summer, autumn or winter? Hands up, please, and Alex, please help me to count the numbers.” Students are involved in it. Teacher collects the numbers and

10、 writes them down on the blackboard. (设计意图设计意图: :该步骤有助于学生通该步骤有助于学生通过举手的方式集中注意力,参与课堂活动。教师可以过举手的方式集中注意力,参与课堂活动。教师可以 邀请未认真听讲的学生帮助他统计数字作为提醒。邀请未认真听讲的学生帮助他统计数字作为提醒。 ) 2. Whats the weather usually like on your birthday? (6 min) Teacher says, “We were born in different seasons. But usually we all hold parti

11、es on our birthdays. Whats the weather usually like on your birthday? Please find possible weather in the following form (Activity 17, Page 60), then tell me your answers. Students circle the words about weather individually, then Teacher asks ten or more students to answer the question. All words s

12、hould be found according to students answers. Teacher writes down the key words and sentence patterns on the blackboard as a reminder. (设计意图(设计意图: :在字母表格中寻找单词的方式能集中学生的注意力,加深学生对天气词汇在字母表格中寻找单词的方式能集中学生的注意力,加深学生对天气词汇 的印象。大量的问答活动有助于学生掌握该关键句型的用法。 )的印象。大量的问答活动有助于学生掌握该关键句型的用法。 ) 3. Game: Have you got a good

13、 memory? (3 min) Teacher designs a game with the help of PowerPoint like this: Teacher shows some words about weather with related pictures on the screen for only three seconds. Then students tell out what the words are. The number of the words on the screen is different each time, from 4 to 10. The

14、 class is divided into four groups, and there is a competition among them. Each group will be given 10 scores at first, then a right answer brings one more score, and a wrong answer will make them lose one score. The student who hands up first answers the question for his groups. (设计意图设计意图: :该步骤的游戏有

15、助于扫除学生在听力活动中的障碍。因为词汇和图片记忆该步骤的游戏有助于扫除学生在听力活动中的障碍。因为词汇和图片记忆 的时间只有三秒钟, 学生不得不聚精会神地投入其中, 各组之间的竞赛将使活动更加刺激。 )的时间只有三秒钟, 学生不得不聚精会神地投入其中, 各组之间的竞赛将使活动更加刺激。 ) Step Three Listening ( Activity 1, 2, 3) (10 min) 学 海 无 涯 1. Activity 1. Listen and match. (2 min) Students listen to the tape and finish the activity in

16、dividually. If they cannot catch the answer in the first listening, repeat the dialogues again. (设计意图设计意图: :由于有由于有 Lead-in 和和 Vocabulary teaching 的铺垫,的铺垫,Activity 1 非常简单,学生非常简单,学生 在完成过程中不会碰到什么困难。 )在完成过程中不会碰到什么困难。 ) 2. Activity 2. Listen and match. (3 min) Teacher says: “Where do Mr Smith, Wang Yang and Mr Lee come from? Please guess it and match the items according to your inferring. Th


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