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1、新目标英语七年级下期中复习检测题 一单项选择(每小题 1 分共 25 分) ()1. Themen to the radio. A. are listeningB. listeningC. is listeningD. are listenning () 2. In the picture you can see a boy swimming. His father him. A seesB is lookingC is look atD is watching () 3. Its 7oclock. Tom dinner at home. A is havingB haveC hasD hav

2、ing () 4. We any Chinese classes on Thursdays. And we an English class now.,A arent having, are having C dont have, are having () 5. -Lets go to the park, Lily.,1,B dont have , have D arent having, dont have - . Shall we go now?,A Sorry, I cantB. SureC Its boringD Thanks () 6. -Ling Ming, are you li

3、stening or writing?-. A Yes, I amB Im listeningC No, I am not writingD Im listening and writing,() 7. -What are you doing? A Im doing my homework C Im cleaning the room,- . It is too dirty. B Im playing computer games D Im writing,()8.-May I take the magazine out of the reading room ? -No, you cant.

4、 You read it here .Its the rule. A. mustB. wouldC. mayD. might ()9. in the school library. A. No talkB. Not talkingC. No talkingD. Not talk ()10.He arrives here a cold night. A./;atB. at; atC. /;onD. in;on ()11.Where did you go last year? A. otherB. elseC. placeD. others ()12.We dont know Jack Bruce

5、. A. andB. orC. aboutD. of ()13.Can she clean the classroom today?,A. has toB. have toC. hasD. Have ()14. -Can you tell me it is from here to downtown? -Yes, its fifteen minutes by bus. A. how muchB. how long,C. how far D. how many,()15. Susans parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool.

6、It be very expensive. A. mustB. canC. cantD.neednt ()16. I know itll me much time to practice it but Im sure I can learn a lot from it.,A. spend ()17.-The sandwich is delicious. A. other,B. takeC. payD. cost -Would you like one? B. othersC. anotherD.the other,()18. He to clean the classroom. A. need

7、ntB. dont needC. doesnt needD. needntto ()19. books are missing in the library. We must ask the police for help.,2,C. The number of,D. Many,A. MuchB. A number of ()20. Jie Min usually gets up . A. at six thirtyB. at thirty six,C. on six thirty,D. on thirty six,()21. In our school , school at 7:30. A

8、. isB. startC. startsD. does ()22. -When does your mother go shopping?-Usually Sunday morning. A. onB. inC.atD. after ()23. - ? -Sorry, I cant. A. Can you play the drums B. Do you drawC. Are you here D. Can your brother dance ()24. -Do you have a watch?- . A. Yes, he doesB. No, Im notC. No, I dontD.

9、 I dont know ()25. They have no classes Saturday and Sunday. A. inB. onC. atD:from 1-5 ABACB 6-10 BCACC 11-15 BBBCA 16-20 BCCBA 21-25 CAACB 二. 完型填空(每题 1 分,共 10 分) It 26 Sunday yesterday . We has 27 classes. I got up at 6:30 28 morning. Then my mother and I went to the shop. We wanted to do some 29 .

10、 My mother wanted to buy some food 30 super and I wanted to buy some school things: some books and a pen. The shop 31 early in the morning. 32 a lot of people in the shop. They were 33 , old and young. Some things in the shop were cheap ,some were not. We bought some food and school things. The peop

11、le in the shop 34 friendly 35.,Bwas Bnot Bin the Bshoping Bto Bopening BThere has,Cits Cnot any Cat Cshopping Cwith Cis opening CThere were,Dit was Dmuch Dat the Dshop Dat Dopened DThere have,Bmans and womansC men and womenDa man and a woman,Bwere B to us,Cdid C for our,Dhave D to ours,26Ais 27Ano 2

12、8Ain 29Ashops 30Afor 31Aopen 32A. There is 33Aman and woman 34Awas 35Afor we 26-30 BABBA 31-35 DCCBB,三. 阅读理解(每题 2 分,共 40 分) A Kim went to a beautiful beach on Monday with his friends . It was sunny and hot. So they had great fun playing in the water. In the afternoon, they went shopping. But the sho

13、ps were crowded, they didnt really enjoy it. The next day, it was rainy, so they went to a museum. It was boring. Kim found a small boy crying in the corner. The boy was lost. He helped the boy find his father. Kim was very happy. But he had no money for a taxi. So he had to walked back to the hotel

14、. That made him very tired. On Wednesday, the weather was very cool. So they played tennis. They played all morning. It was really fun. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“T”,错误的用“F”。(共 5 分,每小题 1 分) ( )36. On Monday, Kim had fun going shopping.,3,()37. It was very hot on Wednesday. ()38. They went to a museum on

15、Tuesday. ()39. Kim helped a boy find his father and went back to the hotel by taxi. ()40. They played tennis on a cool day. B Jim, Kate and Li Ming are doing the homework together(一起). Jims spelling of “Moday” is wrong (错 误). Kate tells him about it. Li Ming wants to borrow (借) an eraser from Jim or

16、 Kate. Jim says he has one and gives it to Li Ming. Li Ming thanks Jim for his help. Jim says, “Youre welcome”. Now Jim says “Thanks very much” to Kate for her help. Kate says “Thats all right”. The three children are students in a school in Beijing. Jim is from London. Kate is from New York. Li Ming is a Chinese girl. They are good friends. They often do homework and play games together. They often help each other (互相). 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(共 5 分,每小题 1 分) (


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