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1、企业物流成本控制措施探析摘 要 随着经济的日益全球化发展,市场竞争也变得愈加激烈,现代企业的首要任务逐渐转变成如何有效的控制企业物流成本。转变企业创新能力的基本途径是有效控制物流成本的物流管理效率,改变生产工艺是一种有效的控制企业物流成本措施。降低物流成本,给企业带来的经济效益不断扩大,使全社会的对物流成本控制的会计意识正在不断加强,如何有效控制企业的物流成本已成为大家关注的焦点。目前我国很多企业物流成本的控制大多仅限于一个表面的探索,但却没有形成一个完整有效的控制核算系统。如何形成一个完整有效的核算控制体系成了物流成本控制工作最基础的问题。目前我们亟待解决的主要问题就是找到有效控制物流成本的


3、一套完整有效的控制体系,让物流成本的最终控制结果更加准确,希望自己的意见可以更好地帮助企业控制物流成本。 关键词:成本控制;物流成本控制;物流成本控制措施AbstractWith the globalization of economy development, the market competition becomes increasingly fierce, the primary task of modern enterprises gradually transformed into the control of logistics cost effectively. Improve

4、 production technology innovation ability, promote the development of enterprise logistics management, basic ways to strengthen the efficiency of logistics management is the accounting of logistics cost effective. To reduce the logistics cost of the economic benefits of the enterprise continues to e

5、xpand, so the logistics cost accounting and consciousness of the whole society is strengthening the cost control in logistics enterprise how to effectively has become everyones eyes are gathered. At present, our country many enterprises logistics cost control are mostly limited to a superficial expl

6、oration, but did not form a complete and effective control of accounting system. How to form a complete and effective accounting control system of the logistics cost control work of the most basic questions, which affects the final result of the logistics cost. At present the main problems we need t

7、o solve is to find effective measures to control the logistics cost.正 It is because of this problem, based on the review of the literature on logistics cost in foreign countries, and introduces some of Chinas logistics costs and cost of the relevant literature. Followed by a detailed discussion of l

8、ogistics cost. The first is a simple explanation of the meaning and characteristics of enterprise cost control and the significance, then the related concepts of logistics cost control in detail, then describes the current our country enterprise in order to control the logistics cost of the measures

9、, and specific analysis of the logistics aspects of the problems and shortcomings, and put forward the corresponding settlement measures aiming at each link the existing problems. Finally, through the analysis and comparison of various measures of the defects and advantages, get better control measu

10、res, and put forward their own views on cost control. Each enterprise wants to dig more third profit, to achieve more profits, therefore, effective control measures play an important role in the logistics cost control. Form a complete and effective control of accounting system, build a set of comple

11、te and effective accounting control system, so that the final results of the logistics cost control is more accurate, and hope that their views can better help the enterprise logistics cost control.Keywords:Cost Control;Logistics Cost Control;Logistics Cost Control Method目 录1 绪论11.1 选题背景11.2 研究意义11.

12、3 文献综述21.3.1 国外文献综述21.3.2 国内文献综述22 企业物流成本控制相关概述42.1 成本控制的概述42.1.1 成本控制的含义及内容42.1.2 成本控制的原则及意义42.2 物流成本控制的概述52.2.1 物流成本控制的含义及内容52.2.2 物流成本控制的原则及意义53 企业物流成本控制措的现状及存在的问题63.1 物流成本控制的现状73.2 物流成本控制存在的问题73.2.1 显性成本存在的问题73.2.2 隐性成本存在的问题84 物流成本控制措施的完善94.1 对目前物流成本控制现状的改进94.2 物流成本控制的优化104.2.1 物流成本的局部控制104.2.2

13、物流成本的综合控制115 结论125.1 研究结论125.2 政策建议12致 谢14主要参考文献15企业物流成本控制措施探析1 绪论1.1 选题背景随着社会的进步,物流成本也越来越得到人们的重视,现代企业的当务之急便是如何有效的降低企业物流成本。无论企业物流的技术是什么样,但其目标都是想通过优化整条物流系统,降低物流成本,赢得更多利益,要想实现这一切都必须是在确保企业物流成本服务质量不降低的前提下。总的来说,企业的核心技术目的就是在企业生产经营过程中中不停地谋求企业物流成本的降低。新经济时代的到来,市场一体化水平的不断加强使越来越多的企业面临着个性化消费水平不断上升、客户需求不断变化、社会环境


15、项措施的优点及存在的问题,并对存在的问题及时纠正,从而得出控制企业物流成本的最佳措施。总之,本文的目的是通过了解企业物流成本控制的概念、特点、成本控制措施、以及各措施的优点和缺点。最后得出最合理、最科学的物流成本控制措施。1.2 研究意义降低物流成本的重要前提和基础是物流成本控制,物流成本控制一直是社会各界的广泛关注。但我国对于企业物流成本控制的研究起步较晚,并且一般进行探究的素材都是以企业管理方法为主的,但是其存在一系列难以解决的问题:如计算元素是很难确定、实际操作系统存在的缺陷、计算元素是很难确定等。这就形成了物流成本控制措施的基础问题,如果该问题得不到解决,进而还会影响物流成本控制和企业管理的最终结果。因此,每个企业首先要解决的问题就是寻找有效控制企业物流成本的方法。控制企业物流成本的意义:1. 物流成本已经被称为第三利润,企业物流成本的精确核算,能够在生产过程中进一步完善物流成本控制,确定企业物流成本控制的重要性,整个经济活动中所占的比例大小也可以显示的更加直观。2.经营决策指标数据的一个重要来源就是物流成本核算,通过准确的计算,计算出物流运营成本和物流活动成本,便可以更好地把握物流成本,这样不仅有助于发现现有的物流活动存在的问题,优化物流运作流程,还可以为管理者做出更有效的物流业务决策提供意见,同时为业


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