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1、2.In the future, terrorists may “attack” the worlds computers, cause chaos, and make planes and trains crash.(将来,恐怖分子可能会“攻击”全世界的计算机,引起混乱,使飞机坠毁,让火车相撞。) 本句是一个简单句,and 连接三个并列的谓语动词。 make 在此是使役动词,后面的 crash 是省略to的不定式作宾补。,考点提炼:“make + 宾语 + 宾补”结构: make + 宾语 + adj. 使. .变得. . e.g. Music makes your life colorfu

2、l. make + 宾语 + n. 使. .成为. . e.g. We made him our monitor. make + 宾语 + do sth. 使,让 e.g. You can make that dream come true.,make + 宾语 + done 使. .(在这种结构中,宾语往往是反身代词,宾语和宾补之间是逻辑上的动宾关系) 使自己被别人. e.g. The speaker raised his voice in order to make himself heard. make + it (形式宾语)+ n. / adj.+ to do sth. /that.(

3、真正的宾语) e.g.,单句语法填空。 1. He raised his voice to make himself (hear). 2. He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them (interest) in his classes. 3. Paul doesnt have to be made (learn). He always works hard. 4.(2012四川) New technologies have made possible to turn out new products

4、 faster and at a lower cost.,heard,interested,to learn,it,“with + 复合结构”又称为“with结构”,即with+宾语+宾补,在句中表状态或说明背景情况,常做伴随,方式,原因,条件等状语。具体结构如下: 1. with + sb./sth. + -ed 分词 (强调名词是 -ed分词动作的承受者或动作已经发生) e.g. He sat there with his eyes closed他闭目坐在那儿。 All the afternoon he worked with the door locked 整个下午他都锁着门在房里工作。

5、,2. with + 名词 + -ing分词(强调名词是 -ing分词的动作的发出者或某动作,状态正在进行) He fell asleep with the lamp burning他没熄灯就睡着了。 I wont be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill 因为妈妈有病,我无法去度假。,3. with + 名词 + to do (动作尚未发生) I cant go out with all these clothes to wash要洗这些衣服,我无法出去了。 With so many people to help us, we are

6、 sure to finish it in time 有这么多人帮忙,我们一定能按时完成。,4with + sb./sth. + 形容词/副词(强调名词的特性或状态) He often sleeps with the windows open他常开着窗睡觉。 He stood before his teacher with his head down他低着头站在老师面前。 He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on他和衣躺在床上。,5. withsb./sth.名词 He died with his daughter yet a schoolgirl他去世时,女儿还是个小学生。 6. With + sb./sth. + 介词短语 She said good-bye with tears in her eyes 她含着眼泪说了声再见。,


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