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1、 ECCN相關介紹ECCN主要是根据产品和技术的类型和性能来确定出口控制的级别。对于不需要出口许可的(no license required)则放行,否则就要申请出口许可。美国政府部门制定的出口限制措施,要求任何科技产品和技术的出口,必须通过以下流程:1、确定商品控制清单的ECCN出口分类号码,如果是EAR99,则不受控制。美国政府规定,任何供应商和原厂都有义务提供产品的ECCN编码。ECCN编码为五位数基码:第一位:数字,是商品控制类别序号,共计十类,如3电子/4计算机/5电信和信息安全/6激光和感应器/7导航和航天;第二位:字母,标记A为设备、组件、零件,B为检测设备,C为材料,D为软件,


3、核不扩散NP1、国家安全NS1/2、导弹技术MT1、地区稳定RS1/2、犯罪控制CC1/3。不受限制的为CB3、NP2、传统火药FC1、犯罪控制CC2、反恐类AT1/2。如果ECCN不属于受控制的国家类别,则为NLR,不需要申请出口许可。3、如果确实属于受控,则需要申请美国出口许可。需要申请美国出口许可的通过两种方式,一是中国商务部的最终用户许可证和美国政府的出口许可证;另外一种是最终用户直接通过美国商务部的工业和安全局上网申请验证,获得通过的直接允许出口一定产品。ECCN:BIS(美国商务部工业与安全局)为产品指定的出口控制分类编号。ECCN 是根据商品管制清单 (CCL) 在EAR(美国出

4、口管理条例,U.S. Export Administration Regulations)中使用的由字母和数字组成的分类编号,用于识别各商品,以进行出口控制。在美国国内法中,主要的出口管制法律法规有武器出口管制法(AECA)、国际紧急经济权力法(IEEPA)、出口管理条例(EAR)、对华武器禁令(ArmsEmbargoAgainstChina)、第13222号总统令(ExecutiveOrder)。商品与技术被划分为若干类,其中军事物资与技术的出口管制由国务院负责,它制定并执行美国军需品名录(USMunitionList);军民两用物资及其它物资的出口管制由商务部负责,它制定并执行管制商品名录

5、(CommodityControlList)和单位名录(EntityList),并对所有产自美国的商品进行出口分类管制编码(ECCN)。“美国的出口管制由来已久,但2007年以后将管制的责任从高科技产品和技术的原厂延伸到代理商和进出口贸易商。一套图表传真、通过电子邮件或电话提供技术分享,甚至一件产品发给一家美国在海外的全资子公司或一件原产地为海外的产品在美国出口都将成为管制的对象。管制的流程是通过查验出口控制分类编码(ECCN)和商品管制清单(CCL)来确认在何种情况下产品需要申请出口许可。1. I need an ECCN!You are ready to send your product

6、 out of the country today and your freight forwarder or delivery service tells you that it needs an ECCN to complete the Automated Export System (AES) or other documentation and you need to call the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) to get one! What do you do?There is a process for determining t

7、he proper ECCN for your item. BISs Office of Exporter Services (202-482-4811) in Washington D.C. or (949-660-0144) in Newport Beach, CA will guide you in attempting to determine your ECCN using the Commerce Control List. The Commerce Control List is found in Supplement 1 to Part 774 of the Export Ad

8、ministration Regulations (EAR). BIS cannot provide official classification determinations by phone because we do not have access to all of the necessary technical information about the product. However, we can help guide you through the classification determination process. First, we ask that you lo

9、ok at the index to the Commerce Control List and the list itself to see if theres a description similar to that of your item.Go to Top of PageWhat is an ECCN?ECCN, stands for Export Control Classification Number. An ECCN is an alpha-numeric classification used in the Commerce Control List to identif

10、y items for export control purposes. An ECCN is different from a Schedule B number, which is used by the Bureau of Census to collect trade statistics. It is also different from the Harmonized Tariff System Nomenclature, which is used to determine import duties.All ECCNs will have 5 characters, for e

11、xample, 1A001, 4B994, or 8D001. There are 10 categories on the Commerce Control List. The first number of the ECCN identifies the category to which it belongs, for example, 1 = Nuclear Materials Facilities and Equipment, 4 = Computers, 9 = Propulsion Systems, Space Vehicles and Related Equipment.How

12、ever, EAR99 is a different type of classification. It serves as a basket designation for items that are covered by the EAR, but are not specified on the Commerce Control List. EAR99 items can be shipped without a license to most destinations under most circumstances. There are limitations on the use

13、 of EAR99. However, the majority of the commercial exports from the United States fall into this category.Go to Top of Page3. How do I get an ECCN? There are three ways to determine the ECCN for your product.1. Determine the classification yourself.Review the alphabetical index to the Commerce Contr

14、ol List (CCL) (Supplement 1 to Part 774 of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). The index will give an ECCN for each item listed. Look in the corresponding CCL category to determine if your item is described by that ECCN. The CCL is available on the EAR Website. You may need to review more t

15、han one ECCN description. Instructions for using the CCL are found in EAR Part 738.2. Go to the source.Ask the manufacturer, producer or developer of the item. If the item has been exported in the past, they may know the ECCN, what countries require a license, and whether a license exception may be

16、used. Information on license exceptions can be found in EAR Part 740.3. Get an official classification from the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS).Submit a classification request on on-line through the Simplified Network Application Process Redesign (SNAP-R). For instructions on obtaining a Company Identification Number and PIN number to access


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