synaesthesia 通感.ppt

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《synaesthesia 通感.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《synaesthesia 通感.ppt(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、synaesthesia,-通感,The Definition of Synaesthesia Synaesthesia 源自希腊语,由 syn(together)+aesthesia ( sensation)而成,其意为perceiving together. A sensation produced in one modality when a stimulus is applied to another modality,as when the hearing of a certain sound induces the visualization of a certain color.

2、 某个感觉通道里产生的感觉,由于受到刺激而转移到另一个感觉通道,譬如听到某种音响会引起看到某种颜色的感觉。 House College Dictionary Synaesthesia is the use of one sense to convey the experience of another sense. _英语修辞学概论,钱钟书应该是我国正式引进通感研究的第一人。在其著名 论文通感中,他是这样描述通感的:“在日常经验里,视觉、 听觉、触觉、嗅觉、味觉往往可以彼此打通或交通,眼、耳、舌、 鼻、身各个官能的领域可以部分界限。颜色似乎会有温度,声音 似乎会有形象,冷暖似乎会有重量,气味似

3、乎会有锋芒。”(钱钟 书1979:52)在本文中,作者把通感划分为两大类:脑神经学 中的通感和语言学中的通感。,触觉的词发生迁移至: 1.味觉范畴: rough taste/粗糙的味道,即味道差的 2.视觉的色泽范畴: harsh colour/粗糙的颜色,即强烈刺眼的颜色 3.听觉范畴: soft sound/柔软的声音,即柔和的声音,味觉词语迁移至: 1.嗅觉范畴: sour smell/酸气味 2.听觉范畴: sweet sound/甜声音,即悦耳的声音 表空间的词语转移到: 1.色泽范畴:deep red/深红色 2.听觉范畴: high sound/高声音,色泽词语和听觉词语则可互相

4、转换范畴: dim sound/昏暗的声音,即模糊的声音; quiet color/安静的颜色,即素净的颜色,单觉描写 五种感觉:视觉(sense of sight)、听觉(sense of hearing)、嗅觉(sense of smell)、味觉(sense of taste)、触觉(sense of touch)。 例1:The gigantic snow-capped mountains were set off by the blue sky; several clouds cast their silver grey shadows on the white snow in th

5、e sun. 蓝天衬着巨大的雪峰,在太阳下,几块白云在皑皑雪峰间投下银灰的云影。 例2:看万山红遍,层林尽染;漫江碧透,百舸争流。,多觉描写:在一段对话里,要写两种或两种以上的感觉。 The fog was that thick and it stole into the room from the closed door, intermingled with the pitter-pattering of the light rain and the scent of the lily. 雾大得很,悄悄挤进门缝来,还夹杂着淅沥的雨声和百合的清香。,移觉描写:将一种感官的感觉移到另一种感官上。

6、 1)单项移觉:AB A.视觉听觉 例1:What a noisy scarf it is! (由视觉移至听觉) 这条围巾太艳丽了! 例2:风随柳转声皆绿,麦受尘欺色易黄。 (由听觉移向视觉) B.嗅觉听觉 例1:A loud perfume, which at my entrance cried, 一阵响亮的芳香,见我进来就叫唤, (嗅觉移植于听觉) 例2:雨过树头云气湿,风来花底鸟声香。 (听觉转化为嗅觉),C.味觉视觉 例1:The dish has a high local flavor.(味觉转向视觉) 这道菜具有浓郁的地方风味。 例2:望梅止渴(视觉向味觉转化) D.视觉味觉 例1

7、:Sweet thames! Run softly, till I end my song. 甜蜜的泰晤士河!柔软地流淌着,直到我的歌声终止。 (由视觉到味觉,再由味觉到视觉) 例2:他看了我一眼,那种正直而慈祥的眼光,使我立刻感到身上受了父亲的抚摩严肃和慈祥就像可以抚摩似的。 (视觉转向触觉),多项移觉:一种感觉却通过其他多种感觉来表达。 How to translate? Soft music like a perfume and sweet light. Golden with audible odors exquisite. Swathe me with cerements for e

8、ternity.,discussion,Soft music like a perfume and sweet light. Golden with audible odors exquisite. Swathe me with cerements for eternity. 柔和的音乐宛如芳香甜美的光,(触觉-听觉-嗅觉-视觉) 金黄色而带着听得见的气味,(视觉-听觉-嗅觉) 包裹着令我沉寂于永恒之中。(触觉) 例2:我望着他的背影,感到自己的心脏像被根无形的绳子抽紧 了,顿时间,痛楚、心酸、迷茫的感觉全涌上头间。 (用触觉、味觉来描写视觉),Synesthesia 是语言艺术化的一种常用手

9、段。 Synesthesia 的运用可增加语言的情趣,增强描述的形象性,创造出奇妙的境界,给人以深刻的启示和美的享受。,Johnsons Baby Powder: the soft smell Soft sense of touch Smell sense of smell 强生婴儿爽身粉:柔软的芳香,Posner lipstick: music to your lips music sense of hearing lips sense of vision 波色尔唇膏:您嘴唇上的音乐律动,hot,在英语中,“hot”一词既可以用来描述有时可能带有点痛 感的热温感,也可以用来描述有时也会带有点

10、痛感的由辣 椒素引起的感觉,因此,“hot”一词是个表示高温和辛辣的多义词. David Julius等人(2001)的辣椒素感受器(capsaicin receptor)实验表明,“hot”一词所描述的两种感觉之间的联系并不是任意的。事实上,用“hot”描述高温的水和辣椒给人的感觉有其生理根据.,sweet,通感形容词“sweet”的用法具有典型性,它可以用来描述我们的五种感官域中的感觉.,This tea is too sweet Lily likes sweet juicy peaches Mother often drinks a glass of sweet wine 在上面的例句中

11、。“sweet”用于描述味觉,意思是“containing or having a taste like sugar or a substance conraining or resembling sugar,as honey or saccharin”. “Sweet”的这一特征和属性是基本心理概念“SWEET”在味觉中的表现.,“a sweet tea” is “sweet in the gustatory (味觉的) modality for beinga certain property of tea” “sweet juicy peaches” are“sweet in the gu

12、statory modality forbeing a certain property of peaches”; “a sweet wine” is“sweet in the gustatory modality for being a certain property of wine”.,Grandmother loves those sweetsmelling flowers The sickly sweet sugarcanes smell of rottingfruit She hurried to the door and took great gulps of the sweet

13、 air 上面的例子中,“sweet”用于描述嗅觉,意思是“having a pleasant smell;fragrant;perfumed”. “Sweet”的这一特征和属性是基本心理概念“SWEET”在嗅觉中的表现.,“sweetsmelling flowers” are “sweet in the olfactory(嗅觉的) modality for being acertain property of flowers”. “sickly sweet sugarcanes” are “sweet in the olfactory modality for being a certai

14、n property of sugarcanes(unpleasantly sweet like rotting fruit)”; “sweet air” is“sweet in the olfactory modality for being a certain property of air(fresh and clean for air)”.,She has a very sweet singing voice And the old fountain , now green with moss and algae,made a sweet,pattering sound His sec

15、ret is a tone that is preternaturally sweet and centered 上面的例子中,“sweet”用于描述听觉,意思是“to be pleasant to listen to; pleasing to the senses; agreeable”. “Sweet”的这一特征和属性是基本心理概念 “SWEET”在听觉中的表现。,“a sweet singing voice” is“sweet in the auditory (听觉的)modality for being a certain property of singing voice”. “a

16、sweet sound of the old fountain” is“sweet in the auditory modality for being a certain property of the sound of the old fountain”; “a sweet tone” is“sweet in the auditory modality for being a certain property of a mans tone”.,Your little boy looks very sweet in his new coat Jessica looks so sweet in that hat Honey,you look so sweet in your pink pajama. 上面的例子中,“sweet”用到了视觉感官域中,意思是 “looking pretty and attractive,cute (especially in British English)”. “Sweet”的这一特征和属性是基本心理概


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