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1、仁爱英语七年级U8T1SA教学设计马双风Whats the weather like in summer? 1 Learning aims(1).Knowledge objectives 学习一些新单词:season, worm,spring,autumn,fall,climb,winter,hot,cold。(2).Ability objectives 1.学习有关季节和天气的表达。 2.了解 各季节适合做的活动。 (3).Emotion objectives 学会谈论自己最喜欢的季节及原因。2 Teaching difficulties and key points. Sentences:

2、 (1) -Whats the weather like in summer?-Its warm. (2)Its a good season for flying kites. (3)Its a good time to climb hills. (4)When it snows, t he ground is all white and I can make snowmen.3 Teaching proceduresStep 1: Lead-in1.师生常规间的问候。2.师生朗诵The Four Seasons,吸引学生的注意力,调动学生的积极性。Springtimes full of fr

3、esh new things. The trees are very green. April showers fill the earth, with sunshine warm in spring.Seasons come and seasons go, changing all the time. Step2: New words1.根据音标学习新单词。2.两分钟试记单词 。3.检测单词。Step3: Listening 1. Listen to 1a and finish 1b.学生听一遍录音,完成课本上的1b.Step4: 1. Practice 1c 两人一组讨论,练习对话。春夏秋

4、冬的天气怎么样?分别适合做什么运动?A:Whats the weather like in.? How is the weather in.?B:Its. Its a good time/season to do/for doing. We can do.2.Listen and complete 2a.通过先听听力的形式,让学生填出所缺的单词,再次练习大家的听力能力,然后针对几个重点的短语,着重讲一下用法。Step5: Key points1.这是本节课的重点和难点,也是用小组合作讨论的形式,结合着导学案,讨论出答案。2 找两个同学来黑板上写,并让其他同学评价打分。3.问大家谁还有不懂不理解

5、的东西,再来解决这些个别问题。例如: 1) Whats the weather like? .的天气怎么样? 是对天气状况进行提问的特殊疑问句。同义句为:How is the weather?如:北京的天气怎么样?_ _ _ _ in Beijing?= _ _ _ _ in Beijing?2) Its a good + n. + to do sth. 这是游泳的好季节。Its a good _ _ _.Its a good + n. + for sth/ doing sth. 这是游泳的好季节。Its a good _ _ _.这是休息的好地方。Its a good _ _ _.4) ma

6、ke snowmen 堆雪人 单数形式_5) Its hard to say. 很难说。2.Work in pairs and make a new conversation,then finish 2b.针对这节课学习的重点,继续练习对话。同桌两人一组,练习我最喜欢的季节是什么,我为什么喜欢,然后来班级前面展示。Example:A:Which season do you like best?B:I like .best./My favorite season is.A:Why do you like it ?B:Because its a good time. Because we can.

7、3 Write a short passage about the season you like best. (About 50 words).写短文是对本节内容的进一步巩固和深化,让大家活学活用。Step6: Summary1. new words: weather, spring, warm, season, summer, hot, limb, winter, cold, rain 2. new phrases: make snowmen, climb hills 3. new sentences: How is the weather in? = what is the weather like in? Its a good time to do/ for doingStep7: Do some exercises.Step8: Homework1. Read 1a and retell it.2. Finish Section A in your workbook.3. Preview Section B of this topic.


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