八年级英语上册 Unit 9 The Fire教案 北京课改版.doc

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1、Unit 9 The Fire【本讲教育信息】一、教学内容:Unit 9 The Fire二、教学目标:知识目标:熟练掌握本单元中的单词、短语和句型。能力目标:能够熟练运用本单元的重点知识对所发生的事情进行描述。三、教学重、难点:词汇fall、catch和put的教学动词过去进行时四、语法项目:动词的过去进行时五、本单元重点掌握的知识内容:单词:本单元单词表中的所有单词短语:(1) catch fire 着火(2) have a car accident 发生交通事故(3) fall into a river 掉入河中(4) fall off the stairs 从楼梯上掉下来(5) fal

2、l down 掉下来(6) have a heart attack 患心脏病(7) in the middle of the day 在中午(8) at the crossing of 在十字路口(9) cause the accident 引起交通事故(10) run away 跑开了(11) talk on the phone 打电话(12) Morning News 早间新闻(13) a serious fire 一起严重的火灾(14) be on fire 着火 (15) cry for help 呼救(16) have bad burns 被严重烧伤(17) be under con

3、trol 得到控制(18) the cause of the fire 起火的起因(19) be unknown 不知道/不清楚(20) happen to sb. 某人发生什么事情了(21) protect oneself against 保护自己不受伤害(22) take in 吸入,摄入(23) put out 扑灭(24) break out 爆发(25) take pictures 照相(26) on ones way to 在去的路上(27) at the corner of 在拐角处六、重点知识讲解:1. catch1)vt. 抓住,逮住,捕获 例如:catch a thief2

4、)vt. 抓住,握住 例如:catch him by the arm3)vt. 及时赶到,赶上 例如: catch the early bus4)vt. 染上,感受,着火 例如:catch a coldcatch fire5)vt. 听清楚,领会,理解 例如:I didnt catch what you said.6)vi. 接住,抓住2. fall1)vi. 落下,跌落 例如:Leaves fall in autumn2)vi. 跌倒,坍倒 例:The house fell yesterday.3)相关短语fall asleep 入睡fall behind 落后fall in love wi

5、th 与相爱fall down 落下,倒下,倒塌fall into 落入,掉进fall off 从掉下来fall over 向前跌倒3. fire n.1)n. 火 例如:The house is on fire. 房子着火了。2)vt. 点火,开火,开除,解雇fire a cigar 点燃一支雪茄烟He was fired by the boss last week. 上周他被老板解雇了。4. against prep.1)逆反,对着,违反 例如:Walk against a rain 顶着雨走2)以为抵御对象An umbrella is a protection rain. 伞可用来防雨。

6、a drug against cancer 抗癌药3)倚着,靠着,紧贴着 例如:The boy is standing against the wall. 孩子正靠着墙站着呢。4)以为竞争对手 例如:Tomorrow we will play against Class 2. 明天我们将与2班打比赛。七、语法讲解:过去进行时表示过去某时正在发生的动作或状态。常见的时间状语为this time yesterday、at 9:00 last night、this time last week、when I arrived等这类表示过去时间点的短语或句子。例如:We were having an e

7、xam this time last Friday. 上周五的这个时候我们正在考试。My sister was riding her scooter at 5:00 yesterday afternoon. 我妹妹昨天下午5点在骑单脚滑行车。When we arrived, the firemen were putting out the fire. 当我们到达的时候,消防队员们正在灭火。过去进行时的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及其简短回答的形式列表如下:肯定句was/were + doingI was watching TV at 9:00 last night.He was playing

8、football this time yesterday.We were having an exam this time last Friday.They were helping people get out of the building when we arrived.否定句was/were not + doing(wasnt=was not; werent=were not)I wasnt watching TV at 9:00 last night.He was not playing basketball this time yesterday.We were not havin

9、g a party this time last Friday.They were not having an English exam at 5 yesterday afternoon.一般疑问句Was/Weredoing?Were you watching TV at 9:00 last night?Yes, I was./No, I wasnt.Was he playing football this time yesterday?Yes, he was./No, he wasnt.Were they putting out the fire when you arrived?Yes, they were. /No, they werent.3



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