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1、Unit 1 Getting along with othersWelcome to unit & reading精讲典析1. Discuss friendship and practice agreeing and disagreeing.(page 1)讨论友谊,并练习表示赞同或不赞同。(1)practice 在句中作及物动词,表示“练习”、“训练”,是英式英语,美式英语作practise。例如: He caught at every opportunity to practice the piano. 他力图抓住每个练钢琴的机会。practice还可表示“积极从事”。例如:We must

2、 practice strict economy in all fields. 我们在各方面都要厉行节约。注意:practice后接动名词作宾语,不能跟不定式作宾语。构成句型:practice doing sth.,不能用practice to do sth。例如: She practiced singing a new song. 她练唱了一首新歌。 practice还可用作不及物动词。例如: The volleyball players practice six hours every day. 这些排球运动员每天练习六个小时。 惯用结构: practice on sb/sth 利用某人/

3、某物练习You can practice it on me. 你能在我身上做练习。She often practices on the piano. 她经常练习钢琴。 practice作名词表示“练习”、“训练”或“习惯”,是不可数名词。例如:We have practice today at four oclock. 我们今天4点有练习。Practice makes perfect.(谚语)熟能生巧。He followed his usual practice of doing the work. 他遵循了自己的做事习惯。惯用结构:in practice 实际上;开业out of pract

4、ice 久不练习put into practice 实施;实行It sounded like a good idea, but in practice it didnt work. 这听起来像是个好主意, 但做起来却行不通。I havent played tennis for years, so Im really out of practice. 我已经多年不打网球, 技术已经完全荒疏了。How are you going to put the plan into practice? 这个计划你们打算怎样实施?(2)disagree意为“不同意”、“不一致”,是agree的反义词;dis-是

5、常用的否定前缀。例如:First of all, lets see where we agree and disagree. 首先,我们来看看我们的共同点和不同点在什么地方。惯用结构:disagree with 与不相称;与意见不同You will not disagree with that, will you? 您不会不同意,是吗? 名词形式:disagreement2. What do you think the proverbs tell us about friendship and getting along with others?(page 1)对于友谊和与他人相处之道,你认为

6、这些谚语告诉了我们什么呢? (1)do you think在句中作插入语,在有do you think的特殊疑问句中,虽是疑问句,句子却要用陈述语序。 句型: 特殊疑问词+ do you guess/do you believe/ do you suppose/did you say+陈述句 Which train did you say you had taken? 刚才你说你乘坐了哪一趟火车? Whom do you suppose I should see first? 您认为我该先见谁? What do you think are the most important characte

7、ristics in a friend? (page 1)(2)get along 生活;活下来 How are you getting along/on? 你过得怎样?Its difficult to get along with so little money a month. 每月靠这么点钱很难生活的。与和睦相处We find it hard to get along with Li Ming. 我们发现与李明相处很难。They seem to get on pretty well with each other. 他们看来彼此相处得很不错。 进展;进步 How did you get

8、along in your driving test? 你的驾驶考试进展如何? Is she getting along all right in her new job? 她在新的工作岗位上情况不错吧?3. I must have sounded very proud of myself after the test, saying loudly how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good mark. 考试完后,我的口气听上去一定很是自鸣得意,因为我嚷嚷着说考试是多么容易,我定能得高分。(page 2, lines 89)(1)“must

9、+完成时”表示对过去事情语气比较肯定的推测。例如: I thought that Hannah must have deliberately told everyone about my mark after promising not to.(page 2, lines 2021) 我想汉娜肯定是出尔反尔,有意将我的分数透露给了大家。 How they must have laughed behind my back. (page 2, line 22) 他们在我背后一定是笑得合不拢嘴。 “must+完成时”结构的反义疑问句,疑问部分应根据must后的动词形式采用相应的形式,可用have (

10、has),也可用did。但若句中出现了过去时间状语,则只能用did。He must have read it, hasnt /didnt he? 他一定读过它,是吗?He must have left yesterday, didnt he? 他昨天一定走了,是吗? 表示推测的否定结构要用“can not /cant”, 或者是can +其他具有否定意义的副词。例如:You cant be tired youve only been working for an hour. 你不可能疲倦,你只工作了一小时。Theres no light on they cant be at home. 灯没亮

11、,他们一准没在家。She cant have left school, for her bike is still here. 她不可能离开学校,她的自行车还在这儿。They can hardly have intended to do that. 他们几乎不可能愿意做那事。 (2)sound 在句中做连系动词,意为“听起来”,后面接形容词或作形容用的过去分词做表语,有时也可接名词。例如:The report sounds true. 这报告听起来很真实。That sounds a good idea, dont you think so? 这听起来是个好主意,你说呢?sound 后面有时跟l

12、ike 引导的介词短语。That sounds like a big improvement. 这听起来像是重大的改进。 sound作连系动词时其后不接副词。但不用作联系动词时可用副词修饰。例如:A cracked bell can never sound well. 破钟无好音。 sound不用于进行时。即使表示当前正在发生的事情也不用现在进行时,而用一般现在时。例如:How sweet the music sounds! 这音乐听起来真甜美!His conclusion certainly sounds reasonable. 他的结论听起来确实有一定的道理。 4. I didnt fee

13、l like I was overlooking my studies, but maybe I could work harder in Maths.(page 2, lines 1213)我并没觉得自己学习不用心,但或许我该在数学上加把劲了。(1)feel like 是个习惯用语,在句中表示“觉得”,此外,feel 、like还有 “想要(做)某事情”, 其后接sth / doing sth,构成句型:feel like sth./doing sth.。例如: Do you feel like a walk? 你想去散散步吗?I was so upset that I felt like

14、crying. 我心烦意乱得要哭了。feel like还表示“摸起来像是”或“有的感觉”。例如: This new man-made material feels like real leather. 这种新型人造材料摸起来像真皮一样。 (2)含feel的其他常考句型:feel+宾语/宾语从句I felt a great weight taken off my mind after the exam. 考完后,我觉得心中放下了一个大包袱。He felt that his experiment would succeed. 他认为,他的实验会成功。 feel+宾语+宾语补足语(do, doing

15、, done)。宾语补足语可以是名词、形容词、动词、不定式、分词等。例如:He felt himself a fool. 他觉得自己是一个傻瓜。He felt himself forced to take action. 他觉得自己是被迫采取行动。I felt ground give way under our feet. 我感觉我们脚下的地面塌陷了。I felt something crawling up my arm. 我觉得有东西爬上了我的胳膊。注意:feel后面的复合宾语中宾语补足语如果是不定式,要省略不定式符号to,但如果用be作宾补,那么前面要加to。例如:I felt myself to be honest. 我觉得自己很诚实。 feel + it+宾语补足语+真正的宾语I felt it his duty to tell the police what he knew. 我觉得他把自己知道的告诉警察是他的职责。feel as if觉得;仿佛I feel as if I had become much younger. 我觉得自己似乎年轻了许多。(从句表示虚拟情况)I feel as i


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