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1、基于STM32的智能安防系统的设计 学生专业: 电子信息科学与技术 学生姓名: 王正辉 指导教师: 康辉 摘要随着社会的发展,人们的生活质量越来越高,家用电器和厨房设施也随之增多,家庭存在的安全隐患相应增加,同时整个社会正处于转型期,家庭的安全问题也引起了人们的关注。传统的安全防范措施已无法适应现代化社会的需求。因此,将智能化引入住宅小区已成为一种趋势,并且在智能化住宅的家庭智能管理系统中,安防报警已经成为民用建筑领域,向信息化和网络化发展的一个重要组成部分。基于将最新的通信技术融合到传统产业中的考虑,本文综合了单片机、无线数据通信、数据采集等技术,研究并设计了以STM32单片机基于GSM短信

2、模块作为信息传输的家庭安防系统。此系统由主控制器、显示模块、信息传输模块和防盗模块,防火模块,声光报警模块等组成,可解决传统安防系统存在的隐患,让家庭防盗更及时、使用更方便。它不再依赖有线电话执行报警,而是借助最可靠、最成熟的GSM移动网络,以最直观的中文短消息形式,直接把报警情况反映到用户的手机屏幕上,并发出声音报警,可以防范一定的险情,用户可以通过无线遥控对该系统进行布防和解防。该系统具有用户投资小,运营费用少的优点,并且操作简单。关键词安防系统;防火;STM32;GSMAbstractWith the development of the society, The quality of

3、people life become more And more good,Accordingly, The number of household electrical appliances And kitchen facilities also become more,So the safe hidden trouble in security family is increasing, at the same time the whole society is in transition period, the family security problem has caused the

4、 attention of people. Traditional security measures have been unable to meet the needs of modern society. Therefore, it has become a trend to the introduction of the intelligent residential district, And Security alarm has become an important part of the field and civil construction, the information

5、 And network development.In consideration of based on the latest communications technology integrated into traditional industries, this article combination the knowledge of the micro-controller, wireless data communication, data acquisition technology. Then research and design the home security syst

6、em,based on GSM module as the information transmission and STM32 micro-controller. This system consists of main controller, display module, information transmission module and alarm module, fire protection module, sound alarm module. The security system can solve the hidden danger existed in the tra

7、ditional security system,make the family security more quickly, more convenientlyIt is no longer depend on the cable telephone, but with the help of the most reliable and most mature GSM mobile network, use the most intuitive form of Chinese message, the alarm situation reflects to the userThis syst

8、em can prevent some dangerous situations; users can control the system for protection or reconciliation by the wireless remote. The system has advantages that the user has a small cost and operating expenses.Keywords Security system;Fire prevention;STM32;GSM目录摘要IAbstractII第1章 绪论11.1 课题背景和意义11.2 国内发展

9、现状11.3 智能安防系统的发展前景3第2章 系统方案设计42.1 设计任务与要求42.2 方案的比较42.3 系统总体设计思路62.4 本章小结7第3章 系统硬件设计83.1 主控模块的设计83.1.1 STM32最小系统83.1.2 SD卡电路的设计103.1.3 字库Flash接口电路113.2 防火监控的设计113.2.1 烟雾传感器的电路设计123.2.2 天然气体浓度监测的电路设计123.2.3 电流传感器的工作原理和电路设计133.2.4 火焰传感器的电路设计143.3 防盗监控的设计153.4 环境监控模块163.4.1 温湿度传感器的电路设计163.4.2 CO传感器的工作原

10、理和电路设计173.5 报警模块的设计183.5.1 声音报警183.5.2 GSM模块短信报警193.6 人机交互显示模块的设计223.7 电源模块223.8 无线遥控电路设计233.9 本章小结24第4章 系统软件设计254.1 软件模块化设计254.2 系统软件子程序254.2.1 SD卡驱动设计254.2.2 FAT32文件系统274.2.3 时间模块程序设计344.2.4 RTC实时时钟驱动程序设计344.2.5 液晶显示设计354.3 硬件驱动子程序设计384.3.1 GSM短信报警设计384.3.2 烟雾监控设计394.3.3 天然气监控设计404.3.4 CO监控设计414.3

11、.5 温湿度监控设计424.3.6 电流监控设计434.3.7 火焰监控设计444.3.8 防盗监控设计454.3.9 语音播报设计464.3.10 无线遥控设计474.4 模块整合484.5 本章小结50第5章 仿真和调试515.1 硬件调试问题515.2 软件调试问题515.3 实物演示结果515.4 本章小结56结论57致谢58参考文献59附录1 原理图60附录2 实物图63附录3 程序64CONTENTSAbstract(Chinese)IAbstract(English)IIChapter 1 Introduction11.1 Background And Significance1

12、1.2 Domestis Situation11.3 The Development Prospects Of Intelligent Security Systems3Chapter 2 The plan Of System Design42.1 The Design Task And Requirements42.2 Scheme Comparison42.3 Design Ideas Of System62.4 The Summary Of This Chapter7Chapter 3 The hardware Circuit Design83.1 The Design Of The M

13、ain Control Module83.1.1 STM32 System83.1.2 SD Card Circuit Design103.1.3 Flash Circuit Design113.2 The Design Of Monitoring Fire113.2.1 Smoke Sensor Circuit Design123.2.2 The Circuit Design Of Natural Gas Concentration Monitoring123.2.3 The Working Principle And Circuit Design Of Current Sensor133.

14、2.4 Flame Sensor Circuit Design143.3 The Design Of security Monitoring153.4 Environmental Monitoring module163.4.1 The Circuit Design Of temperature And Humidity163.4.2 The CO Sensor working principle And Circuit Design173.5 The Design Of the Design Module183.5.1 Voice Design183.5.2 SMS Design193.6

15、The Design Of The Display Module223.7 The Design Of The Power Supply Module223.8 The Remote Control Of Wireless Circuit Design233.9 The Summary Of This Chapter24Chapter 4 The system sOftware Design254.1 The Software Modular Design254.2 The System Software subroutines254.2.1 SD Card Driver Design254.2.2 FAT32 File System274.2.3 Time Module Design program344.2.4 RTC Driver Design344.2



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