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1、The innatist perspective,Noam Chomsky,(1)biologically programmed for language.,Children,The innatist perspective: All human languages are based on some innate universal principles.,(2)a specific innate ability the underlying language system rules based on the samples of the exposed natural language,

2、(3)the innate mechanism used exclusively for language acquisition (4) successfully acquire native language or more than one language (5)the ability to use the pattern of the language or languages spoken to them,profoundly deaf - sign language with limited cognitive ability - complex language systm,c

3、aring,attentive parents VS. abusive or rejecting patents,a book by Lydia White(1989) English sentences contains himself,Children,The Critical Period Hypothesis (CPH) Animals, including humans, are genetically programmed to acquired certain kinds of knowledge and skill at specific times in life.,Two

4、of the most famous cases,Victor Wild child about 12 years old having had no contact with humans. A doctor devoted five years to trying to teach him language, but there was little progress.,Genie had been isolated for13 years After she was discovered, she was educated for 5 years Genies language was

5、not like that of a typical five-year old.,Victor and Genie appear to provide evidence in support of the CPH,but it is difficult to argue that the hypothesis is confirmed on this basis evidence from such unusual cases.,Elisse Newport and his colleges: deaf children It support the hypothesis that ther

6、e is a critical period for first language acquisition, whether language or gesture.,Native signers exposed to ASL from birth,Early signers exposedd to ASL from 4 to 6,Later signers learned ASL after 12,No difference between insome aspect in using ASL. But, grammatical makers consistency: native grou

7、p early group later group,international adoptees who were adopted at an early age by the family who did not speak the language the child had heard during infancy,those child who had always heard the same language show difference after several years,VS,language acquisition began at birth by exposure to the alnguage in the environment, the innatist perspectice partly based on evidence that there are critical period in language acquisition.,


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