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1、摘 要当今世界,是一个开放的世界,是一个互动的世界,是一个你中有我,我中有你的世界。在世界经济一体化的大环境下,几乎时时刻刻都在发生着各方面的国际往来,产生着各方面的国际法律关系。在处理国际法律关系时,必然会涉及到准据法的适用。那么,究竟该以什么原则来选择准据法,究竟该适用哪一个国家的法律来处理这些国际法律纠纷,就是一个非常关键的问题。最密切联系原则是一个被世界各国广泛接受并被广泛应用的原则,它为解决与此相关的问题提供了科学的依据。它不但继承了传统连接点选择法律准确性高的优势,还拥有可以满足现阶段司法需要的灵活性。其从产生开始就在各国国际私法中扮演着重要角色,不少国家甚至把它置于法律选择基本原


3、法院还应当考虑采取什么措施解决该法与其他法律之间关于最密切联系原则的规定方面的问题,同时也要重视该法最密切联系原则与国际民商事条约适用领域存在的纠纷。另外,涉外民事关系法律适用法的推广普及不可能畅通无阻,笔者在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,对现阶段的实际情况作出分析,并结合自己所学知识,针对上述问题给出自己的建议,望能有所实际意义。【关键词】最密切联系原则;实质主义;国际私法;冲突规范AbstractIn the process of globalization, between countries of mutual exchanges have become increasingly freq

4、uent, in the normal international exchanges, the same legal relationship may involve several national interests, the applicable law to adjust the legal relationship so the application has become increasingly complex, for exactly what a national law to solve the problem of conflict of laws is the key

5、. The emergence of the principle of the most significant relationship fundamentally solves these problems. It inherits the characteristics of the accuracy of the traditional connection point selection, and at the same time, it has the flexibility to achieve the purpose of scientific and reasonable a

6、pplication of the law. The doctrine of the most significant relationship is an important theory in contemporary private international law. The principle of the most closely connected to the international private law has been more than ever imagined, and some countries even put it in the basic princi

7、ples of legal choice. In view of the principle of the most closely linked itself in the application of the law and taking into account Chinas role in the process of globalization, in some of Chinas laws and judicial interpretations also introduced the principle, but because of our lack of discretion

8、 makes the application of the principle of traditional, there are many problems. In order to correctly apply the principle of close contact, to construct a system suited to Chinas national conditions of private international law, should coordinate the relationship between the principle of the most c

9、losely linked with the principle of autonomy, sort out the most closely relationship between principles and characteristic performance theory, construct China precedent system of the private international law, improve the ability of judge to control the doctrine. There are five references to the law

10、 of law applicable to foreign-related civil relations. Generally, the method of law in the most closely linked can play a role in the addendum cannot determine the applicable law of foreign-related civil relations when a. China in previous legislation also has five laws referred to the principle of

11、close contact, and were in the applicable law of Foreign-related Contracts in. Since applicable law promulgated laws concerning foreign-related civil relations for three years, the most closely linked to the law , the use of high frequency, and mainly relates to the applicable law of contract in the

12、 field of application. However, there are also some problems in the application of the doctrine of the most significant relationship, and how to use the theory of characteristic performance and how to consider the connection point of a case is the key. In addition, the court should also consider how

13、 to deal with the provisions of the law on the principle of the most significant relationship between the law and other laws, and how to deal with the most closely related principles of the law and the application of international civil and commercial treaties. Next, the article analyzes some of the

14、 provisions of the law applicable to foreign-related civil relations, which can be used to solve the problems that may be encountered during the implementation of the new law. Finally, combining theory with practice, combining with the practice of several countries and the actual situation in judici

15、al practice, the author puts forward some suggestions to improve these problems.【关键词】The doctrine of the most significant relationship; essence; private international law; conflict rules目 录一、最密切联系原则概述11.1 最密切联系原则的概念11.2 最密切联系原则的历史沿革21.3 最密切联系原则产生的根本原因2二、最密切联系原则在国外立法与实践中的经验42.1 各国法律中最密切联系原则的体现42.1.1最

16、密切联系原则在英美法系国家立法中的表现42.1.2最密切联系原则在大陆法系国家立法中的表现52.2 最密切联系原则在国外的实践方式62.2.1灵活的方式以英美法系国家为主62.2.2特征性履行以大陆法系国家为主7三、最密切联系原则的国内立法93.1 最密切联系原则在我国立法中的特点93.1.1适用领域广泛93.1.2规定的形式多种多样103.2中华人民共和国涉外民事关系法律适用法有关最密切联系原则的立法113.2.1涉外民事关系法律适用法第1章中有关最密切联系原则的立法113.2.2最密切联系原则在涉外民事关系法律适用法涉外合同领域的立法12四、涉外民事法律关系适用法中最密切联系原则的适用问题及完善措施144.1涉外民事法律关系适用法中最密切联系原则的适用问题144.1.1法官自由裁量权的滥用144.1.2最密切联系国家的法律因违反法院地法的公共秩序予以排除适


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