高二英语 词汇充电(6) 冀教版.doc

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1、1 高二英语高二英语 词汇充电(词汇充电(6 6)冀教版冀教版 【本讲教育信息本讲教育信息】 一. 教学内容: 词汇充电(6) Unit 1 (一)bath bathe bathrobe bathtub bus double-decker breath breathe breathless 记忆: 1. bath n. 洗澡洗澡 A bath can make you fresh again. 洗个澡你就会感到清爽。 2. bathe vi. 洗澡洗澡 Its wonderful to bathe in the sea. 在大海里洗澡太棒了。 3. robe, 衣物;bathrobe 浴衣浴衣

2、 Its not good manners to meet guests in a bathrobe.穿着浴衣会客不太礼貌。 4. tub 盆;bathtub n.浴缸浴缸, 澡盆澡盆 In my opinion, a shower is much better than a bathtub. 我认为,淋浴比盆浴好。 5. bus n. 公共汽车公共汽车 We can go there by bus. 我们可以乘公交车到那儿去。 6. double-decker 双层汽车双层汽车 A doubl-decker carries more passengers for the city. 双层车能

3、装运多些乘客,有利于城市交通。 7. breath v. 呼吸呼吸 After the race, he was quite out of breath. 比赛下来时他几乎喘 不过气来。 hold ones breath 屏住呼吸 out of breath 喘不过气 8. breathe n. 呼吸呼吸 I suggested he go out and breathe in some fresh air. 我建设他出 去呼吸一下新鲜空气。 9. breathless adj.无声息的无声息的, 喘不过气来的喘不过气来的, 停止呼吸的停止呼吸的, 死的死的 How comes the cla

4、ssroom is breathless at this moment?教室里此刻怎么毫无声息? 另类阅读: After getting the hotel by bus, Jerry thought he needed a bath. He went to the bathroom. While bathing, he found the thick vapour made his breath a bit difficult. He had to breathe hard. Fearing to become breathless, he put on his bathrobe quick

5、ly and left the bathroom. (二)beat hit strike buffet heat heated hot temperature fever cold cool warm warn 记忆: 1. eat 吃;beat 打,To strike repeatedly 打打(强调反复性) ,击败击败,心跳心跳 With the heart beating quickly, he was eager to beat his rival. 他心跳得很快,渴望能打败对手。 2. hit it,打它;hit,打在上面,打打(强调打中了) ,To come into contac

6、t with forcefully 撞上 A stone hit him on the head and he was hurried to the nearest hospital. 他头中 了一块石头,被匆忙送进了最近的医院。 3. strike To hit sharply, as with the hand, the fist, or a weapon 重打,重打, (钟)敲,擦(钟)敲,擦 (火柴)(火柴) ,罢工,罢工 An terrible earthquake struck the area just after the clock struck twelve. 时钟 刚打十二

7、点,一场可怕的地震摇撼了这个地区。 4. buffet To hit or beat, especially repeatedly or forcefully. v. 打击打击, 搏斗搏斗 Strong winds buffet the ship from time to time. 狂风时不时地击打着航船。 5. heat h, 联想 hot, heat, n. is beginning to realize Egates success B. looks up to; thinks Paul deserves his failure C. thinks poorly of; likes M

8、arian being Egate s girl friend D. sings high praise for; considers Egate to be a bookworm 58. What does the writer think is the key that leads to Pauls losing his girlfriend? A. Paul is not brave enough. B. Paul is unfit for being the captain of the schools football team. C. Paul is rather ugly in

9、appearance and lazy in his studies. D. Paul is too proud of himself to respect his girl friend. 59. The statement “That is one for the books” means _. A. Egate should become a character in a play based on this story B. This account is an unusual incident that should be written about in stories C. Bo

10、oks should reveal(反映)love stories everywhere D. Everyone must do something for 60. In the sentence “When Paul found out, he hit the ceiling”. The underlined expression means _. A. Paul struck the ceiling with a whip B. Paul became very disappointed C. Paul got very tired of the existing facts D. Pau

11、l was beside himself with anger B Public goods are those commodities (商品)from enjoyment nobody can be effectively excluded(排除). Everybody is free to enjoy the benefits of these commodities, and one persons use does not reduce the possibilities of anybody elses enjoying the same good. Examples of pub

12、lic goods are not, as few as one might expect. A flood control dam is a public good. Once the dam is built, all persons living in the area will benefit. The same holds true for highway signs or aids to navigation (航行). Once a lighthouse is built, no ship from any country can be effectively excluded

13、from the use of the lighthouse for navigational purposes. National defense is another example. Even a person who voted against military expenditures (军 费) or did not pay any taxes will benefit from the protection afforded. It is no easy talk to determine the social costs and social benefits related

14、with a public good. 8 There is no effective way of charging drivers for looking at highway signs, sailors for watching light, and citizens for the safety provided to them through national defense. 61. What do you think is the best topic of this passage? A. Effective work for safer navigation. B. The

15、 use of the marketplace. C. A special group of commodities. D. The benefits of reducing taxes. 62. Which of the following would not be an example of a public good as described in the passage? A. A taxi. B. A bridge. C. A fire truck. D. A stoplight. 63. In line 5, the word “holds” can best be replace

16、d by which of the following? A. has B. is C. catches D. carries C A lesson in “heart” is my little 10-year-old daughter, Sarah, who was born with a muscle(肌 肉) missing in her foot and wears a brace (支撑物) all the time. She came home one beautiful spring day to tell me she had competed in “field day”thats where they have lots of races and other competitive events. Because of


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