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1、1 课时作业 4 . 单词拼写 1. In the old society, the labouring people suffered from_(贫困 ) and illness. 2_( 人类 ) are destroying nature day by day, who of course, will suffer severe punishment sooner or later. 3. He was_(教育 ) at a local grammar school, after which he went to Cambridge. 4. For me such a large su

2、m of money is an astronomical_(数字 ) 5. He says one of his_(目标 ) is to be a teacher. 6. He invented an instrument to_(测量 ) light waves. 7. The problem of_(饥饿 ) in the world has become a major public issue. 8. He accepted the_(职位 ), but asked so small a salary. 9. We should make_(努力 )to reduce air pol

3、lution. 10. The girl has a slim_(身材 ) 答案 1. poverty2. Humans3. educated4. figure 5. goals6. measure7. hunger8. position 9. efforts10. figure . 单句语法填空 11 I cannot control my body well.My legs become_(pain) 12. In the United States, more and more parents are choosing to_(education) their children at h

4、ome. Im not sure whether its good for childrens growth. 13. I still cannot figure_why he missed the flight. He might have been caught in the traffic jam. 14. He made great_(achieve) in the field of gene. 15. Shall Susan take over the position? Sorry. You know, she is inexperienced and isnt _to it. 2

5、 16. It is a great_(challenging) for university graduates to find work as unemployment is very high nowadays. 17. We have a lot of things to do. What should we do first? I think cleaning the house is_the top of the list. 18. It is amazing that the little boy can swim_the river_(measure) 100 meters w

6、ide. 19. China is a_(develop) country_(belong) to the third world. 20. He suffered from_(hungry) 答案与解析 11 painful该句为典型的“主系表”结构,故填形容词作表语。 12 educate 句意:在美国现在越来越多的父母选择在家里教育他们的孩子。我不确定 这对孩子的成长是否有好处。educate 教育,培养。 13out 句意:我不明白他为什么误了飞机。他可能是遇上交通阻塞了。figure out “计算出;理解;明白”。 14 achievements名词作宾语。 15 upup to“

7、适合,胜任”。句意:苏珊可以接替那个职位吗?对不起。你 知道,她没有经验,不能胜任这份工作。 16 challenge句意:对大学毕业生来说,找到一份工作是一个巨大的挑战,因为现在 的失业率是相当高的。challenge挑战。 17 atat the top of the list意为“首先要做的”,与问句中的What should we do first相符合。 18 across ;measuring句意:令人吃惊的是,这个小男孩能游过那条宽100 米的河。 across 指在物体表面横穿;measure 意为“大小是,尺寸是”,用作不及物动词, 故用 measuring 作定语。 19d

8、eveloping;belonging句意:中国是一个属于第三世界的发展中国家。developing 意为“发展中的”;belong to意为“属于”,无被动语态,故用belonging to作定语。 20 hunger 名词作宾语。 . 完形填空 One of the founding fathers of the Internet has predicted the end of traditional television.Vint Cerf, who helped to build the Internet while working_21_a 3 researcher in Amer

9、ica, said that television was_22_its “iPod moment” In the same way that people now_23_their favorite music onto their iPod, he said that viewers would soon be downloading most of favorite programs_24_their computers. Mr Cerf, who is now the vice - president of Google, says that, “Youre still going t

10、o need_25_television for certain things like news, sporting events and emergencies but_26_it is going to be almost like the iPod, where you download content to_27_at later.” Although television on demand has not yet become a_28_activity in the UK, the BBC, ITV and Channel 4 have all invested vast_29

11、_of money in technology which_30_viewers to watch their favorite shows_31_their computers. But some critics(批评家 ) , _32_some Internet service providers, have warned that the Internet will collapse_33_the stress of millions of people downloading programs at the same time.But Mr.Cerf dismissed the war

12、nings, saying that critics had predicted 20 years ago that the net would_34_when people all around the world started to use it all together. “In the past 30 years it has_35_a million times.Were_36_exhausting the capacity, ” he said.“Its a_37_worry when they see huge amounts of information being move

13、d around online. ” _38_out his vision for the future of the Internet, he said he wanted it to reach as_39_people as possible. “I want more Internet, ” he said. “I want everyone on the planet to be_40_to connect to the Internet.” 21 A.as Blike Cat Dwith 22 A.achieving Bapproaching Cfinishing Darrivin

14、g 23 A.write Bdownload Cread Dremember 24 A.into Bat 4 Cin Donto 25 A.live Bpresent Cpast Dlate 26 A.greatly Bharmfully Cincreasingly Dhopefully 27 A.watch Blook Cnotice Dsee 28 A.mainstream Bfamous Cimportant Dwell - known 29 A.sums Bdeals Clots Dnumbers 30 A.has Blet Cenables Dmakes 31 A.by Bwith

15、Con Dat 32 A.containing Bincluding Cnaming Dcalling 33 A.with Bin Con Dunder 34 A.collapse Bfall Crush Djump 35 A.developed Bincreased Cenhanced Denlarged 36 A.close to Bfar from Cfar away D next to 37 A.miserable Bsurprising Cunderstandable Dimaginable 38 A.Taking BFinding CTurning DSetting 39 A.many Bmuch 5 Cmore Da fe


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