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1、7 wastes,WCLE & IE Department POLO Beijing,What is Lean 什么是精益?,Lean is a way to eliminate non-valued activities in order to quickly deliver what customer requires in high quality. 精益就是通过持续不断地消除各种浪费(或非增值活动),为客户快速生产交付高质量满足要求的产品与服务。 TPS/JIT 丰田生产系统/准时生产 Lean 精益,浪费,客户,持续不断,快速,SMART instead of HARD,Lean m

2、akes sense 精益能够做到,Process viewed by you你所见到的流程,Process in reality实际执行的流程,Targeted process精益流程,Software?,SMART!,Waiting for material等材料,Temporary storage临时库存,Defects不合格,Searching for tools找工具,Overstock过多库存,Backorder返工,Overproduction生产过多,Looking at machine while operating看护设备,Transport搬运,Counting part

3、s数材料,Day to Day Scenes in the Factory工厂常见的景象,Day to Day Scenes in the Offices办公室常见景象,“Rush” orders紧急订单,Waiting for information等待信息,Multiple Interruptions多种打扰,Computer problems电脑故障,Information Research查找信息,?,Information flood信息过多,Lack of information缺少信息,Non-conformity report 不合格报告,KEEP in MIND 牢牢记住,F

4、orcing excellent employees to work with ineffective processes is the best way to create ineffective employees 强迫优秀员工按照低效率流程工作必然会创造出一个低效率的员工。,95% of your problems are the result of business processes, and fewer than 5% are caused by your employees 95%的问题是流程导致,只有很少的5%的问题是由于员工本人导致的。,Value-added Vs. Non

5、-value-added增值Vs非增值,Cycle Time过程时间,Non-value-added 非增值活动,Value-added 增值活动,Order in-taking 接合同,Delivery 发货,Value Add Activity 增值活动 Transforming of Raw Materials and Information Into Parts or Products in a Way the Customer Values (Willing to Pay For) 将原材料或信息转化为被客户所需要的部件或产品(客户愿意为此付费) Examples: Milling,

6、 Boring, Drilling, Punching, Others?例如:机加工(车铣刨磨)等等,其他? Non-Value Add Activity非增值的活动 Elements of the Process That Add Time, Effort, Cost, but No Value这些活动耗费了时间,精力,金钱,但没有价值; Also Called Waste也称为浪费; Waste Are Symptoms of a Problem, Not Root Causes发现的浪费只是现象,不是产生浪费的根源; Waste Points to Problems Within the

7、 Process浪费也就指向流程中的问题;,Typical Company 一般公司,Traditional Manufacturing Improvement 传统制造业的改进,Lean Waste Reduction 精益的浪费减少方式,Original Lead Time 最初周期,Major Improvement,NVA,NVA,NVA,VA,VA,VA,Minor Improvement,Time/周期,1% to 5%,Value Add -vs- Non-Value Add增值Vs非增值,Product Lead Time,Less than 1% of activity is

8、 value adding;通常只有1%的活动是增值的; But typically, we pile resources into improvement of the 1% and ignore the 99% opportunity; 但我们不去关注99%的提高机会,却把目光集中在只占1%时间的增值过程上面;,8 Wastes 8种浪费,Scrap (reworks)残次(返工) Transportation搬运 Movements移动 Waiting (Delay)等待 Over-processing过度加工 Overproduction过度生产 Inventory库存,Waste T

9、hat Occurs When a Process Element Does Not Conform to Proper Specifications. The Result Could Involve Rework当一个过程的结果和要求不一致的时候,将导致返工 Primary Causes:发生原因 Adjustments (All Adjustments Should Be Eliminated) 调整(应消除调整) Lack of Error Proofing 缺少防差错的方法 Lack of Standard Work 缺少标准 Poor Instructions and Traini

10、ng 作业指导不佳或缺少培训 Inadequate Supplier Quality供应商质量问题 Storage Concerns 问题库存 Expectations Poorly Communicated, Not Obtained 沟通问题,Scrap (Rework)返工,Waste Caused by Unnecessary Movement of Material or Product.由于不必要得移动物料引起的浪费: Primary Causes:发生原因 Inefficient Facility Layout布局不合理 Long Setup Times长的准备 Lack of

11、Continuous Flow 物流连续性不强 Lack of Multi-skilled Workers缺少多技能操作人员 Monuments阶段完工 Batch (Push) Mentality批量(推动)式生产,Transportation搬运,Mostly to ignore 最容易被忽视的问题,Waiting (Delay)等待,Waste of Waiting for the “Next Step.”等待“下一步”的浪费 Primary Causes:发生原因 When Two Dependent Activities Are Not Fully Synchronized两个相关的

12、活动没有完全同步化 Batch & Queue批量&排队 No Work Instructions or Training无作业指导或培训 Lack of Urgency不紧急 Unreliable Equipment不可靠设备,Waste Caused by Non-Value Add Movement of Workers and/or Production Machines由于操作者或生产设备的无增值移动引起的; Primary Causes:发生原因 Poor Workplace Layout布局不合理 Poor Parts Presentation材料供给 Bad Fixtures

13、or Poor Tools设备或工具问题 Lack of Standard Work缺少标准化作业 Poor Ergonomics人机工程问题,Motion移动,Waste of Materials, Parts and Assembled Goods When They Are Purchased or Produced in Advance of When They Are Required.物料或部件以及半成品被早于需求地购买加工或装配造成的浪费; Primary Causes:发生原因 “Push” (MRP) Vs. “Pull” Production推动而不是拉动式生产 Lack

14、of Continuous Flow缺少连续流 Batch Production批量生产 Operation Not Vertically Linked各种操作不是直接联系 Monuments阶段完工 Long Set-up Times长的准备时间 Inventory Is “Comforting”库存会造成安全感,Inventory库存,Source of Evil 万恶之源,Waste Caused by Producing More, Sooner, or Faster Than Consumers Buy生产出的东西比客户需求多、快、早都是浪费; “Just-in-case” Is Not “Just-in-time”以防万一“的生产不是精益生产; Primary Causes:发生原因: Batch Production and Long Setup Times批量生产和长准备时间 Building to a Forecast根据预测生产 Lack of Standard Work缺少标准化工作 Poorly Performing Suppliers供应商业绩不佳 Ineffective Maintenance无效的维护 Incapable Process 流程问题,-,Overproduction 过度生产,The worst wa



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