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1、.,New Concept English(Book 1) (新概念英语)(第一册),.,Mr. 先生 后接男士的姓氏 Mr. Li,Lesson 5 Vocabulary,.,morning afternoon evening 晚上 night 夜里,Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Good night. in the morning in the afternoon in the evening at night,.,Miss,Miss 小姐 Mrs. 太太 (已婚) Mrs. Black (其丈夫姓Black) Ms. Ms. Li

2、 李女士,.,英语国家人名的构成,first name + middle name + family name/last name 名字 + 中间名 + 姓,.,new,反义词old That is my new shirt. Is this your old dress?,.,student,middle school student 中学生 high school student 高中生,.,French,Miss Lee is French. She can speak French. He speaks Chinese very well. He is a French student

3、. Chinese-China French-France,.,France,eg. I come from France. Im from France. 我来自法国。,.,German-Germany,-Are you a _ (德国人)? -Yes, I am. eg. He can speak _(德语).,.,- Is Miss Sophie Dupont a _ (德国的)student? - No, she isnt. She is a _ (法国的)student. Germany n. 德国(国名) He comes from Germany. He is from Germ

4、any,.,nice 同义词good,eg. You are a nice boy. Its a nice day. Its a nice food.,.,meet 同音词meat,非正式问候-Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, too. 正式问候 - How do you do? - How do you do?,.,Japanese-Japan Korean-Korea,.,too adv. 也,用在肯定句和疑问句中,否定句中用either。 too 和either 一般放在句末,并用逗号隔开。 请用too分别造肯定句和疑问句 Jacky is no

5、t a bad student. Rain is not a bad student, either.,.,My mother is a teacher My father is a teacher, too. -I am a student. -You are a student, too. -Are you a student, too? I am not a student, either.,.,.,Text,索菲娅 Sophie 索菲娅小姐 Miss Sophie 索菲娅小姐是个新学生。 Miss Sophie is a new student. 她是一个新学生。 She is a n

6、ew student. 她不是一个新学生。 She is not a new student. 她是一个新学生吗? Is she a new student?,.,Sophia,n. 1. 女子名 索菲娅。来源于希腊语,含义是“智慧”(wisdom),.,索菲娅小姐是一个法国的女孩。 Miss Sophie is a French girl. 索菲娅小姐是一个法国人。 Miss Sophie is a French. 她是法国人。 She is (a) French. 美好的 nice 见到你很高兴。 Nice to meet you. 遇见 meet,.,日本人 Japanese Naoko

7、 直子 直子是日本人。 Naoko is a Japanese. 她也是个新学生。 She is a new student too.,.,韩国人 Korean 中国人 Chinese 你是个中国人。 You are a Chinese. 我们是中国人。 We are Chinese. 他们 they 他们也是中国人。 They are Chinese too. 晓惠是一个中国的学生。 Xiaohui is a Chinese student.,.,This is,This is Miss Sophie Dupont. 介绍他人的时候经常用This is 向别人介绍自己是: My name i

8、s I am ,.,3个冠词,a,an是不定冠词,一个 用于:1、可数名词单数前面 2.用在短文中第一次出现的名词之前 a用在普通名词前面,an用于元音音素(元音发音的单词)前面 a pen /an apple /an umbrella /an egg /an hour / a university the是定冠词,表示特指 The man is my teacher.,.,Lesson 5,后元音 : ar car hard star park farm dark party start a fast past last father ear heart al half,.,句子,1. Yo

9、u cant park your car on the farm. 2. Her father is a hard-hearted man. 3. The party starts at half past ten. 4. I cant see the stars in the dark sky.,.,闭音节中的o job clock long song shop stop lost got boss hot a 发的 watch water,.,句子,1. She lost that job, but she got this job. 2. The clock often stops. 3

10、. The boss lost a clock and a watch in the shop.,.,:口型小于 ,嘴唇收圆 长音,or Ford born sport horse short al all tall fall wall hall talk aw paw lawyer draw au Paul Maul augh taught caught ough bought fought fight with,.,1. Mr. Ford was born in the fall. 2. Maud is tall and Paul is short. 3. Dont draw on the

11、 wall. - When were you born? - I was born in 2002. - I was born on October 30,2002.,.,u,oo good book look cook hook foot u put push sugar ou could should would,.,句子,1. We could put some sugar in the pudding. 2. Look at me. Am I good-looking? 3. The cook is looking at his foot.,.,u:,ou soup you group o 结尾的开音节 do to who,.,句子,1. I cook food for you. 2. You could drink soup in the cool room. 3. Who is a fool? 4. How do you do?,.,五. Chant :,宾格代词顺口溜: 我是me,你是You ; 男他him ,女她her ,动物的它是It; 我们us ,你们You ,他们them.,The end !,.,Homework 1.一课一练5,6课 2.课单词背写,准备听写 3.背诵第5课课文。,


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