人教精通版四年级下册英语课件Unit5 What will you do this weekend?(Lesson28)

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人教精通版四年级下册英语课件Unit5 What will you do this weekend?(Lesson28)_第1页
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《人教精通版四年级下册英语课件Unit5 What will you do this weekend?(Lesson28)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教精通版四年级下册英语课件Unit5 What will you do this weekend?(Lesson28)(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 What will you do this weekend?,Lesson 28,Let s chant,Ill go to my music lesson this Sunday. Ill sing and dance. Ill go to my art lesson this Sunday. Ill draw and paint.,What will you do on Sunday?,What will you do on Sunday?,What will you do on Sunday?,Ill read a new storybook.,Ill watch TV.,

2、How about you , Xi Yang yang?,a storybook,TV,computer games,and dance,and paint,my grandma,theme park,Match 1:,music lesson,read,watch,sing,go to the,go to a,see,play,draw,What will you do on Sunday? Ill,Match 2:,play computer games,watch TV,go to a music lesson,see my grandma,draw and paint,read a

3、new storybook,?,?,?,?,?,Follow the teacher,Ill read a new storybook this Saturday. How about you? How about you? Ill play computer games at home.,Lets do a survey(做调查): (问)What will you do on Sunday?,(答)I will read a book and go to the theme park on Sunday.,Lets do a survey together(全班调查): What will

4、 you do on Sunday?,How about Kate and Yang Ming? Listen and write,What will you do on Sunday? Ill a new storybook. Ill TV at home. How about you, Yang Ming? Ill computer games at home.,read,play,watch,六一儿童节快要到了,请用英文描述那天的活动安排。,Topic 1,Topic 2,电视台记者要来我校作访问,想了解小学生的周末业余生活。,Topic 1,Topic 2,What will you

5、do on Childrens Day?,What will you do on Sunday ?,选择一个主题的问题进行对话: Ill How about you? Ill,go to the theme park see my grandma read a storybook play computer games watch TV draw and paint sing and dance go to an art lesson go to a music lesson play football,Learn To Thanksgiving.学会感恩。 Love Your Life. 热

6、爱生活,hank you !,1、最困难的事就是认识自己。 2、自知之明是最难得的知识。二二年六月二十八日2020年6月28日星期日 3、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人。20:116.28.202020:116.28.202020:1120:11:156.28.202020:116.28.2020 4、与肝胆人共事,无字句处读书。6.28.20206.28.202020:1120:1120:11:1520:11:15 5、三军可夺帅也。Sunday, June 28, 2020June 20Sunday, June 28, 20206/28/2020 6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。8时11分8时11分28-Jun-206.28.2020 7、人生就是学校。20.6.2820.6.2820.6.28。2020年6月28日星期日二二年六月二十八日 8、你让爱生命吗,那么不要浪费时间。20:1120:11:156.28.2020Sunday, June 28, 2020,


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