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1、Unit7Unit7 NewNew WavesWaves ofof TechnologyTechnology 学案导学学案导学 【本讲教育信息本讲教育信息】 一. 教学内容: Unit 7 New Waves of Technology 二. 教学重点: 1. 重点单词: settle, equipment, deserve, accuse,humanity, assign, soccer, principal, punishment, ski, skateboard, steep, downhill, inventor, cafeteria, cafe, awesome, curve, po

2、tential, appeal, industrial, construction, disaster, settle, chief, toast, golf, spot, charge, deserve, accuse, requirement, adopt. 2. 重点短语: be supposed to, pay attention to, in trouble, work out , settle into, a series of, in charge of, blast off. 3. 重点句型: Can you get her to call me at. . . ? Can I

3、 take a message? Yes, please. My number is 4. 语法:倒装 三、重难点解释: I. 单元重点词语 1. settle 【课文原句课文原句】 stand up and settle into its new environment. (Page 87) settle 作动词,意为“定居;安家落户;(在某国)殖民”,此时含有“选择一个地方做永久居住地”的意 思。例如: After years of travel, we decided to settle here. The Dutch settled in South Africa. This area

4、 was settled by immigrants over a century ago. settle 还有“解决(分歧或纠纷) ;确定”的意思。例如: The question will be settled this evening. You should settle your affair before you leave. settle into 这里意为“安顿下来;习惯于(新居) ”;settle down 意为“舒适地坐下或躺下;定居下来”。例 如: Has she settled into the new house? We only moved that house la

5、st week and havent settled in yet. She settled down in an armchair to read her book. 2. equipment 【课文原句课文原句】 Their microscopes and other scientific equipment could unlock secrets from billions of years ago, . (Page 88) equipment 为不可数名词,意为“设备;装备;配备”。例如: The equipment of the photographic studio was ex

6、pensive. That is a factory which produces modern equipment. equip 为动词,意为“配备;装备”。equip sb. / sth. with sth.意为“使具备;用装备起来”,有时用于 被动结构。be fully / poorly equipped 意为“装备完善简陋”,例如: They equipped themselves for the adventure. Please equip yourself with a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam. The soldiers we

7、re well equipped with weapons and ammunition. 3. deserve 【课文原句课文原句】 However, the thousands of people who helped develop Chinas space program over the years deserve a great deal of recognition too. (Page 89) deserve 意为“值得;应受”,通常不用于进行时。deserve 后面可以接名词或不定式。例如: His first play deserved the praise it rece

8、ived. She deserved to win because she was the best. sb. deserve a medal 意为“应给某人授勋”,用以夸奖某人完成了艰巨任务。 deserved 为形容词,意为“应得的;当然的”,可以作表语或定语。deserving 也是形容词,意为“值得的” ,作表语时,主语通常为物。例如 He thought that the prize for the student was deserved. Th is case is deserving of your attention. 4. accuse 【课文原句课文原句】 She acc

9、used the company of unfair treatment of Chinese consumers, (Page 90) accuse 为动词,意为“控告;指责”,一般多用 accuse sb. of sth.结构,意为“控告某人某罪行”。the accused 意为“被告”。例如: The police accused him of murder. The accused proved guilty at last. II. 单元重点短语 1. be supposed to 【课文原句课文原句】 Today her friend Peter is supposed to gi

10、ve a report on new technology and how it helps humanity. (Page 80) be supposed to 意为“期望,应该”,表示“被期望或被要求去做某事”。例如: He is supposed to have arrived by now. The speaker is supposed to be excellent. suppose 为动词,意为“认为;猜测”时,其后可以接带不定式的复合结构。例如: They suppose her to be a doctor. I suppose him to be away from hom

11、e. suppose 还常用作插入语。例如: Who do you suppose came to see you today? You dont mind taking a walk with me, I suppose. 2. pay attention to 【课文原句课文原句】 Jenny hadnt paid attention to Peter when they were younger. (Page 80) pay attention to 意为“注意;留心”,to 为介词,其后可以接名词、动词的-ing 形式或名词性短语。另外, attention 为不可数名词,意为“注意;

12、关心;照顾;立正”。attention 前可以用 great,much,no,little 等词 来修饰。例如: You should pay much attention to your handwriting next time. The boy shows his mother much attention. The officer ordered them to stand at attention. 有关 attention 的常见短语: draw / attract ones attention 引起某人的注意 bring sth. to ones attention 使某人注意某

13、事 call ones attention to sth.提请某人注意某事 3. in trouble 【课文原句课文原句】 “Peter is in trouble,” Jenny thought. (Page 80) in trouble 意为“处于困境 / 苦恼中”,trouble 前一般不加限定词。例如: He is not in trouble, I hope! get into trouble 意为“遇到麻烦;出事”;have no / some / any trouble in doing sth.意为“做某事没有 / 有 些困难”。put sb. to the trouble

14、意为“给某人造成麻烦”;take (the / some / much) trouble to do sth.意为“不辞劳 苦做某事”。例如: He got into trouble when he was on his way back home. We had no trouble in finding his house. She has some trouble in speaking English. I just didnt wish to put you to the trouble of changing a large note. Its good of you to tak

15、e the trouble to help me. III. 【单元热点语法】 倒装倒装 一. 全部倒装的用法 1. 在以 there,here 开头,谓语一般为 be,come,go,exist 等的句子中要全部倒装。例如: There goes the bell. Here are some examples that you can refer to. There are two pens and a pencil on the desk. 2. 表示位置移动的副词 up,down,in,out,away,ahead,off 等位于句首时。例如: Out rushed a boy. Up

16、 went the airplane into the air. 来源:Zxxk.Com 3. 时间副词 then,now,thus 等位于句首,谓语为 be,come,go,seem,follow 等时。例如: Now comes my turn to answer questions. Then followed a heavy rain. 注:在以上三种情况中,如果句子的主语是人称代词,则句子不完全倒装。例如: In he came. Away they went. 4. 句首为表示地点的介词短语时。例如: On the wall hang two pictures. On both sides of the street were rows of houses. In the center of the square stands a monument. 二. 部分倒装的用法 1. 用于


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