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1、学 海 无 涯教学设计Unit 10 How can I improve my English?(Listening and Speaking)一、背景信息课题:Unit 10 How can I improve my English?(Listening and Speaking)类型:听说课教具:PPT、黑板、信封、学材等教师:时间:2015年10月27日二、 教学分析1. 教学内容本课时系教材英语1(基础模块 高教版)第十单元How can I improve my English?的Listening and speaking部分。具体内容为:有关谈论英语学习中的各种困难及学习建议的词

2、汇、句型,以及相关的对话。这本单元的话题是如何提高英语学习。对于学生来说,英语学习非常重要,所以学生们会比较感兴趣,能积极参与探讨英语学习中存在的问题,如何解决这些问题,从而获得更好的促进英语提升的方法。2. 教学重点、难点:(1)教学重点听懂并掌握有关谈论英语学习中的各种困难及建议的词汇、句型。(2)教学难点运用有关谈论英语学习中的各种困难及建议的词汇、句型。三、 教学目标1. 知识目标(1)掌握与英语学习有关的词汇:forget; understand; difficult; shy; pronunciation; remember; memorize; be poor at; not g

3、ood at; ask sb. to; etc. (2)掌握表达英语学习困难和提出建议的句型: ProblemsI cant understand /read/ remember I find it difficult to I feel too to Im poor atI often forgetIm not good at Ask for adviceWhat can I do? Can you give me some advice? AdviceYou may/canYou should/need to2. 能力目标:(1)学生能听懂有关英语学习中的各种困难及建议的对话。(2)能够运

4、用相关词汇和句式谈论英语学习中的各种困难,并提出建议。3. 情感目标:能够反思自己的英语学习情况,培养学生在提高英语上有积极主动的学习态度,并积极探究适合自己的学习方法,从而促成英语学习上的提升;能够淡然面对英语学习中的困难,并主动寻求解决办法,享受英语学习。四、 教学步骤Step One Lead-in 1. Greeting Greet students and get them ready for learning.2. 1) Listen and think Are you familiar with the broadcast? 2) Look and thinkDid you ma

5、ke a mistake?3. Think What can we learn?(设计意图:利用学生熟悉的自动扶梯安全提示和公交车广播以及不认识英语闹出的笑话,引出英语在生活中的普遍性和重要性,贴近学生生活,激发学生学习兴趣。)Step Two Pre-listening1. Present the result of a survey about students situation in English learning.(设计意图:呈现关于学生英语学习现状调查的结果,引起学生共鸣,为下一步找出学生英语学习中存在的六个主要困难做铺垫。)2. Guide students to find o

6、ut the six problems in English learning.(设计意图:通过图片的提示引导学生发现英语学习中的困难,有助于活跃学生思维,激发学生的参与热情,集中学生精力。)3. Practice Whats your problem?(设计意图:通过教读、反复读让学生熟悉、掌握英语学习的困难,为学生能听懂听力中英语学习的困难做铺垫;再通过询问学生的困难,让学生发现自己的困难,也让学生练习这六个主要困难。)4. Discuss in groups and give advice to the problems.(设计意图:小组讨论英语学习的困难的解决方法,利于培养学生的小组合

7、作能力;教师以信封的形式提供一些建议,增加学生的新奇感;也为学生能听懂听力中的建议做铺垫。)Step Three While-listening 1. Listen, tick and match Listen to the dialogue and tick the callers problem, and then match the problem with Prof Learnings advice.2. Listen and check Listen again and check the answer. 3. Listen, tick and match Listen to ano

8、ther dialogue and tick the callers problem, and then match the problem with Prof Learnings advice.4. Listen and check Listen again and check the answer. (设计意图:将原对话分成两个对话练习,降低难度,训练学生在听力过程中抓关键句的能力;听后为学生呈现听力原文,解决学生听力过程中的遇到的问题,并核对答案,再次展现重要句型。)5. Listen and underline Listen to the dialogue and underline

9、the words and sentences talking about problems and advice.(设计意图: 边听边选出重点句型,再次巩固英语学习的困难和建议的句型,为后面的练习做铺垫。)Step Four Post-listening1. Repeat.1) Read the dialogue after the teacher.2) Read the dialogue by yourselves.3) Role play. Group One and Two read what Prof Learning says and Group Three and Group F

10、our read what the caller says.(设计意图: 跟读让学生注意自己的发音;自己读让学生熟悉关于询问英语学习困难及提出建议的句型;角色扮演阅读对话丰富课堂教学,为后面的语言输出做铺垫。)2. Practice and act 1) Work in pairs to practice the following dialogue. A: Hi! Whats your problem?B: Im poor at/ I cant _. Can you give me _?/ What can I do? A: You should/need to/may/can _. B:

11、OK. Ill try. Thanks a lot.A: Youre welcome. 2) Act it out.(设计意图: 要求学生利用教材提供的词汇和句型进行对话练习,帮助学生巩固所学的语言知识,掌握有关谈论英语学习中的各种困难及建议的词汇、句型。)Step Five SummaryKey Sentences: ProblemsI cant understand /read/ remember I find it difficult to I feel too to Im poor atI often forgetIm not good at Ask for adviceWhat ca

12、n I do? Can you give me some advice? AdviceYou may/canYou should/need to Make a short summary of what weve learned today. Key vocabulary and phrases: forget; understand; difficult; shy; pronunciation; remember; memorize; be poor at; not good at; ask sb. to; etc. (设计意图:通过小组工作总结反馈教学信息,了解学生对本课重点的掌握情况,并

13、同时对本课时所学的做个小结。)Step Six Homework1. Write an e-mail to me () about your problems in English learning.2. Tang Hua is a vocational school student, and her major is Telecommunication Operation and Service (通信运营服务). She wants to a telephone operator (话务员), but she is poor at speaking English. Can you giv

14、e her some advice?(设计意图:通过写邮件的形式发送学生英语学习中的困难,既帮助学生反思自己的学习问题,又实现信息化,贴近学生生活;为本专业同学的学习困难提建议,既体现专业特色,贴近学生学习,又可以帮助学生巩固知识,还可以培养学生助人为乐的品质。)五、板书设计Unit10 How can I improve my English?ProblemsI cant understand /read/ remember I find it difficult to I feel too to Im poor atI often forgetIm not good atAsk for adviceWhat can I do?Can you give me some advice?AdviceYou may/canYou should/need to



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