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1、(汽车行业)环保节能型汽 车购买影响因素分析最终版 本 II 环保节能型汽车购买影响因素分析 摘 要 “节能环保”是全球发展的永恒主题。环保节能型汽车正是以小排量,污染小,甚至 达到无污染为目标,平衡了发展与环保之间的问题。它必将成为未来汽车发展的主流, 但受传统消费习惯的影响使用比例仍然偏低。报告以南京市消费者购买环保节能型汽车 影响因素的问卷结果为依据,首先进行描述性分析,了解消费者能接受的环保节能型汽 车价位与收入的关系、消费者了解此汽车的媒体途径及对环保节能型汽车所关注和担心 的问题;其次通过对“环保意识” 、 “经济感知” 、 “价格敏感度” 、 “质量感知” 、 “形象感 知”和“

2、风险感知”这六个方面构建了模型并提出研究假设,通过对调查数据进行探索 性因子分析和线性回归分析来验证假设模型,以了解消费者购买环保节能型汽车的影响 因素。通过这次调研,帮助汽车产业根据消费者的心理及购买环保节能型汽车的影响因 素进行生产规划和营销策略整合,使环保节能型汽车能广泛地被消费者所接受,从而达 到整个产业健康和可持续发展,为落实国家能源发展战略,加快建设资源节约型和环境 友好型社会做出努力。 关键词:环保节能型汽车 影响因素 营销启示 The analysis of the factors of the energy-saving auto Abstract “Energy conse

3、rvation and environmental protection” is an eternal theme in global development. Environmental energy-efficient cars with low emissions, pollution is small, even to pollution-free as the goal, balance between development and environmental protection. It will become the mainstream of the future, but

4、the car development by the influence of traditional consumption habits use ratio is still low. Report to Nanjing consumers purchase environment friendly automobile influence factors based on the questionnaire result descriptive analysis, first of all, understand consumers can accept of environmental

5、 protection energy-saving auto price and income, the relations between consumers understand this car for environmental protection ways and the media attention and worry about saving the car; Second through the “environmental protection consciousness”, “economic perception”, “price sensitivity”, “qua

6、lity perception”, “image perception” and “risk perception” these six aspects constructs the model and propose the research hypotheses, through to the survey data exploratory factor analysis and linear regression analysis to verify hypothesis model, in order to understand the environment friendly car

7、 consumers to buy influence factors. Through this research, help the car industry according to consumer psychology and environment friendly car purchase the influence factors of production planning and marketing strategy, make the environment friendly car integration can be widely accepted by consum

8、ers, so as to achieve the entire industry healthy and sustainable development, and to carry out the national energy development strategy, speed up the construction of the resource conservation and environment. Key words: energy-saving auto; Influencing factors; Marketing enlightenment IV 目 录 摘 要. AB

9、STRACT. 第一章 导论.1 1.1 研究背景 .1 1.2 研究意义.1 1.3 研究或解决的问题.1 1.4 研究手段及研究方法.2 第二章 环保节能型汽车与消费者行为的基本理论研究.4 2.1 环保节能型汽车及相关理论简述.4 2.2 消费者行为及相关理论简述.4 2.3 环保节能型汽车购买行为理论综述.7 第三章 概念模型及研究设计.9 3.1 模型构建与研究假设.9 3.2 研究设计与样本收集.11 3.3 信度分析 .13 第四章 环保节能型汽车购买影响因素分析和研究结论.14 4.1 描述性分析.14 4.2 探索性因子分析.15 4.3 线性回归分析.17 4.4 分析结论 .18 第五章 促进环保节能型汽车购买的对策研究.20 5.1 从政府的角度解决.



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