九年级英语下册 Module 9 English for you and me综合教案 外研版.doc

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1、课题Module 9 English for you and me Unit 1 Im proud of what Ive learnt 教 学 目 标德育目标: Help the students learn how to talk about the progress they made in their language studying知识目标:Attributive clause joined by that , who, which, whosealthough, even though引导的让步状语从句, because引导的原因状语从句, until引导的时间状语从句能力目标:

2、Enable students to listen to and talk about the progress they made in their language studying. 重点Vocabulary : achieve bright handwriting level certain however no matter wherever fairly Key structures Im proud of what Ive learnt.Its the subject that Im best at, although my handwriting could be better

3、.I just hope I can continue to make progress next year. , although its a language which looks simpler than it actually is.But its good to meet other people who want to learn English.No matter how their English isGrammar: Attributive clause joined by that , who, which, whose难点Attributive clause joine

4、d by that , who, which, whose课型Listening and speaking教法PWP approachStepWarming up and lead-inTalk about the picture, and then answer the following questions: 1. What are the people doing? 2. Where are they? 3. Have you ever been to a meeting like this?After a few minutes, ask some students to answer

5、 them.Step Listening and readingAsk students to listen to the dialogue and then answer the questions.ListeningT: First please read the words and the questions in Activity 2. The sample answers to Activity 4:BettyLinglingEnglish corners are for people with a low level of English.English is a simple l

6、anguageChinese may be more popular than English in the future.English is spoken all over the worldTo speak a language, you need to work hard.You have to be bright to speak English.English is my favorite lesson at schoolIts good to practice even if the other person is better than you are at English.R

7、eadingread the dialogue individually hen ask some students to speak out their answers. Language points:1. I think I have achieved a lot, and I am proud of what Ive learnt. achieve: gain or reach something usually by effort, skill, courage. (通常借努力、技巧、勇气等)获得或达到(某事物)。2. How much progress in English do

8、you think you have made this year?make progress: advance or development, esp. towards a better state. 取得进步,进展、发展。3. Although my handwriting could be better. handwriting: something written by hand 书写4. You mean, those clubs where you go to practice your English.practice: do something repeatedly or re

9、gularly in order to improve ones skill. 练习,实习。 5. Learning a foreign language requires a certain effort, however easy it is.effort:use of (much) strength and energy to do something. (做某事物使用的)力量和精力。 6. Although its a language which looks simpler than it actually is.Simple: easily done or understood.

10、简单的Grammar Points状语从句用一个句子(从句)来作另一个句子(主句)的状语, 用作状语的句子就叫作状语从句。作什么样的状语就叫什么类型的状语从句。例如:条件状语从句就是用一个句子来作条件状语。二. 状语从句的分类及连词1). 时间状语从句连词: when, before, after, until, as soon as, as, while 等。 2). 条件状语从句连词: if3). 地点状语从句: 常用where(哪里)和wherever(无论哪里)引导。4). 原因状语从句: 常用的引导连词有because, as和since,三者的区别是:在回答问题的时候,使用beca

11、use;对于显而易见的原因,常用as或since。as和since的从句常放在主句之前,而because的从句常放在主句之后。 5). 目的状语从句: 常用的引导连词有so that, that和in order that 译为:以便, 为了, 目的是。6)让步状语从句:although, though7)比较状语从句: than; as8)结果状语从句: sothat;suchthatThe Attributive Clause定语从句 定语从句的概念 用作定语的从句叫做定语从句。定语从句通常置于它所修饰的名词(或代词)之后,这种名词(或代词)叫做先行词。引导定语从句的关联词为关系代词和关系

12、副词。关系代词(who,whom, whose,that,which等)在定语从句中可用作主语、定语、宾语等;关系副词(when,where,why等)在定语从句中只用作状语。II. 关系代词先行词关系代词用:在定从中充当的成分人who主 / 宾whom宾人/物that主/宾物which主/宾人/物whose=of whom/which定语II. 关系副词先行词关系副词用:在定从中充当的成分时间名词when =at/in/on which时间状语地点名词where =at/in/on which地点状语 原因名词why =for which原因状语Step Pair work Step Pro

13、nunciation and speakingPronunciation Ask students to listen to and then read the passage in Activity 7. SpeakingT: Its time to show you to everyone. According to Activity 9, you should work in pairs, talking about your progress in English vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking, reading and writing

14、. You can turn to the answers to Activity 6.Step Homework 1.Ask students to learn the vocabulary and key sentences by heart.2. Ask students to make a dialogue about the progress in their English studying.课题Module 9 English for you and meUnit 2 We all own English 教 学 目 标德育目标:To know the importance of

15、 learning English 知识目标: a. Words & phrases生词和短语own, everyday, tourism, quarter, recent, typhoon, importance, Indian, in place ofb. Key sentences重点句子 Until English became important in the 20th century, people who had any education spoke French. More and more schools in Europe are teaching Chinese as a foreign language, in place of other European languages.



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