基于Swift的 iOS8 的程序设计开发 毕业设计

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《基于Swift的 iOS8 的程序设计开发 毕业设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《基于Swift的 iOS8 的程序设计开发 毕业设计(55页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、本科毕业设计(论文)FINAL PROJECT/THESIS OF UNDERGRADUATE(2015届)基于ios8的app开发The App Development Based On IOS8学院光电信息与计算机工程学院专业通信工程学生姓名吴沛林学号指导教师苏胜君 讲师完成日期2015年05月30日承诺书本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业论文“基于ios8的app开发”是在苏胜君导师的指导下,严格按照学校和学院的有关规定由本人独立完成。文中所引用的观点和参考资料均已标注并加以注释。论文研究过程中不存在抄袭他人研究成果和伪造相关数据等行为。如若出现任何侵犯他人知识产权等问题,本人愿意承担相关法律责

2、任。承诺人(签名):_日期: 年 月 日摘 要在现有的移动应用开发平台中,IOS作为一个最为成熟的应用平台。它以在程序的初期的开发规范性,开发过程中使用的开发工具的易用性,程序发布到应用市场的人工审核的严格性著称。这些对于生产出一个有着良好用户体验的应用有着很大的帮助。相对于混乱的安卓市场的不同屏幕的适配问题和众多系统版本的兼容问题。基于IOS的开发则不用考虑这些,程序员能把主要的精力用于程序内部逻辑的设计和用户交互设计。IOS平台在众多的开发者的努力下,在Github上有着丰富的第三方库,这些将大大减小开发过程中的难度。本次程序设计的选择的开发方向是一款社交类的app。现在市面上的社交类ap


4、C作为一个有着10年历史的编程语言,技术的沉淀和架构的稳定是不容置疑的。但是Swift作为苹果公司发布的新一代编程语言,在旧语言成功的经验中总结和升级了众多的先进设计理念和更严格的语法规范,融合了多个主流高级语言的特性为一身的工业级编程语言。因此选择了Swift开发为主Object-C语言为辅的混合编程模式,用Swift语言的优秀框架和Object-C语言的丰富的库,来完成本次应用的开发。关键词:ios8 ,Swift ,Object-C ,app开发,聊天,交友ABSTRACTIn the existing mobile application development platform, I

5、OS as one of the most mature application platform. It rigor in the development of standardization and development process in development tools ease the initial program, the program published to review the application and the labor market known. Those for the production of a good user experience with

6、 the application of great help. With respect to adaptation issues Andrews market confusion and many different screen system version compatibility issues. IOS-based development is not taken into account, the programmer can program the main focus for the internal logic of the design and user interacti

7、on design. IOS platform in the efforts of many developers, rich third-party libraries, it will greatly reduce the difficulty of the development process.This time the choice is a social class app, and now a wide range of social class app, each with its own focus. But the focus within the school and t

8、he alumni of mutual app, is still in an early stage, a variety of business and are still in a frame design based on the prototype. After a careful consideration, determined basic functions: 1 chat software with timely online publishing systems peer support requests, you can publish, acceptance, revo

9、cation and rejected tasks; 2 Release history Manager, you can centrally manage has been released. and acceptance of assistance; 3. gift exchange module, you can use the points earned for participation in exchange for gifts; 4. individual centers, some basic information about the modification, includ

10、ing the head of the modification and upload server. Integrated push features, including push information to different treatment.Swift as the current IOS developed one of the two programming languages, as opposed to Object-C, both of which are Apples own research and development of language. Object-C

11、 as a country with a 10-year-old programming language, precipitation and stabilization technology architecture is indisputable. But Swift as Apple released a new generation of programming languages, review and upgrade a number of advanced design concepts and more rigorous syntax specification in the

12、 successful experience of the old language, the integration of a number of major high-level language features as one of the industry-level programming language. So choose the Swift development-oriented Object-C language, supplemented by hybrid programming model, with a rich library of excellent fram

13、ework and Object-C language, the language of Swift, to the completion of the development and application.KEY WORDS: ios8 ,Swift ,Object-C ,App developing, Instant messaging, dating目 录摘要ABSTRACT承诺书3摘 要iABSTRACTii目 录iii第一章 绪论11.1Swift简介11.1.1 Swift的特点11.1.2Swift的应用范围31.2 软件主要功能模块51.2.1 即时通信51.2.2 第三方网

14、络通信库61.2.3 短信验证61.3 程序设计所使用的架构6第二章 程序运行功能和逻辑92.1 初始运行(欢迎界面)92.2 登录与注册122.2.1 登录(正常登录/密码找回)122.2.2 注册152.3 主界面模块172.3.1 同学互助172.3.2 我的帮助202.3.3 礼品兑换212.3.4 个人中心22第三章 第三方库的使用293.1 Object-C 库通用导入方式293.2 引用库 313.2.1 AFNetworking313.2.2 SDWebImage323.2.3 百度推送333.2.4 短信验证343.2.5 即时通讯35第四章 iOS开发证书申请和应用程序发布

15、374.1 证书申请374.2 应用发布38第五章 结论41参考文献43致 谢45第一章 绪论1.1 Swift简介 2014 - 6 - 3 WWDC 苹果2014年开发者大会发布,这是Swift语言首次面世 Swift是一种适用于iOS和OS X应用的全新编程语言,它建立在最好的C和Objective-C 语言之上,并且没有 C 语言的兼容性限制。Swift 采用安全的编程模式,增加了现代功能使编程更容易、更灵活、更有趣。Swift以成熟且备受宠爱的Cocoa和Cocoa Touch框架为 支撑,这是一个重新构想软件开发的机会。 Swift 经过了数年的酝酿,Apple 通过改进现有的编译器、调试器和框架结构奠定了Swift 的 基础,并通过 Automatic Reference Counting(ARC)简化了内存管理。Swift 的 framework stack 建立在坚实的 Foundation 和 Cocoa 基础之上,实现了现代化和彻底标准化。Objective-C 本身已经逐步发展到到支持 blocks


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