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1、ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 章章程程 OF 之之 CO., LTD. 有限公司有限公司 Date:【】【】, 日期:日期: 年年【】【】月月【】【】日日 At【】【】 地点:地点:【】【】 CHAPTER.I 第一章第一章 GENERAL PRINCIPLES 总则总则 Article.1 第 1 条 These Articles of Association of Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called the “Company”) are incorporated in accordance with the Laws of the Peoples

2、Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises and the detailed rules for the Implementation thereof, and other pertinent rules and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China (hereinafter called PRC). 根据中华人民共和国外资企业法及其实施细则,以及中华人民共和国(以下简称“中 国”)其它相关法律法规,制订 有限公司(以下简称“公司公司”)章程。 Article.2 第 2 条 2

3、.1The name of the Company in Chinese is and in English is . 公司的中文名称为【】有限公司, 英文名称为【】。 2.2The legal address of the Company is 【】, zip code【】. 公司的法定地址为中国 【】, 邮政编码:【】。 2 Article.3 第 3 条 5.1The Company is incorporated in accordance with the Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-Owned Ent

4、erprises and its detailed implementation rules, and other relevant rules and regulations of the PRC. 公司依照中华人民共和国外资企业法及其实施细则,以及中国其它相关法规和 规章成立。 5.2The Company has the status of a PRC legal person and is governed and protected by the laws of PRC. All activities of the Company shall be governed by the L

5、aw of the Peoples Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises and other laws, decrees, regulations, ordinance, of the PRC. 公司具有中国法人资格,受中国的法律管辖和保护。公司的所有活动应受中华人 民共和国外资企业法以及中国其它相关法律、法令、法规和条例的管辖。 CHAPTER.II 第二章第二章 SHAREHOLDER 股东股东 Article.4 第 4 条 The Company is established by XXX Limited (here

6、inafter called the Shareholder), and the Shareholder shall contribute 100% of the Companys registered capital. 3 公司由 XXX 有限公司(以下简称“股东股东”)独家投资设立,公司的注册资本全部(100%) 由股东认缴。 Article.5 第 5 条 5.1The Shareholder is a company incorporated under the laws with legal address at 【 】. 5.2为一家根据 法律合法设立的公司,其法定地址位于【 】。

7、 5.3The legal representative of the Shareholder is: 股东的法定代表人为: Name: XXX 姓名:XXX Title: _ _ 职务: Nationality: 【】 国籍: 【】 Article.6 第 6 条 The Shareholder is the highest power authority of the Company and shall decide all major issues regarding the Company. The Shareholder shall have the following powers

8、: 公司股东是最高权力机构,决定公司的所有重大问题。股东应行使下列职权: 4 (i)Appointing and replacing the directors and supervisors, and deciding on the matters relating to their remuneration; 指定和更换董事、监事,决定其报酬事项; (ii)Reviewing and approving the reports of the board of directors; 审议批准执行董事会的报告; (iii)Reviewing and approving the reports

9、of the supervisor; 审议批准监事的报告; (iv)Reviewing and approving the annual budget plans of the Company; 审议批准公司的年度财务预算方案; (v)Adopting resolutions regarding increases or reductions of the Companys registered capital; 对公司增加或者减少注册资本做出决议; (vi)Adopting resolutions regarding issuance of bonds; 对公司发行债券作出决议; (vii)

10、Adopting resolutions as to merger, division, dissolution, liquidation, or change in the Companys corporate form; 对公司合并、分立、解散、清算或者变更公司形式做出决议; (viii)Revising the Articles of Association of the Company; and 修改公司章程; (ix)Reviewing and approving profit distribution plans and loss recovery plans. 审议批准公司的利润

11、分配方案和弥补亏损方案。 CHAPTER.III 第三章第三章 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 组织形式组织形式 5 Article.7 第 7 条 The Company is organized as a limited liability company. The Company shall be liable for its debts and obligations with its own property and assets and the Companys creditors shall have no recourse to the Shareholder

12、 in respect of any debts of the Company. 公司的组织形式是有限责任公司。公司的责任仅限于其自有的财产和资产。公司的债权人 无权就公司的任何债务向股东追索。 Article.8 第 8 条 8.1The Shareholders liability to the Company is based on and limited to the registered capital subscribed by it. The Company shall be a limited liability corporation and legal person und

13、er the laws of PRC. The Shareholder shall be responsible to the Company within the limit of the capital subscribed by it as provided for in Chapter V of these Articles. The creditors of the Company shall have claims against the assets of the Company only and shall not have any right to claim against

14、 the Shareholder, members of the board of directors, officers, or employees for damages or compensation. The Shareholder is not liable for any indebtedness, obligation or liability of the Company of whatever nature or howsoever incurred. 股东对公司的责任以其认缴的公司注册资本额为限。公司为中国法律项下的有限责 任公司和法人。股东以其按照本章程第五章认缴的出资额

15、为限对公司承担责任。公 司债权人仅对公司财产享有债券,而无权要求股东、董事、高级管理人员或员工承 担违约金或赔偿金。股东不对公司的任何债务、义务或负债承担责任,无论这些债 务是何种性质或者因何种原因产生。 8.2All profits made by the Company shall belong to the Company, but the Shareholder is entitled to distributions in accordance with PRC law and accounting requirements. 公司的所有利润归公司所有,但是股东有权按照中国法律和会计要求进行分配。 6 CHAPTER.IV 第四章第四章 PURPOSE, SCOPE AND SCALE OF BUSINESS 经营宗旨、范围与规模经营宗旨、范围与规模 Article.9 第 9 条 The purpose of the Company is to benefit the Shareholder economically, and to promote the economy development of the city of Beijing. 公司的宗旨是【公司和全体股东获得良好的经济效益


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