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1、Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,Craft Trainers Certificate,技能培训认证,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,2,Introduction导言 Why you have been selected to attend this program?为什么你会被选择来参加这个培训? What you want to learn throughout the program

2、to help you to be a better trainer?在这个培训中,你想通过学习哪些知识使你成为一个更优秀的培训员? 3. What training you will be expected to carry out when you return to your department?当你回到部门后,你将会实施哪些培训?,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,3,Need需求 Effective training skills are essential for all sup

3、ervisors and managers.着实有效的培训技能是所有主管和经理的必要素质之一。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,4,The Employee Lifecycle 员工的职业周期,5. Assessment - Training and Development:评估-培训和发展 DHs with potential to move into GM positions, will attend assessment and development programs.有可能成为 总

4、经理的部门主管会很留心计划的评估和发展,4. Performance Management:绩效管理 This is targeted at those who must manage other employees. They have to be competent in coaching, disciplining etc.主要针对于那些管理者 他们必须有管理和督导等等的能力,6. Succession Planning:继任计划 Setting and achieving goals to move on to the next step in their career. 设置和完成目

5、标从而进行下一步。,2. Communicating Expectations To Employees: 将期望传达给员工 Send out the right messages to all new employees.向所有新员工传递正确 的信息,Preparing The Organization组织 框架的准备: Ensuring management is competent in all aspects of bringing new staff into the hotel.确保通过管理可以很好的使新员 工融入酒店,3. Building Capability Training

6、 and Development:塑造能力-培训和发展 By assessing on the job needs we can assess further training the staff may require.通过评估工作需求,我们可 以评估下一步的培训需求。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,5,Range范围 Program Outline培训纲要 Day 1: Introduction导言 Benefits of training培训的益处 Identifying learn

7、ing needs识别学习需求 Organising the training content组织培训内容 First practice session第一次练习 Learning preferences学习偏好,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,6,Range范围 Program Outline培训纲要 Day 2: Gaining attention吸引注意力 Breakdown分步讲解 Questions问题 Check检查 Second practice session第二次练习 Co

8、rrective coaching纠正指导 Training systems and resources培训体系及资源,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,7,Range范围 Program Outline培训纲要 Day 3: (Optional may be conducted back in the workplace.可选-或可在实际培训中进行) Third practice session第三次练习 Assessment评估,Copyright 2006, InterContinent

9、al Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,8,Domestics Breaks休息 Smoking吸烟 Bathrooms洗手间 Emergency procedures紧急情况 Workbooks讲义 Feel free to utilize these in the way that suits you best. 可以适合你的任何方式使用它。 Lots of fun!享受你的培训!,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,9,Objectives目标 Iden

10、tify Training & Development requirements for team members in your department.识别你的团队成员的培训和发展要求。 Design and carry out a short piece of on-the-job training to meet these needs.设计和实施一个简短的培训来迎合这些需求。 Evaluate the effectiveness of the training.评估培训的效果。 Develop opportunities to build organizational capabili

11、ty for the future.为将来塑造组织能力创造机会。 Coach team members in the development of their skills.指导团队成员发展他们的技能。 Carry out corrective coaching to ensure the standards are maintained.进行纠正指导确保工作标准的实施。 Choose training resources and systems to support your departments training.选择培训资源和系统来支持你们的部门培训。,Copyright 2006,

12、InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,Module 2 第二章 Benefits Of Training 培训的益处,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,11,Benefits Of Training培训的益处 Objectives目标 Establish a definition of training.确定培训的定义。 Explain who benefits from training and what the specif

13、ic benefits are.解释谁会从培训中得益和得到了哪些益处。 Describe some of the barriers that prevent us from training.简述一些阻碍我们进行培训的困难。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,12,What Is Training?什么是培训? To bring a person to a desired state or standard through instruction or practice.通过指导和练习使之达到

14、期望的状态或标准。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,13,What Type Of Employees Need Training?哪些员工需要培训? New employees (On Boarding).新员工(刚入职)。 Transferring to another department (New knowledge).调至另一部门(新知识)。 Promotion (New knowledge).提升(新知识)。 When standards have dropped (Correc

15、tive).无法达到工作标准(纠正)。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,14,Who Benefits From Training?谁从培训中受益? Trainees/Employees员工 Trainers/Supervisors培训员/主管 Guest顾客 Hotel酒店,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,15,Who Benefits From Training?谁从培训中受益? Tr

16、ainees/Employees员工 Increased job satisfaction.提高工作满意度。 Greater safety.工作安全。 Work more efficiently.提高效率。 Career advancement.职业发展。 Greater confidence.提高自信。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Group. All Rights Reserved.,16,Who Benefits From Training?谁从培训中受益? Trainer/Supervisor培训员/主管 Delegate more tasks.委派更多的任务。 Less complaints.更少的抱怨。 Increases team morale.提高团队士气。 Less time spent checking on employees.节省检查员工的时间。,Copyright 2006, InterContinental Hotels Gr


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