人教版高中英语必修三第二单元阅读课教学设计:B3U2 Healthy eating.doc

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1、Book3 Unit2 Healthy eatingPeriod 5 Using Language课型新授课授课教师教学目标知识与技能目标学生理解听力和阅读内容,并能够简单的用英文输出所学内容。过程与方法目标1. 在听力过程中锻炼提取关键信息的能力。2. 提高学生略读、找读等能力,即形成快速获取信息和处理信息的能力。3. 增强学生的语言表达能力和英语思维能力。情感态度价值观目标通过小组合作,加强学生的合作意识。让学生明白健康饮食的重要性。教学重点1. 训练学生的听力技巧。2. 让学生理解第二篇故事。教学难点1. 运用不同策略激发学生的听力兴趣。2. 引导学生用英语表述自己观点。教材分析本单元语


3、和兴趣联系起来。通过任务型课堂活动和学习,学生的学习自主性得到加强,不再认为英语的课堂学习很枯燥,主动参与到活动中去,成为课堂的主体,同时也加强了与他人交流合作的能力。课前准备阅读与饮食有关的材料,课前简单介绍与饮食有关的知识。教学流程Step1 lead inStudents review what they have learnt during last lass.Step2 listening Before listening, have students read three new words.1. First-listeningTo grasp a whole understand

4、ing of the material, listen to the whole dialogue between Wang Peng and an expert. Write down the main idea of the dialogue. Train students ability to summarize a listening material.Suggested answer: Unbalanced diet affect healthIn case that students can not summarize the main idea by themselves, th

5、e teacher has a back-up to provide students with some clues.2. Second-listeningListen to the tape again and join the names of the illnesses to their causes, to train students quick response between foods and which kind they belong to.Suggested answer:Scurvy: not enough vitamin CRickets: not enough p

6、rotein and vitamin DObesity: too much rice, noodles3. Third-listening Listen to the material and get the meaning of those illnesses. Train students ability to get key words.Suggested answer:obesity: this means your are too fatrickets: didnt grow straight legsscurvy: teeth fell out, spots on skin4. P

7、ost-listeningAccording to the listening, tell Wang Peng and Yong Hui of what illnesses their customers may get and what they can do with the problem. Suggested answer:Wang peng;obesity,scurvy;more fruit and vegetablesYong Hui; rickets; more meat, fish, cheese and eggs as well as rice and noodles. St

8、ep3 reading 1. Pre-reading Students guess what happened to Wang Peng and Yong Hui and why it happened.Suggested answer: they got married. Business cooperation leaded to their marriage2. 2. While-reading1)Students read it quickly to check whether their guesses are right.Suggested answer: the competit

9、ion between Wang Peng and Yong Hui resulted in a successful cooperation in business because they combined menus and provided a balanced one. At last they got married happily.2)Students read it carefully and judge the statements true or false in part 2, and answer the questions in part 3. (1)Wang Pen

10、g could earn his living, but he would be in debt. (2)Yong Hui thought Wang Peng spied on her menu. (3)Yong Hui didnt like the food in Wang Pengs restaurant. (4)Wang Peng would miss his dumplings and fatty pork even if in his own restaurant.Suggested answer:(1)F(2)T(3)F(4)T (1) How did Yong Hui feel

11、when she came to Wang Pengs restaurant? Why? (2) How did they solve their problems and become good friends?Suggested answers: (1)She felt angry because she thought Wang Peng had come into her restaurant to spy on her. (2)A. Wang Peng showed that he wanted to cooperate and not compete with Yong Hui.B

12、. They succeeded in finding a menu that provided a balanced menu.3. Post-readingIn groups discuss what they have learnt from Wang Peng and Yong Hui when facing difficulties.Suggested answer:They have an positive attitude towards difficulties. Instead of fearing and giving up, they turn to experts fo

13、r help and work hard together to overcome difficulties. The enemies are not forever. Learning to turn an enemy into a friend is a good way to grasp win-win strategy.Step4 speakingGroup discussion: if they have a chance, as a group, to open their own restaurant, what would it be like? This is an open

14、 question, students would be allowed to say whatever they have thought of.板书设计 Unit 2 Healthy eating Period 5 Using languageListening: consultation Reading: cooperationSpeaking:作业布置Students write a passage about 150 words according to what they have discussed.教学反思自我反思并结合评委给出的评论进行如下总结缺点:1. 板书的字不好看,而且

15、板书写的太轻。2. 口语表达不流畅,一些地方有错误;发音不精准不优美。3. 指令应该更清晰更简洁,语速应该快慢结合 有停顿。4. 老师的话不该多,应该把说话的机会多留给学生。5. 下课时间记忆有误差,课堂时间有待加强。6. 站姿不端正,音量不够大,气场不强。音量在402这样大的教室里应该比平时更大一些。7. 准备不够充分不够用心,导致幻灯片放映没有达到预期效果。8. 组织小组讨论,应该让学生用英语进行讨论。9. 需要思考的一个问题:小组探究如何更合作化、更有效化。10. 评课时学到的内容:一堂课最好的效果是融为一体,不要让每个环节分离割裂。而很多时候不能融为一体并不是设计问题,而是在于过渡语言是否过渡的恰当。优点:1. 课前对学生的预测多样,方法和题目有备胎,这点很重要。也就是在设计时预测到学生的多种反应可能,并针对各种可能性做好准备。2. 要先有教学设计再有导纲和教学课件,这是最合理的程序,在这点上 这次感觉很受益。


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